One Year Marriage

Chapter 849: Mysterious man (8)

   "Wow, that's awesome!"

   Seeing that her husband had caught the prey effortlessly, Shen Qingqing immediately cheered.

   "Husband, you are amazing, dinner is ready. Oh yeah!"


   Infected by her laughter, Gu Qisen laughed too.

   He turned his head, rubbed her hair dotingly, and whispered, "Stand here and wait for me."

   "Um, good!"

  Shen nodded hurriedly.

  Gu Qisen strode over and quickly brought the hare back.

  " Hit one more and go back."

   "Hee hee, good."

  Shen lightly agreed.

   "Come up, I'll carry you!"

   "This... no need? I can go by myself."

  Shen said softly, moving his muscles and bones.

  Gu Qisen directly handed the hare to her, "Take it, there are thorns everywhere on the ground, I'm afraid you will be hurt."

   His understated words made Shen Geng feel full of emotion.

   She said "um", no longer refused, carrying the hare and lying on Gu Qisen's back.

   The man's back was warm and broad, Shen Qing couldn't help but put his little face on it, rubbed it lightly, and sighed sincerely: "Husband, you are so kind!"

  Gu Qisen listened to her whispering, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, and his thin lips evoked a pleasant smile.

  The couple cooperated very well. Before dark, they caught a total of three hares in the forest, and Shen Qingqing also found some edible wild vegetables nearby, and happily went to dig it.

   The two of them worked together and returned to their original positions with a pile of things.

  At this time, night has come.

  The bitter cold wind could not resist their fiery barbecue.

  Although he didn't know when he would be able to leave here, at this moment, Shen Qingqing didn't seem to be nervous at all, just because the man beside him felt too safe.

   Home is where he is, no matter how cold or dark it is, she can take this experience as a life experience in the wild.

   After a while, Gu Qisen handed the grilled skewers to her.

   Shen gently took it but didn't eat it, but fed it directly to his mouth, sweetly said, "My husband has worked hard, you have to take a bite first."

   Gu Qisen heard the words, his heart was instantly filled with happiness, he raised his eyes, and through the firelight, what caught his eye was her bright and charming smile, such a lively smile, in his heart, no one could surpass.

   It's so good, she finally saved her life, it's so good, at this moment, she can still smile to herself like this...


   Seeing his shining eyes staring at him for a moment, Shen Qing couldn't help calling him softly.

   Gu Qisen came back to his senses and heard her continue, "Open your mouth."


   He obediently opened his mouth and took a bite of the fragrant meat. For some reason, he thought it was the most delicious barbecue he had ever eaten.

"Is it tasty?"

   Shen asked with a look of anticipation, those glowing eyes, if someone who didn't know it looked at them, they would think that these barbecued meats were her masterpieces.

   "Yummy, but you're better than grilled meat."

  "Hateful, if you don't agree, you will be a hooligan. Eat it!"

   "Eat you or barbecue?"

   "Ah, I'll eat it myself and ignore you, hum!"

   Shen gently and deliberately held the meat skewer, took a big bite, then turned his face away and stopped looking at him.

   Gu Qisen chuckled and continued to grill.

   Neither of the two made a sound, the atmosphere was quiet but exuded a sweet beauty.

  I thought this beauty could continue forever, but when Gu Qisen finished roasting another hare, he heard Shen Geng's shrill scream.

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