Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 133 You don’t need skills, but you can’t live without them


Murphy was stunned for a moment, then looked Wang Yuan up and down.

A level 20 necromancer… what can a guy like an ant see.

Then he nodded and said, "Since it is someone sent by Teacher St. Peter, I should cooperate."

As he said that, Murphy turned around, lifted up his sacrificial robe, and revealed the wound on his back.

"It's so white!"

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Seeing Murphy's snow-white back, Dahai Wuliang couldn't help but sigh, and even wanted to reach out and touch it, but he still took it back.

Wang Yuan, Wang Yujie: "…"

This elder sister is crazy about flowers at all times.

Murphy's wound was on his lower back, which had become dark at this time, which was extremely different from his skin color.

For some reason, Wang Yuan could vaguely see a trace of black breath.

"What a strange smell!"

Wang Yujie also frowned.

"Now! Hold him down!"

However, at this moment, Chun Ge suddenly shouted and gave Da Bai and Xiao Bai an order.

Although Da Bai and Xiao Bai didn't know why Chun Ge gave them orders, they also knew that Chun Ge would never do anything without confidence, so they rushed forward without thinking and pressed Murphy to the ground one by one.

"What do you want to do!!!"

Murphy was shocked!

Wang Yuan was also shocked.

Wang Yujie and Dahai Wuliang looked at Wang Yuan in horror, wondering what Wang Yuan would do next.

At the same time, Chun Ge had already rushed forward, and the index and middle fingers of his left hand were together, making a sword finger and scratching the wooden sword in his right hand!


With a strange sound, the wooden sword in Chun Ge's hand was wrapped in a holy light.

Then Chun Ge grabbed the hilt with both hands and stabbed Murphy's wound from top to bottom.

There was a sound of "Puchi!".

The wooden sword in Chun Ge's hand seemed to have stabbed into tofu, and it penetrated Murphy's wound without any hindrance, all the way to the handle.


Murphy looked up to the sky and let out a tragic roar.

"Oh no! Someone robbed the pharmacy!!"

The players in the alchemy workshop were terrified when they saw this scene, and they all fled in all directions.

Wang Yuan and his friends also took out their weapons.

"Asshole! How dare you hurt me!!"

At this time, Murphy shouted loudly, and his voice changed.

The previous voice can't be said to be gentle and moving, but it makes people want to get close to it.

The sound at this time is indeed like metal friction, and everyone who heard it felt numb.

In the roar, Murphy stood up straight from the ground with a sudden force, and Dabai was directly bounced out.

As strong as Xiaobai was, he was also thrown back several steps.

After getting up, Murphy swung his right hand and rushed to Chun Ge's face with a knife.


A flash of blood floated up, and Chun Ge's head was cut in half.

"Chun Ge!"

Wang Yuan's face turned pale when he saw Chun Ge being killed.

Although Chun Ge was a newly summoned skeleton, he was not very friendly to him, and he was indifferent and wanted to kill him, but he was a skeleton he raised after all, and he was a skeleton known for being greedy for life and afraid of death. As a result, he was beheaded by the BOSS at the first sight. Wang Yuan was shocked.


But the next moment, Wang Yuan suddenly had a question mark on his head.

That's not right, isn't Chun Ge a skeleton soldier? It stands to reason that when he died, he would turn into a pile of bones, so why did he start bleeding?


Just when Wang Yuan was puzzled, the blood that burst out of Chun Ge's head fell on Murphy.

As the blood fell on his body, Murphy's body was like being broken by sulfuric acid, and bursts of green smoke came out, and the light smoke dissipated to reveal his dark brown skin.

"Hey, monster! Master Chun's black dog blood tastes good, right?"

Not far in front of Murphy, Brother Chun showed up.

"Black dog blood..."

Wang Yuan was a little dazed.

Is this guy a proper priest? Why did he even use this thing?

"Oh, Brother Niu! Your skeleton can also clone?!" Dahai Wuliang pointed at Brother Chun in surprise

"It's a substitute talisman!" Wang Yuan corrected.

Wang Yuan checked the battle log and found that Brother Chun had just used the prop "Substitute Talisman".

"Monster! Hurry up and show your true form!!" Brother Chun's left hand swept across the peach wood sword again, and the peach wood sword was blessed with holy light again.

Also, Brother Chun's holy light is obviously more real.

Everyone felt the difference at this time.

Murphy's holy light is too peaceful and pure, and even gives people a "false" illusion, which is completely different from Brother Chun's approachable feeling.


Brother Chun is just afraid of death, but he is not incompetent!

Otherwise, he would not have become the Pope's disciple and the chief priest of the Church of Light in the future world.

I dare not say anything else, but he is definitely the most professional in exorcising demons!

As soon as he entered the door, Chun Ge sensed the dangerous breath of the holy light on Murphy's body.

When Murphy was tricked by Wang Yuan to lift his clothes and reveal his wound, Chun Ge saw the breath of the demon clan emanating from Murphy's wound.

That's right, the black air that Wang Yuan saw was exactly what Chun Ge perceived.

As a necromancer, Wang Yuan can share six senses with the undead, and the most commonly used one is vision.

So Chun Ge didn't think twice and immediately rushed forward to shoot a sword of holy light into Murphy's body, sealing Murphy's ability to use holy light. Then he used the substitute talisman to sprinkle black dog blood and broke Murphy's holy light.

At the same time, Wang Yuan and Da Bai saw the strength of this veteran professional.

"Is this the strength of the Grand Priest of the Church of Light?"

"Chun... Is Uncle Chun so fierce?"

"Nimma! Uncle Chun is not only good at running for his life!!"

Seeing this scene, the soul fire in the eyes of Da Bai and the other two was about to fly out.

You know, Chun Ge will be a famous Chun Paopao in the future, a cowardly person, a clergyman known for saving his life, and I don't know how many people sneer at him.

The reason why young people like him is entirely because doing tasks with him may not complete the tasks, but they can definitely guarantee their lives.

Over time, everyone thought that Chun Ge was just a good loser who was good at running away.

And seeing Chun Ge so fierce at this time, the cognition of several people was directly subverted.

Especially Ma Saner, he also had some respect for Chun Ge.

He thought Chun Ge was a simple lecher like him, but he turned out to be so strong... Respect for the strong is the basic quality of future professionals.

You can do without skills, but you must not lack them...

"Hehehehe! Hahaha! Gahaha!"

Just when several skeletons were shocked by Chun Ge's strength, Murphy, who was covered with black dog blood and had his skin corroded, suddenly laughed strangely.

Then, a crack suddenly appeared on Murphy's back.


A pair of wings stretched out from the crack, and then Murphy's body was peeled off like a cicada, and a black monster tore Murphy's body and drilled out.

The monster exuded a black aura, with two goat horns on its forehead, horse hooves on its feet, and a pair of tattered black bat wings on its back.

"Hehe!" The monster grinned, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth: "As expected of someone sent by Saint Peter, I didn't expect you to really see through me!"

" are!!"

At this time, several skeletons said in horror in unison: "Mephisto!!!"

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