"What the hell?"



"What the hell???"

As soon as Zuer said this, the eyes of Wang Yuan and the two skeletons fell on Zuer.

"This guy can sense us!"

"We won't be ground into bone meal by Brother Niu to make starch sausage."

"Fuck, damn! If I had known earlier, I would have kept a lower profile."

"What should we do? We still want to save the world? We won't just get killed, right?"

The voices of the two skeletons were trembling, and they were obviously very frightened.

As two reborn people, Dabai and Xiaobai only have two goals, which is to live well and save the world... What's more, Wang Yuan treats them well, and they are now very satisfied with their situation.

It would be really tragic if Wang Yuan canceled the summons or killed him because of Zul's words.

Of course, the most shocked person at this moment is Wang Yuan.

Naturally, he was not shocked that his two skeletons had souls, but was shocked that this guy Zul could detect his secret.

This guy is unfathomable.

No wonder he was called a legendary hero by two skeletons of later generations.

"You said...they have souls?" Wang Yuan asked, pretending not to understand.

"Yes, my child! I can feel the fluctuations of their souls." Zul said: "And the intensity is much higher than yours! It can be seen that they were also powerful warriors in their lifetime. If you do not have the ability to control them, you will suffer in the future. Backlash!"

"Brother Niu, Dad Niu, please don't listen to his tricks."

"Brother Niu, we are good brothers, how can we turn against you?"

The two skeletons glared at Zul. They had never hated this legendary hero as much as they did now.

"Doesn't that mean I am the protagonist in the legend?"

After hearing Zuer's words, Wang Yuan was not afraid. Instead, he pretended to be excited and shouted: "A real strong man must be different. He can summon a skeleton with a soul. I am indeed the best among men!"


Zuer was stunned for a moment and was shocked by Wang Yuan's thinking.

"As expected of Brother Niu! Still so shameless."

"This can all be connected to myself. He is really the best among people."

The two skeletons who had escaped from death breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and their favorable impression of Wang Yuan surged.

"So, compared to ordinary undead, you prefer undead with souls?" Zuer asked, staring at Wang Yuan.

"Yes! That's so cool!" Wang Yuan clenched his fists excitedly.

"very good!"

Hearing Wang Yuan's answer, Zur's originally serious expression suddenly relaxed: "You passed my first test! You are indeed the son of destiny chosen by Sage. Unlike those ordinary guys, you are A born necromancer."

Having said this, Zul continued: "I have devoted my life to the research of undead magic, and found that the strength of undead creatures is closely related to the strength of their souls. The more powerful the soul, the higher its growth potential, so I stay here Here, if you want to summon the undead with the soul of a warrior, for some reason, no matter how powerful the warrior is, they will return to nothingness after death, and their bodies cannot summon powerful souls. "

Wang Yuan: "..."

This old boy is fooling himself by co-writing it.

Fortunately, I had known for a long time that my two skeletons were different. If it had been someone else, he would have given up his martial arts skills after being fooled like this.

The dog system is so confusing! !

But according to Zul, it seems that he is also working on summoning the undead with souls, but has never succeeded.

"I feel like I have entered a misunderstanding. It should be a wrong choice to be obsessed with their bodies. I should try to lead their souls, but now I can't find a clue." Zul said to himself: "I heard that Thunderstorm Forest There is a bone altar in the depths, and there is a soul-inducing lamp on the altar. Can you get it for me? "

[System prompt: You have triggered the second link of the hidden job transfer mission "Leading the Soul", mission level A, mission content: retrieve the "Soul-Guiding Lamp". Mission reward: unknown. 】


Wang Yuan's head was full of black lines: "No, is it so troublesome to change jobs?"

Looking at the strategies on the forum, changing careers is very simple, just talk to the career mentor and then choose a career.

How do you get to where you are? You have to do a task, and it’s not a task, it’s a chain of tasks.

In the first round, Ya fooled herself into destroying the skeleton.

In the second round, Ya obviously tricked herself into dying.

The third ring may be more pitiful.

This big liar is just full of evil.

"You are different from ordinary people." Zul said calmly: "You are a destined person with a history of heroes. You are a dragon and a phoenix among men. I am willing to accept you as my direct disciple. Naturally, I have to give you many tests to see if you are good. Enough for this qualification.”

"Really?" Wang Yuan asked questioningly.

"You don't have to believe my words, but you have to believe that you are the best among men." Zul said firmly: "You can see from my serious expression that I won't lie."

"That's true! What you said makes sense. I also think that I must be the best among people." Wang Yuan nodded: "Before doing the task, you must learn some skills."

"Of course, you can take your pick."

Zur immediately opened his clothes enthusiastically. The clothes were covered with skill books, just like the people who sold them under the overpass in the past.

Wang Yuan spent twenty silver coins to learn the Necromancer's level 5 skill "Curse" and the level 10 skill "Resurrection".

[Curse]: Active skill, consumes 20 MP to cast a curse on the target. Within 60 seconds, all attributes of the target are reduced by 10%. The status cannot be superimposed. Cooldown time: None.

[Resurrection]: Active skill, consumes a corpse to replenish the health of the summoned unit. Cooldown time: None.

One debuff skill, one recovery skill.

The debuff skill is okay, it belongs to the dark curse magic, it can be cast by consuming magic, but the recovery skill is a bit tricky, it actually requires a corpse... Wang Yuan can see that the necromancer takes the summoning route, and corpses are indispensable consumables.

After learning the new skill, Wang Yuan spent another five silver coins to upgrade the summoned skeleton to level 2.

Summon Skeleton (LV2), active skill, consumes 10 magic points, revive the dead as skeleton warriors, and summon up to 3.

As the main skill of the necromancer, summoning skeletons can be said to be the most core skill.

The higher the skill level, the higher the grade of the summoned skeletons, and the greater the number.

However, the skill training method in "Dawn Breaking" is a bit tricky. Generally, you can learn from the instructor for the first three levels, but you have to rely on yourself to improve your proficiency after the third level.

For other professions, it is nothing more than consuming some mana to improve skills.

If you want to summon skeletons, I don’t know how many corpses you will consume.

No wonder those big guilds occupy the corpse refresh points, which are all training resources.

If you want to do your work well, you must first sharpen your tools. After leaving the cemetery, Wang Yuanyou came to the warrior camp and the magic tower, and bought the warrior's level 5 "heavy attack" and level 10 charge, as well as the mage's level 5 "fireball" and level 10 "resist fire ring" for two skeletons to learn.

After doing all this, Wang Yuan went straight out of the city.

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