"This...what's going on?"

Wang Yuan's attack directly hit the soul and made Bal feel worse than death. His face turned pale and twisted.

"Hehe!" Wang Yuan smiled faintly and said, "You don't need to know what's going on. You just need to understand one thing. I can let you live, and I can let you die! Do you understand?"


Bal looked at Wang Yuan tremblingly, and then he realized that the necromancer in front of him had been extremely calm from beginning to end, as if he had never taken him seriously at all.


Looking at Wang Yuan's calm face, Bal suddenly realized that the necromancer in front of him, who looked so weak and could be controlled by one finger, was so unfathomable.

An inexplicable fear arose from the bottom of his heart.

Logically speaking, as a powerful man of his generation, Bal had long lost his fear. After all, there were very few people in the world who could make him feel afraid.

But the guy in front of him was definitely more terrifying than he had imagined. He didn't know what method he used, but he couldn't resist even with his cultivation.

You know, he was a nine-star great wizard, proficient in all elemental magic and undead magic, but he had never heard of Wang Yuan's method of directly attacking his soul.

Although the soul brand was invented by Lasma, the god of necromancers, the art of creating undead was a secret art. Since ancient times, only the high priest of the dead, Zul, and Wang Yuan knew it.

So although Baal was also proficient in undead magic, he had never heard of the undead brand.

At this time, Baal didn't dare to doubt what Wang Yuan said.

Because just now, Baal clearly felt that his soul was torn apart, which means that as long as Wang Yuan wanted to kill him, he only needed a thought to make his immortal soul disappear directly.

Thinking of this, Baal became more and more terrified.

Although he was imprisoned forever in the Shadow Castle before, at least no one could threaten his life or enslave him.

Although he was resurrected, he became a slave in the hands of others.

"Don't worry!"

Just when Bal was terrified, Wang Yuan continued: "I took so much effort to resurrect you, not to kill you. In fact, I respect you very much. If you didn't do it to me, I wouldn't do it to you. Mr. Bal, I think we should get along as friends, what do you think?"


Bal muttered to himself, looking at Wang Yuan with doubt.

Since ancient times, how could a necromancer become friends with his own undead? Does this guy know what he is saying?

"That's right! We hit it off at the Shadow Castle before, so I spent a lot of money and material resources to resurrect you, just to be friends with you." Wang Yuan said: "Do you have to be my enemy?"


Bal frowned.

He secretly said in his heart: "This kid said he respected me, but he turned himself into his undead. Now he is talking about being friends. Is he kidding? I am not a three-year-old child!"

Wang Yuan seemed to have guessed Bal's thoughts, so he explained: "Mr. Bal! You became my undead, which is also a helpless move. After all, as a necromancer, I have no other way to revive you except this way."

Speaking of this, Wang Yuan said: "You are my undead now. If I want to enslave you, I will just order you directly. If I don't really respect you, how can I say this to you here."

"Ah..." Bal's body trembled slightly when he heard it.

Indeed, with Wang Yuan's means, it is indeed easy to enslave his undead directly. If he really wants to make himself his slave, there is no need to talk nonsense here.

Seeing that Bal was already moved, Wang Yuan continued: "My thoughts have been expressed. Should we be friends or enemies? Mr. Bal, you choose it yourself!"

After that, Wang Yuan stopped talking and looked at Bal indifferently.

Wang Yuan's words seemed to be light and friendly, but his attitude was clear.

Either follow me and work hard, and you will be promoted and get a raise in the future, which will benefit everyone.

Or kneel down and be a dog!

I have many ways to make you obedient. If you don't obey, I will kill you at worst!


Bal is also an old fox, and naturally he will not fail to understand the meaning of Wang Yuan's words, so he laughed and said: "Respected Mr. Niu Dali, you are really being polite. From the beginning, I didn't want to be your enemy, I just wanted to accept you as my apprentice. We are friends, aren't we?"

"That's right!" Wang Yuan nodded.

Bal's words were not wrong.

This old guy actually had no hostility towards himself, but he didn't find his position.

"Since you are willing to be friends with me, I won't treat you unfairly." Wang Yuan said: "Although you are the dead soul I resurrected, you have your own freedom here, and you don't have to follow me step by step like others."


Bal's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Why did Bal feel that being Wang Yuan's undead was more painful than eternal imprisonment? It was because strong men like him had the self-esteem of strong men.

No one would be willing to be a nine-star wizard and follow a level 20 necromancer as a younger brother every day. It would be better to die.

At this time, Wang Yuan actually gave him the power of freedom, and Bal was immediately excited.

Of course, Wang Yuan had his own little thoughts for not keeping Bal by his side.

This old man has an unstable temperament. Who knows if he will get upset and die with me.

Rather than carrying this time bomb with him, it is better to separate from him and let him do something else.

"This place has been abandoned for so many years. Are you willing to help me build it?" Wang Yuan asked.

"Yes! Of course!" Bal nodded repeatedly.

As long as he doesn't follow Wang Yuan as a younger brother, Bal is willing to do anything.


Wang Yuan casually opened the guild interface, fired the guild manager Flar, and then appointed Bal as the new guild manager.

[System prompt: You appointed Bal as the new guild manager. ]


Bal said excitedly: "Manager... Dear Mr. Niu Dali, do you trust me so much? You actually entrusted me with an important task."

The guild manager is the most important position in a guild. Even in the "game" setting, the guild manager is more important than the "president".

After all, even the president needs to accept the tasks issued by the guild manager.

Wang Yuan immediately made Bal the steward of Thunder Bluff, and Bal's mood can be imagined.

"We are friends, I don't trust others either." Wang Yuan said with a smile.

Bal was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then bowed deeply to Wang Yuan and said: "Mr. Niu Dali, thank you again for resurrecting me and your trust in me. I will repay you and will do my job well."


Wang Yuan's mouth corners slightly raised.

The plan worked.

Those high-sounding words just now were not accurate, and now Bal was really convinced.

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