
Long Teng Sihai nodded firmly upon hearing this and said, "Only eight people can control such a large-scale task. They are definitely not ordinary people. If they can be brought to our guild... the guild station is ready."

"Damn, Boss, your purpose is too obvious!"

Feng Wu Jiu Tian was full of black lines on his head.

"No way!" Long Teng Sihai said righteously, "I just have a simple love for talent. You contact Lao Zheng and let him handle this matter."

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉



In the guild station of "Miracle of Great Strength" in Thunder Bluff, Wang Yuan and his group also received a system prompt at this time.

[Your guild has successfully obtained the station authority of Thunder Bluff. Please go to the guild meeting hall to bind the guild station and receive the reward. 】

As the guild's landmark building, the guild meeting hall is located in front of the square, with the Thunder Mountain Range and the valley gate facing each other.

There is a purple crystal at the entrance of the meeting hall.

This purple crystal is the "guild station crystal", which is the core of the guild station.

Once the crystal is damaged, the station will automatically release the guild binding and be in an ownerless state. The next guild occupying the guild crystal will become the owner of the station.

"Dear warriors, congratulations on repelling the undead army here and returning Thunder Bluff to peace."

As soon as the few people walked into the meeting hall, an old man suddenly rushed out from behind the door and blocked Wang Yuan and his friends.

"Damn! Who are you!"

Seeing the old man in front of them, everyone was shocked and thought it was a hidden BOSS.

The arrows that were randomly shot were taken out.

"I am the administrator of the Thunder Bluff station and the general manager of your "Miracle of Great Strength" guild. My name is Fular! I am happy to serve you my warriors."

The old man bowed quickly.

The smile on his face was very vulgar.

"Oh oh oh..."

The crowd was relieved.

In "Dawn Breaking Dawn", each guild has a "general manager NPC" to help players manage and build the guild, and is responsible for issuing tasks to guild players.


However, when he heard this name, the soul fire in Dabai's eyes jumped.

"What's wrong, Teacher Wushuang, do you know him?" Xiaobai asked curiously.

The Thunder Bluff Secret Realm will be a special copy in the future. At present, only a few people have participated in it, and Dabai happens to be one of them.

Obviously, Dabai knows this guy.

"Well!" Dabai said hatefully: "This human traitor! If it weren't for him and the demons working together, Thunder Bluff would not have been lost!"

"Damn! It turns out that he is a traitor and a traitor! I'll kill him now!" Ma Saner was also very excited when he heard this, and took out his bow and arrow to shoot Flar a few arrows.

In the future world, humans and monsters are in a life-and-death relationship.

Especially the generation of Dabai and his people a hundred years later, they were even more hostile to each other, and the survival of the two camps was related.

Even the evil people who were despised by thousands of people on weekdays would stand up at the critical moment to do their best to surround the human homeland until they died in battle.

But there are some people who, in order to survive, secretly cooperate with the demons and betray their own people...

Such people are called human traitors, and they are the most despicable kind of people.

They are also the most hated guys by all professionals.

"Stop it!"

Dabai hurriedly stopped him and said: "You are killing functional NPCs for no reason. Are you going to expose yourself? This guy hasn't done anything at least now. If we attack him, it will definitely cause trouble for Brother Niu."

"Okay..." Ma Saner put down his bow and arrow helplessly.

Wang Yuan was also sweating profusely.

Dabai was right. The current Flar has not betrayed humans. As a functional NPC, he has the right to be protected by the system.

Players who attack these functional NPCs for no reason will receive the most severe punishment from the system.

At the lightest, they will be fined and lose reputation, and at the worst, they will directly send guards to clean up.

Previously, a player robbed a bank on a whim, and then was chased by the guards of the main city, and was killed to level zero at the resurrection point.

That's right, he was killed to level zero at the resurrection point. The safe zone effect of the resurrection point is invalid for guards.

These guards are so buggy.

For a time, the forum was full of videos of guards slaughtering humans, and since then all players have stopped thinking about robbing shops.

As Wang Yuan's skeleton soldier, Ma Saner's attack on NPCs is equivalent to Wang Yuan's attack on NPCs.

If the gods really come down from the sky, it will be a disaster.

A level 200 god-level BOSS is killed like a dog in front of the guards, let alone a small player at level 20?

However, this old man dared to sell out humans, which is not a good thing. If there is a replacement, he should be fired immediately.

Wang Yuan looked at Flar meaningfully and said, "I want to bind the guild station and receive the reward."

"Yes, sir!"

Flar nodded to Wang Yuan, then raised his hands.

The station crystal at the door burst into dazzling light.

[System prompt: Your guild is bound to the guild station "Thunder Bluff"! You get 1000 reputation]

[System prompt: The guild station is successfully bound, and the guild station unlocks primary buildings for free: Level 1 Alchemy Room, Level 1 Forge, Level 1 Tailor Shop, Level 1 Well, Level 1 Kitchen. ]

[System prompt: You get the special reward "Station Treasure Box\

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