One Year Marriage

Chapter 901: Reunion: My love for you is still the same (21)

   "Miss Shen is really humorous."

   Qin Xuan smiled politely, obviously, Shen's gentle answer made him feel a little more favorable towards her.

   "The four of you, please take your seats. Our president went abroad some time ago, so I can only entrust me to receive you today, I'm really sorry."

  Qin Xuan didn't want to offend the MU group, so he could only smooth things out at the moment.

From his standpoint, he certainly hopes to cooperate with MU. The Gu family has always intended to enter the Q country market, but in the past two years, all the energy of the BOSS has been on the search for the young lady, and the expansion of the business territory is not so big. His ambitions have grown, and if the BOSS continues to be decadent, he is really worried that Gu's position in the world's top ranks will be in jeopardy.

Of course Murong Xi didn't know what Qin Xuan was thinking.

This time, seeing that she still failed to meet with Gu Qisen, she couldn't hide her disappointment, but she had to say, "It's okay. We came this time with a cooperation plan, and I wonder if Special Assistant Qin can help us with the plan. Hand it over to President Gu?"

   "Of course this is fine."

   Qin Xuan readily agreed.

   "Then ask our special assistant Shen to help explain it."

   After Murong Xi finished speaking, she turned her eyebrows to look at Shen Qingli.

  Shen nodded slightly: "Okay."

   She hasn't gone anywhere these days. She has been staying in the hotel to catch up on the cooperation plan between MU and Gu's. She also has a certain understanding of the entire project. Therefore, today she talks about the project in a straightforward manner.

  Shen's gentle speech lasted for more than half an hour, and finally ended with thunderous applause from Gu's attendees.

   "It's wonderful, Special Assistant Shen."

   Qin Xuan sincerely praised.

   These days, there are many beautiful and capable girls, but there should be only a handful of them like Shen Shiqi, right?

   In fact, if his young wife returned to the workplace, she should be able to write such a great plan, but unfortunately...

  Thinking of Shen Qingqing, Qin Xuan's eyes suddenly darkened, and four words inadvertently appeared in his mind: Confidence is poor.

   "Assistant Qin, you have won the prize."

  Shen said softly and humbly, and then still did not forget to work harder, "If you also think that this plan we have made is very valuable for reference, please help me to make a few words in front of Mr. Gu."

   "Yes, don't worry."

   Qin Xuan answered truthfully.

   No need for them to wake up, he hopes that the cooperation between the two companies can be facilitated this time, but the boss...

   Forget it, he will try harder later.

   "By the way, Special Assistant Qin, you just said that President Gu went abroad. When did he go abroad?"

   Shen asked curiously.

   "Oh, it's been a week."

   Qin Xuan gave an approximate time, in fact, his big boss was on the top floor at this time.

   "Then when will he come back?"

  Shen lightly but couldn't help asking.

   She only saw Gu Qisen at the gate of the kindergarten a few days ago, but Qin Xuan said that he was going abroad, which was most likely a lie.


   Qin Xuan hesitated for a moment and said, "It should take a while."

   "Okay, then we will leave first and wait for the good news from Special Assistant Qin at any time."

   Shen Qingnian was about to ask something more when Murong Xi's laughing voice suddenly came from her ear, and then she heard Qin Xuan say, "Okay, I'll have someone take a few people downstairs."

   That's it, she had to give up the idea of ​​continuing to inquire about news from Qin Xuan's side.

   The group took the elevator downstairs.

   Although the negotiation this time was unsuccessful, judging from Qin Xuan's attitude, there is a great possibility of cooperation. Therefore, Murong Xi's mood was instantly relieved.

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