
Hearing what Saint Peter said, Wang Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Dahai Wuliang with admiration.

Dahai Wuliang also smiled at Wang Yuan.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

It must be said that Dahai Wuliang is indeed a very precise person, whether it is the control of timing during the battle or the problem now.

Her words directly hit the point.

Killing Wilson or getting rid of the enemies of the Holy See of Light, these are two concepts at all.

Because so far, no one knows whether Wilson is really innocent, even Saint Peter and Wang Yuan cannot confirm it.

So in other words, Wilson has a 50% chance of being wronged.

If Wilson is wronged, then Wang Yujie's mission target will not be Wilson.

It can't be a two-way mission with Wang Yuan.

If Wilson is wronged, then Murphy is very likely to be the demon who infiltrated the Holy See of Light in Wilson's mouth.

In this way, Wang Yujie's task is likely to be the same as Wang Yuan's.

This is the benefit of having a teammate with extremely accurate observation.

One question directly reversed the task characteristics and turned the original two-way task into another task.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Wang Yujie, the fool, obviously hasn't reacted to what's going on, and is confused.

Saint Peter carefully looked at Dahai Wuliang and said, "Elementalist! I was wrong. I didn't find you. What's your name?"

"Elementalist?" Wang Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard it.

It seems that this Dahai Wuliang is also a guy with a story.

Elementalist, although I don't know what hidden profession it is, I can feel it by hearing the name. It must have a strong perception of magic.

No wonder you can sense magic fluctuations in reality.

"My name is Dahai Wuliang!" Dahai Wuliang replied.

"Very good! I remember you!" Saint Peter nodded and said, "Okay, you go back, and that necromancer, I don't want to see you again in the temple!"

As he said that, Saint Peter suddenly disappeared.

The space where the three people were also shattered like glass. The scene changed, and Wang Yuan appeared on the street outside the temple.

Wang Yujie and Dahai Wuliang also walked out of the temple.


Wang Yuan was furious: "What the hell! You are pulling your horse over an NPC! Do you understand that the customer is the Jade Emperor? The player is the god! Who are you pretending to be! I want to enter the Temple of Light! What's your business? I will enter, I will enter, I will urinate at the door!"

Wang Yuan is actually quite calm and composed on weekdays. He is a very calm guy. It can't be said that he is not emotional, but he is also a scheming guy.

But for some reason, this Saint Peter always makes Wang Yuan angry.

Because Wang Yuan can feel that this old wall lamp is targeting him all the time.

It would be fine if he suddenly attacked me, but he also deliberately made things difficult for me in the mission, deliberately arranged for Wang Yujie and me to kill each other, and even said that he would not let Wang Yuan enter the Temple of Light when he left, and even threw me out.

Wang Yuan was so angry that he could not hold it back.


Seeing Wang Yuan like this, Wang Yujie and Dahai Wuliang stood side by side beside Wang Yuan, staring at Wang Yuan without saying a word.

"Why are you looking at me?" Wang Yuan was frightened by being looked at.


The two of them looked at the temple at the same time and signaled Wang Yuan to enter at will.

"Forget it, I won't argue with the old immortal. I still have to complete the mission. By the way, Miss Hai, where is Murphy?" Wang Yuan quickly changed the subject.

"No. 52 Hope Street!"

Dahai Wuliang gave the address accurately.

"Awesome, you know all this?" Wang Yuan was surprised.

"Who doesn't know about Holy Light City?" Dahai Wuliang said, "Murphy is a famous quest NPC in Holy Light City, and he often issues exploration quests to players in Holy Light City."

"Exploration quests..."

Wang Yuan narrowed his eyes.

Why would an NPC in Holy Light City issue exploration quests to players in Holy Light City?

This Murphy does seem to have a big problem.


After a while, Wang Yuan and the other two arrived at No. 52 Hope Street.

After arriving at the destination, Wang Yuan couldn't help but be distracted.

This is actually an alchemy shop, or a "drug shop". Many players in Holy Light City are coming in and out here, looking very busy.

Didn't they say that alchemists were expelled from the Church of Light?

How come the disciple of St. Peter is still an alchemist?

"Is this a drugstore?" Wang Yuan asked Dahai Wuliang.

"Yes! This is the only drugstore in Holy Light City." Dahai Wuliang said.

Wang Yuan: "..."

Could it be that this guy has something to do with the demise of the Alchemy Association?

Thinking, Wang Yuan walked into the alchemy shop, and saw a tall, handsome young man standing there smiling and welcoming the players who came to sell medicine.

This guy was handsome, and he was wearing a white priest robe, which gave people a feeling of holiness and inviolability.

Especially when he smiled, it was like a spring breeze.

Although Wang Yuan was a straight man, he felt a sense of closeness when he saw the guy in front of him.

No wonder Saint Peter trusted Murphy, his disciple, so much and didn't believe that he was a demon. If Wang Yuan hadn't been mentally prepared in advance, he wouldn't have doubted him at all.

"He is Murphy!" Dahai Wuliang pointed at the handsome guy in front of him, and then asked with stars in his eyes: "Is he handsome?"

This kid is good in everything, but he always loves to be a fangirl.

"Yes!" Wang Yuan nodded.

This cannot be denied. With Murphy's appearance, only the readers can be compared with him.

"Tsk! Little white face, no good heart." Wang Yujie looked disdainful.

"Oh! This girl is still good!"

Hearing Wang Yujie's words, Ma Saner on the side was very excited.

"That's right!" Chun Ge also echoed: "All handsome guys are our enemies! If there is no contradiction, we have to create contradictions and fight against him!"

"Damn it! Chun Ge, then am I your mortal enemy?" Ma Saner was shocked.

"Go to hell!" Chun Ge despised.

Wang Yuan also secretly guessed: "No wonder Chun Ge is so unfriendly to me, it turns out that he judges people by appearance."


"There is nothing wrong with the aura of this guy, he is a human, and he has sufficient light energy!"

After all, Dabai and Xiaobai are more serious and have begun to feel the aura of Murphy at the first time.

What surprised Wang Yuan was that Dabai did not sense the slightest demon aura on Murphy.

"I didn't notice it either..." Xiaobai also said: "It seems that the problem should be with Wilson."

"Is Wilson really an assassin?"

Hearing what Dabai and Xiaobai said, Wang Yuan began to waver.

After all, these two skeleton soldiers followed him from the beginning, and Wang Yuan had absolutely no conditions to inform them.

However, at this moment, Chun Ge suddenly sneered: "Don't you feel that in addition to the power of light, he also exudes a dangerous aura?"

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