Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 101 The Black Dragon Society's Reputation Reversal

However, when a curious player went to the city hall to search for the guild "Vigorous Efforts" he was dumbfounded.

Creation time: four hours...

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Guild members: 8

This... is there a bug in the system?

Seeing the guild information of "Vigorous Efforts".

Everyone's first reaction was that they either read it wrong or the system was wrong.

After all, the guilds that can complete tasks such as attacking guild bases are either old and large guilds or have a large number of people.

How could a small guild with only eight people complete such a task?

But after they looked back and forth carefully for more than ten times, they finally confirmed it.

This guild called "Vigorous Efforts" was indeed just created today, and it was just a small guild with eight people... It can even be said to be a small group.

You know, a standard team with a normal structure has ten people.

A guild of eight people is not even a standard team, but a small group.

So it seems that the Black Dragon Society is the main force in this mission... This Dali Chu Miracle is obviously here to make up the numbers, and it is probably hired by the Black Dragon Society to help.

Thinking of this, everyone's impression of the Black Dragon Society has changed subversively.

A guild was singled out, and this shameful record will be talked about for a lifetime. Almost everyone who mentions the name of the Black Dragon Society will first think of "Isn't it the guild that was blocked in the resurrection point by someone alone and dared not come out?"

But at this moment, the Black Dragon Society directly became a large guild that helped a newly-built guild of only eight people complete the task of attacking the guild station.

"Damn! So the Black Dragon Society is not weak either!!"

"How come they were blocked by someone and dared not go out on the street?"

"How powerful is that person who is alone against the Black Dragon Society?"

"Tsk, it is very likely that someone is maliciously blackening the Black Dragon Society. After all, it is a big guild, and there are too many people who are jealous."


For a while, the reputation of the Black Dragon Society completed an epic reversal.

From the previous Clown Guild, it turned around and became a top guild that can complete the task of attacking the guild's base.

Even the incident of being blocked by Wang Yuan at the resurrection point before began to "turn around" and became a rumor created by the jealousy and malicious slander of the Thunderstorm City players...


In the resurrection point of Thunderstorm City, Long Xingtianxia laughed so hard that his back teeth were exposed when he looked at the posts on the forum.

There is really no money wasted in the world.

The two thousand gold coins really played a big role.

The success of this mission not only reversed the reputation of the Black Dragon Society, but even the previous black spots have been washed down by someone, which is simply an unexpected gain.

What does the guild rely on to survive?

It is naturally word of mouth! Only with word of mouth can there be masters, and only with masters can there be resources.

Now that the announcement of the successful attack on the garrison mission has been released, the Black Dragon Club has completely climbed out of the abyss.

Thanks to the system, thanks to Thunder Bluff, thanks to Niu Dali.

"Brother Niu, please look at the forum."

At this time, Renzhe Wudi said depressedly: "Sure enough, just as you said, everyone thinks that the Black Dragon Club is the main force."

"That's right! So I asked them to pay." Wang Yuan smiled slightly.

"But we just missed an opportunity to become famous." Everyone curled their lips.

"This kind of false reputation is not important to us." Wang Yuan said lightly: "The gun hits the bird that sticks out, let the Black Dragon Club do the thing of the bird that sticks out."

If it was really in the game, Wang Yuan might still consider the matter of being famous, after all, who doesn't play games to show off.

But Wang Yuan knows that when the end of the world comes, it is not so easy to be the bird that sticks out.

It's okay for a big guild like the Black Dragon Society. The bigger the reputation, the more masters it may attract.

And a guild like the Great Power Miracle, which only has eight people, is basically equivalent to a piece of Tang Monk's meat. The more high-profile you are, the more people will stare at you.

"Brother Niu, from what you said, you are not going to cheat the Black Dragon Society again, right?" The Invincible Kindness touched his chin and thought.

"How could that be possible? Long Xing Tianxia will probably have to thank me now." Wang Yuan smiled and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, touch the equipment."


Everyone heard this and quickly looked at Wang Yujie.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Wang Yujie looked at a loss.

"Of course you go and touch it!" Wang Yuan reminded on the side: "It's not easy to convince these bastards."

After that, Wang Yuan asked again: "Can you touch the equipment?"

"Nonsense!" Wang Yujie rolled his eyes at Wang Yuan and said, "I'm a novice, I'm not a fool!"

As he said that, Wang Yujie came to the body of Sarco and began to touch it.

After a while, Wang Yujie took out a black thing from Sarco.


Everyone was shocked when they saw what Wang Yujie was holding.

This thing, it can't be...

Sure enough, the next moment Wang Yujie showed the properties of the item.

[Heart of the Lich King]

Category: Special Item

Item Description: After the powerful mage Sarco was resurrected by the power of death, his immortal soul gained eternal life and became the Lich King who commanded a group of undead creatures.

"What the hell! Why is it this thing again?!!" The Warrior was almost speechless.

Just now, the Lich King dropped this thing, and Shaco also dropped this thing.

So there is no decent equipment for everyone in this Thunder Bluff BOSS, right?

"Sister Coco, you, a newbie, should have good luck." It's a bit unbearable to shoot randomly.

What is the purpose of doing quests and fighting BOSSes? Isn't it just to improve yourself with equipment and skills?

Two consecutive BOSSes didn't drop any equipment or skills.

Everyone's mood can be imagined.

Especially Shaco is a level 50 dark gold BOSS, almost wiped everyone out.

The difficulty of the BOSS and the output are completely mismatched.

Everyone suddenly had the urge to curse.

Even the group of people from the Black Dragon Society who were watching the excitement on the side almost laughed out loud.

What kind of luck are these guys.

Two BOSSes didn't touch a piece of equipment... maybe they didn't wash their hands after going to the toilet.

"Haha, see, I told you it's not my problem, but you bastards won't let me touch it."

The happiest person at this moment was Death, pointing at the heart in Wang Yujie's hand to justify himself.

The equipment that couldn't be touched was obviously not his own problem, but the problem of the BOSS mechanism.

"Beat him!"

Everyone had no place to vent, and seeing Death coming out to show off, they held him down and punched and kicked him. If he couldn't beat Wang Yujie, couldn't he beat you, a mage?


"That...Brother Niu...the mission is done, so we'll go back first."

Seeing Wang Yuan's internal strife, Yun Zhongyihe was sweating and said goodbye to Wang Yuan.


Wang Yuan casually took out the two thousand gold that Long Xingtianxia had given him before and handed it to Yun Zhongyihe, saying: "Thanks to you this time, this money is for the brothers to buy medicine."

"Ah, this...this is not good." Yun Zhongyihe was stunned.

"Don't refuse! I've always been very clear about gratitude and resentment. If you don't take it, you're looking down on me!" Wang Yuan's expression was very serious.


Yun Zhong Yihe nodded solemnly and took the money.

"Brother Niu, why are you doing this? It would have been better if you didn't take the money before?" Seeing Wang Yuan send the two thousand gold back again, the others couldn't help but complain.

"You know shit!" Wang Yuan glanced at everyone and said, "If you don't take the money, they will definitely not think well of you, but if you give them their money, it's a great favor from you."

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