One Year Marriage

Chapter 820: Sen Qing: Unforgettable Love (30)

   At this time, Gu Ranran was still very weak because the fever had just subsided. She struggled to stand up, but found that she had no strength at all.

  Shen was roasting sweet potatoes gently and earnestly, and because his back was to Gu Ranran, he didn't notice anything unusual on her side.

  Gu Ranran tried several times but couldn't stand up, so she gave up and continued to lie down and look at Shen lightly.

   Looking from her angle, I happened to see Shen Geng's thin back.

   On such a cold day, she was only wearing a thin sweater. Isn't it cold?

  Gu Ranran frowned, and in the next second, he realized later that he was covered with a soft and very warm jacket.

   This dress is not hers, could it be...

  I remembered that this was the clothes Shen Qingqing was wearing.

   Gu Ranran bit her lip, and for some reason, her heart was inexplicably mixed for a while.

  If it were her, under such circumstances, it would be good not to step on the enemy hard, how could she be so kind, not only saving the other party, but also donating her warm clothes...

   Is this Shen Qingqing stupid?

   Could it be that she thought that by doing so, she would be grateful to her?

  Humph, dream!

  Gu Ranran glared at her angrily, clenched her clothes subconsciously, and took a deep breath.

   Xu was because her movements were too big, and finally disturbed Shen Qingli.

  Shen turned his head gently and immediately, just in line with Gu Ranran's slightly narrowed eyes.

Aware of the complicated and indistinguishable light in the eyes of the other party, Shen Geng was slightly stunned, knowing that Gu Ranran was laughing at herself, she simply opened the skylight and said brightly, "You don't need to laugh at me for being stupid, and you don't need to laugh at me for being too naive, after all, I wouldn't expect you to choose to give up dealing with me because of this. Everyone has their own principles of being a human being, and it just so happens that my principle is that it is impossible to die without help."

"Ha ha……"

Unexpectedly, Shen Qingqing would say these words to herself, Gu Ranran couldn't help sneering, "Have you heard the story of the farmer and the snake? Don't you worry that if you save me, it will hurt you in turn. life?"

   "If that's the case, then there's no way."

  Shen said lightly with a serious look, and then, the conversation changed, "However, with your current state, I'm afraid you can't kill me!"

  Gu Ranran: "..."

   Indeed, she didn't even have the strength to get up, how could she be hurt?

   Thinking of this, Gu Ranran's pretty face darkened, and her whole person instantly became a lot decadent.

   Shen Gently saw this and stopped paying attention to her.

   The aroma of roasted sweet potatoes wafted into his nostrils, and Shen Geng immediately pulled out a roasted sweet potato from the fire, held it in front of his nose and smelled it.

   "Well, it's so fragrant, so satisfying."

   She squinted, a sweet smile overflowing from the corner of her mouth.

   After she said this, Gu Ranran also felt hungry, and her already ugly face turned completely black.

  This girl is definitely intentional!

   She clenched her fists and glared at her angrily.


  My stomach screamed in disgust.

  Gu Ranran hurriedly reached out to cover it and turned his head in disdain.

  Shen lightly glanced at her from the corner of his eye, and then said, "Want to eat?"

"Need not!"

   Gu Ranran responded coldly, she wouldn't eat what she baked.

   "If you don't eat, you starve or freeze to death, but it's none of my business."

  Shen gently added with a cool opening.

  Gu Ranran was silent, arrogant to death.

  Shen gently flattened his mouth, "Forget it, it's better if you don't eat, I'm also worried that you will divide up half of it, and I'll be hungry at night."

   After she finished speaking, she took a bite of the sweet sweet potato, and in an instant, her whole body felt a lot warmer.

  Gu Ranran closed her eyes and forced herself not to be bewitched by the charming aroma, but her stomach still betrayed her, and she kept rumbling.

   In the end, Gu Ranran couldn't take it anymore.

   She turned around and said softly to Shen in an unfriendly manner: "Hey—"

  Shen gently turned a deaf ear and continued to eat the delicious food in his hands.

   Of course Gu Ranran knew she was doing it on purpose, so she couldn't help but get angry, "Shen Qingqing, bring me the sweet potatoes."

  Shen turned his head gently and smiled brightly at her, "I'm sorry, I've finished eating it."

   After she finished, she deliberately touched her stomach again and sighed comfortably, "Wow, I'm so full!"


   Gu Ranran was so angry that her teeth hurt. If she hadn't been able to move at this time, she would have to teach this dead girl a good lesson.

   "Okay, okay, just one sweet potato? I'll get you another one."

  Shen gently put it away when he saw it, picked up a branch and stirred it in the fire, and after a while, he turned out another sweet potato.

   "It's a little burnt, but it should taste better. Do you want it?"

   She turned her head to look at Gu Ranran, and raised the hot sweet potato in her hand.

  Gu Ranran was very greedy, and now he didn't care about his face anymore, he nodded directly, and immediately ordered: "Bring it here!"

   However, Shen Qingchen did not cooperate: "If you want to eat, just come and get it yourself, I'm not your maid."


   "Oops, it's okay, forget that you can't move, I'll just do it to the end, who makes you the family my husband cares about the most."

  Shen lightly picked up the sweet potato and walked towards her, while still not forgetting to emphasize that Gu Qisen cared about Gu Ranran very much.

In fact, it was precisely because she knew this fact that she could not truly hate Gu Ranran. After all, if Gu Ranran hadn't grown up with him and brought him out of the world of autism step by step, maybe there would be no Gu Qisen is now...

   Therefore, based on this, even though she hated Gu Ranran, she would rather feel wronged for Gu Qisen's sake.

   When Shen Gently walked over, Gu Ranran finally managed to get up and leaned her back against the wall.

   But it was just such a simple action, and she exhausted her strength again, panting uncomfortably.

  Shen gently walked to her side, leaned slightly and handed over the sweet potato in his hand.

  Gu Ranran stretched out his hand to take it, but said, "Oh, don't think I don't know your purpose. Do you think I'll let you go if you say something nice?"

   "Whatever you say."

   Not wanting to discuss these meaningless topics with her, Shen turned around gently and left. Of course, he grabbed his clothes back and put them on as he walked.

   "Wow, it's so warm, it's just cold to death for the baby."


   Gu Ranran was so angry that her lungs hurt because of her provocative behavior, "Hmph, when I recover, you can just die."

   "Ah, I'm afraid!"


   "Gu Ranran—"

  Shen Gently stopped suddenly and sat down on a stone near Gu Ranran.

Gu Ranran was startled by her sudden action, her deep eyes flickered for a moment, and she heard Shen Gently say in a sentimental tone: "You always blame the heavens and others, think that all misfortunes are caused by the Gu family, and regard the Gu family as the biggest enemy in this life. , but do you know that grandpa and Gu Qisen... how much do they love you?"

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