Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 124: Meeting an old friend in a foreign land

"They... are your undead?"

Hearing Wang Yuan's words, Dahai Wuliang was stunned.

Looking at the skeleton soldiers in front of him, his face was full of disbelief.

Even if you haven't eaten pork, you have seen pigs run. Although necromancers are rare, they are at least one of the eight major professions. Dahai Wuliang has seen them.

Aren't the skeletons of necromancers just simple skeletons?

And the people behind Wang Yuan...

Each of them is wearing equipment, majestic and powerful. They don't look like skeleton soldiers, but more like a group of well-equipped masters.

If they are undead, doesn't it mean that Wang Yuan was the one who just wiped out Huaxia Long's group?


The disbelief on Dahai Wuliang's face turned into horror.

You know, in Dahai Wuliang's eyes, whether it is Wang Yuan or Dabai, their strength is above his own.

Now Wang Yuan told Dahai Wuliang that he was the only one who controlled it...

Good guy...

Daihai Wuliang was shocked at this time.

Although Dahai Wuliang is just a girl, she is quite proud of her ability to reach this level.

But at this moment, Dahai Wuliang couldn't describe her feelings.

After all, people's thinking is limited, and one mind can't do two things at the same time.

Wang Yuan not only showed his operating skills that surpassed Dahai Wuliang, but also could operate his own undead, showing skills that surpassed Dahai Wuliang.

It's amazing that one person can control two characters.

One person can control three characters, which is definitely a strange person in ancient and modern times.

Being able to control four characters at the same time can be said to be unique.

And Wang Yuan not only controlled it, but also controlled all the characters to show a level that surpassed Dahai Wuliang.

This... is still a person?

Dahai Wuliang couldn't even believe it. This was more fantasy than her rubbing a fireball in reality.


Seeing Dahai Wuliang like this, Wang Yuan scratched the back of his head...

Of course he knew what Dahai Wuliang was thinking at this time. After all, this misunderstanding was not the first time, and Wang Yuan couldn't explain to others that his skeleton soldiers were actually the sons of the plane who traveled through time, right?

Anyway, you can think whatever you want, I'm just going to do it without explanation.

How strong I am depends on other people's imagination.

"What are you going to do next?"

Wang Yuan interrupted Dahai Wuliang's thoughts.

"Of course I'm going to run away..." Dahai Wuliang said: "Before, I was just entangled by Huaxia Longteng. Now I've killed their people. I'm afraid my life will be difficult in the future. I have to change my main city."

Facing the big guild, except for Wang Yuan, normal people and even masters like Dahai Wuliang have to run away.

"What about you?" Dahai Wuliang asked back: "Do you want to go with me?"

"I still have a task!"

Wang Yuan waved his hand to refuse.

"Oh? What task? Do you want to take me with you?" Dahai Wuliang was immediately interested when he heard the task.

"A task chain! It seems that it can't be shared." Wang Yuan took a look at the task requirements.

"It's okay, I can help you do it. I'm very familiar with the Holy Light City. Where are you going?"

"The Temple of Light!!"

"I'll take you there!!" Dahai Wuliang said excitedly.

With the local Dahai Wuliang leading the way, Wang Yuan soon arrived at the entrance of the Temple of Light.

The Temple of Light is a landmark building in the Holy Light City, equivalent to the Mage Tower in other main cities.

However, at this time, the entrance of the Temple of Light was full of players, blocking the entrance of the Temple of Light tightly.

One of the players stood in the front and shouted to the players near the entrance of the temple: "Huaxia Longteng is doing the task, outsiders stay away!"


Hearing the four words Huaxia Longteng, the passing players retreated.

It can be seen that Huaxia Longteng is famous in the Holy Light City.

"What's wrong with these guys? Why don't they let people in?" Looking at the group of people in front of him, Wang Yuan frowned.

"I heard that they received a hidden task to guard the Temple of Light." Dahai Wuliang said: "They were already guarding here yesterday..."

Knowing yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Dahai Wuliang has been dealing with Huaxia Longteng for so long, and he often inquires about the opponent's affairs.

"Hidden task?" Wang Yuan's heart skipped a beat when he heard it.

Damn, this might be a collision with me, right?

If it's a two-way mission, it's disgusting.

Two fists can't beat four hands, and a hero can't stand up to a crowd.

There are hundreds of Huaxia Longteng players at the door. Even if Wang Yuan is firing on all cylinders, it's not easy to get in.

Besides, Wang Yuan is here to do a mission, so he can't force his way in.

Otherwise, there will be a group of pursuers following behind him, and he won't be able to do the mission.

But the problem is that the mission target is in the temple. If you don't go in, do you have to wait here? How long will it take?

No! I have to think of a way! ! Wang Yuan narrowed his eyes and began to think.

"Hehe! It's useless for him to go in!"

At this moment, a wretched laugh came from Wang Yuan's mind, it was Chun Ge.

"Why?" Ma Saner and Xiaobai asked curiously.

"Because there are Templars guarding the temple!" Dabai said, "Even if Brother Niu can get rid of these players, he will be driven out by these Templars after entering the temple."

"Templars!! Hiss... are they the Templars we know?" Xiaobai and Ma Saner were surprised when they heard this.

"I don't know... It shouldn't be so scary in the game..." Dabai said: "Anyway, it's definitely not easy to deal with. With our current attributes, it's probably difficult to deal with. It's a pity that Brother Niu can't sneak, otherwise he just needs to get rid of these players."


Hearing the conversation between several skeletons, Wang Yuan secretly complained: "If I could sneak, I wouldn't have to wait here. These players can't find me. They just talk useless nonsense."

"Fuck, this task is really disgusting."

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan didn't forget to curse the system for being a rip-off.

There are player guards outside and NPC guards inside. Is it necessary to make this broken task so difficult?


"Rubbish! I just want to go in, so what?"

Wang Yuan was thinking about how to get in, and suddenly a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

Following the voice, he saw a girl dressed as a fighter, giving the middle finger to the player of Huaxia Longteng.


Isn't this Wang Yujie? So she came to Holy Light City to do the mission, and she also needed to enter the Temple of Light.

"Asshole! Don't think I won't kill you just because you're a woman! Get out of here!" The leading Chinese Dragon Teng player saw that Wang Yujie was a girl, and was quite generous, and didn't attack directly like he did with other players.

But Wang Yujie's temper was not so easy to deal with.

I came to do the mission, but you didn't let me in, and you even cursed me! It's obvious that you don't take me, Thunder Hand Wang Yujie, seriously! !

He immediately stepped forward and punched the player in the face.

The player was shocked and blocked it quickly.

Wang Yujie went around and slapped the player's back with a palm, making him stagger, then kicked him over, followed by his body, holding his head with his left hand, grabbing his chin with his right hand, and exerting force.

"Crack!" With a sound.

The player's neck was immediately broken by Wang Yujie, and his health bar was emptied and he died.

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