One Year Marriage

Chapter 847: Mysterious Man (6)

  In the night, in addition to the low temperature, there may be wild beasts. Thinking of the wild boar that chased him back then, Shen Qingli still has lingering fears.

   She rubbed into Gu Qisen's arms subconsciously, and only when she got closer to him did her heart gradually settle down.

   "What's wrong? Is it cold?"

   Gu Qisen asked her with concern.

  Shen shook his head gently, "No, I'm just a little worried, will there be beasts? For example, wolves, tigers, lions or something."

   "It's hard to say."

  Gu Qisen said truthfully, and then comforted her, "Don't worry, with my husband here, nothing will happen."


  Shen nodded lightly, and after a moment of hesitation, he said to him, "Husband, the ship that Ran Ran and I were on last time sank, and then we drifted to an isolated island and spent the night there."

"I know this."

   Gu Qisen was not surprised by what she said, he just hated himself for being one step late.

Shen Geng didn't notice the annoyance in the man's eyes, and continued: "The next day I was chased by a wild boar in the forest, and it was Ran Ran who knocked the wild boar stunned and saved me. Later, when Brooke's people arrived, she also Let me hide, but... Brook is too shrewd, I still can't escape... ugh..."

   After she finished speaking, she sighed heavily.

   Gu Qisen frowned. He didn't expect Gu Ranran to save her. For a while, his mood was extremely complicated, but it was certain that he was somewhat comforted.

  Although I have been completely disappointed with her various actions, it is indeed a very difficult thing to completely dissipate the deep brother-sister relationship for so many years.

   It would be great if Gu Ranran could change her past...

   It's just that the F organization is so rampant and sinister, she is in it, I am afraid she can't help herself if she wants to get better...

  Thinking of this, Gu Qisen's eyes suddenly darkened, the hand resting on Shen Qingyi's arm unconsciously exerted force, which made Shen Qingli can't help frowning.

   The reason why he is so abnormal is definitely related to Gu Ranran.

   Shen Qingqing is actually quite envious of Gu Ranran, because Gu Qisen's love for Gu Ranran is beyond doubt.

   She thought to herself, if she also has a brother who pampers her, and it is too late to be happy, how could she do things that hurt him again and again?

   Gu Ranran's thoughts, she really couldn't understand, even if she hated her grandfather and her father, but what did the wrong things of the older generation have to do with Gu Qisen?

  I really hope that she can figure this out and stop digging into the horns, otherwise, it will only make the relatives hurt the enemy faster, especially, Gu Qisen will be sadder than anyone...


   After thinking about it, she decided to ask him, "What would you do if you were to see Ranran again?"

   Gu Qisen pondered for a moment and said, "Let everything be punished by the law!"

   "What about Brooke?"

   Shen asked softly again.

   At this moment, she didn't know that Brooke had already been blown to pieces on the plane.

  Gu Qisen patted her on the shoulder and told her the news lightly.

  Shen lightly widened his eyes in shock, " killed a prince? If the queen is held accountable, that would be a first-class crime!"

   Gu Qisen heard the words, his eyes flashed with gloom.

   As long as someone dares to hurt her, let alone a prince, even if he is a prince of a country, he will kill her without error!

   Of course, he couldn't tell Shen Qingqian these words, so as not to frighten her.

   So, Gu Qisen smiled slightly and said to her in a very soft tone: "With Andre there, everything will be fine, don't worry!"


   Shen Qingqing wanted to say something else when he saw him stand up abruptly.

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