One Year Marriage

Chapter 827: Sen Qing: Unforgettable Love (37)

   As soon as the plane stopped, Gu Qisen couldn't wait to open the cabin door.

  This is the last small island in this sea area. If there is any more discovery, maybe...

  No, definitely not, his gentleness is absolutely impossible!

  Gu Qisen clenched his iron fist tightly and walked down with heavy steps. When his feet landed, an unspeakable pain rushed into his heart.

  The subordinates have been trained to look for them separately.

   Soon, they found out.

   "Boss, there are a lot of footprints on the beach over there. It looks like they just walked away."

   Qin Xuan immediately reported.

  Gu Qisen walked over and checked the scene. Seeing that there were obviously women in those footprints, his heart jumped suddenly, and there was a flash of joy in his eyes.

   is lightly, it must be…

   He may not know the footprints of others, but how could he not understand his gentle habits?

   She walks on the beach, and she never behaves properly. She likes to jump from left to right, from time to time, like a naughty child.

  When the two of them went to the beach to play, he once teased her that she was not an adult at all, and how would he establish his prestige in front of the children in the future.

  This girl took his arm directly, and said badly that things like establishing prestige and singing black faces must be handed over to her father, and her mother must be responsible for her beauty and maternal love.

   Every time, seeing her cunning appearance like a little fox, Gu Qisen could not wait to take her into his arms and kiss her hard, of course, he did the same.

   And today…

   Seeing the series of familiar footprints, he also unconsciously raised his lips.


where are you?


   "Boss, I've searched all over the area, but found no trace of anyone."

   The subordinate's voice sounded, interrupting Gu Qisen's thoughts.

  Gu Qisen slowed down, only to realize later that he had been thinking about it for at least ten minutes. It turned out that at this moment, he had not even noticed that the tears were overflowing from his eyes...


   Seeing that he did not respond, his subordinates could not help but speak again.

  Gu Qisen raised his hand, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes gently with his fingertips, and said in a hoarse voice, "Have you searched everything?"


   The other party affirmed again, and then said again, "However, a pile of firewood burned to ashes was found in the cave. Obviously, someone stayed there last night!"

   "Where is the cave? Take me to see it."

  Gu Qisen cheered up.

   "Over there, BOSS please!"

The    subordinate quickly pointed in a direction.

  Gu Qisen said "um" and followed them to the cave.

   Entering the cave, he really saw a pile of black soot, Gu Qisen narrowed his eyes, and the scene of Shen Geng burning a fire here for warmth could not be contained in his mind.

In   's ears, her clear voice seemed to echo: "Oh, it's so cold, so cold!"


   The man swallowed and swallowed, the thoughts of her in his heart had flooded.

  It would be fine if she was alone here, but Gu Qisen knew very well that the scene just now was just his beautiful imagination.

  He may have stayed here before, but... maybe there are those who caught her, after all, there are so many footprints on the beach...

   "BOSS, there is a chain."

   Suddenly, someone screamed.

   Gu Qisen immediately strode over and snatched the chain from the man's hand.

   looked down, his eyes instantly brightened.

  It's a light necklace. I remember he helped her put it on...

   After confirming this fact, coupled with the footprints on the beach, Gu Qisen finally got rid of a small part of the big stone that Gu Qisen pressed in his heart.

   In any case, as long as she is sure that she is still alive, there is a glimmer of hope, he can't give up, he mustn't give up...

  Gu Qisen clenched the textured necklace, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

   Gently, wait for me, wait for me...


   walked out of the cave. At this time, Qin Xuan, who led the team to look for it in the mountain forest, also came back.


   The group bowed respectfully when they saw Gu Qisen.

   "Did you find anything?"

  Gu Qisen looked at the dense forest, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

  Unfortunately, Qin Xuan was destined to disappoint him, "Sorry BOSS, no."

   "Then... let's go."

  Gu Qisen lowered his eyes, wiping away the sadness in his eyes, and soon cheered up again.

  Yes, as long as she is sure that she is still alive in this world, he will definitely be able to find her...

The    plane slowly rose and left this deserted island.

   After the plane was no longer seen, Gu Ranran slowly walked out of the forest.

   She was lucky to escape, but why doesn't she feel relieved at all?

   Instead, there is a sense of loss...

  Gu Ranran, what happened to you?

  Have you forgotten your mission to survive?

  Have you forgotten that Gu Qisen is no longer the original Gu Qisen?

   He came here in a hurry, not to find you, not to save you. He only had Shen Qing in his eyes. What else do you expect from him like this?

   So, don’t back down, don’t regret, don’t, don’t…



   "Gu Ranran, you are a waste..."


   She frantically ran up the steep reef, looking up to the sky and laughing loudly, her big tears falling down uncontrollably.

   But she didn't care at all, crying and laughing, looking so miserable.

   Not far away, the cold man saw her crazy side in his eyes, but his expression remained unchanged.

   When Gu Ranran was almost done venting, he walked to the reef with vigorous steps.


   The cold male voice came into his ears, and Gu Ranran was slightly stunned.

   turned her head and saw that Van Ross was standing under the reef, she couldn't help but stunned, "You...why are you here?"

   "I'm not coming, are you going to be alone here?"

   Van Ross asked indifferently.

  Gu Ranran sneered disdainfully, "Oh, how is that possible? I will leave sooner or later."

  On a small island, is it difficult to get her?

   Van Ross didn't want to talk too much nonsense with her, so he went straight to the topic, "Father was seriously injured in an ambush, go back to the organization with me!"


   Unexpectedly, Laudor would be attacked, Gu Ranran was extremely surprised, "What's going on?"

   "Talk while you walk."

   Van Ross dropped those words, and Kuku turned around and left.

  Gu Ranran had to quickly follow.

She is not curious about why Van Ross found this place, because in the F organization, everyone is injected with a special medicine that can be located in their bodies. No matter where they go, Laudor, the commander, will know their whereabouts. , which also effectively prevents the breeding of traitors...

  Just like this, Gu Ranran temporarily left Brook and returned to the F organization, while Shen Qingqing was captured by Brook and returned to J country.

  PS: Howling, asking for a monthly pass, and asking Mommy to go home sooner.

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