One Year Marriage

Chapter 816: Sen Qing: Unforgettable Love (26)

Of course, at this time, Gu Changqian didn't know that he was chronically drugged yesterday or that Shen Qing was lost. When Gu Qisen told him everything, his old face couldn't hide his shock. After a long silence, Finally, he said, "You mean, someone knew where the Gu family's secret passage was, and they were gently snatched away through the secret passage?'s impossible."

   "Why not?"

   Gu Qisen asked rhetorically.

   Xu had not slept all night, his mental state was extremely poor at this time, and even his tone was a little rushed.

"That secret passage, only I know, even your father and Lao Yang didn't tell it, and the secret passage is related to the safety of the entire Gu family. If it were leaked, the Gu family would have had an accident. How could it be still safe and sound today? "

  Gu Changqian told the truth.

   His words made Gu Qisen extremely uncomfortable, "I was taken away lightly, is this safe and sound?"

"If you want to capture Qing Qing, there are many ways, why do you have to spend so much trouble? You know, once this matter is exposed, the secret passage will have no other use value, and they only want to capture Shen Qing, this Not very scientific!"

  Gu Changqian is still in disbelief.

   After all, in his opinion, the enemy can use the secret passage to do many things that endanger the Gu family, and no one will take the risk to kidnap a Shen Qingli.

   Actually, from the overall point of view, his idea was right, but unfortunately, he ignored his grandson's deep love for Shen Qingqing...

In the bottom of Gu Qisen's heart, the entire Gu family is less important than Shen Qingyi's 1/10,000th, so he, who was on the verge of collapse, was completely blown up after hearing what his grandfather said, "What do you mean by just grabbing one? Shen Qingqing? Perhaps, in your eyes, she is just an insignificant woman, but in my heart, she is the whole of my life. Grandpa, I am so disappointed in you!"

   "Assen, I..."

   Only then did Gu Changqian realize that he had said something wrong, and his old face suddenly became embarrassed, so embarrassed that he was speechless.

   "Forget it, I don't want to talk too much nonsense with you. Where is the secret passage?"

   "This... Gu family's family rules stipulate that only the head of the family can know..."

  The old man looked at him very embarrassedly.

   Gu Qisen was so angry that blue veins burst out on his forehead, "In the end, you just don't want to talk about it, do you?"

  Gu Changqian still refused to let go, "Asen, Grandpa said that there is no way that there is a problem with the secret passage. Grandpa will send more people to help find Qing Qing, okay?"

   Gu Qisen's expression became more and more gloomy, and his deep eyes turned scarlet because of anger: "Grandpa, let me ask you one last time, where is the secret way?"

   "It really can't be said..."

   "Okay! I got it!"

   Gu Qisen responded in frustration, and simply picked up the phone in front of him and dialed it.

  Gu Changqian was guessing who he was calling, but he heard him say in the next second: "Blow up the Jixiangyuan in ten minutes."


   Gu Changqian's body trembled violently, and he jumped his feet in anger: "Damn, are you trying to rebel? Ah?"

  Ouch, his heart... can't take it...

   After the old man finished blowing, he covered his chest with one hand and gasped.

  Gu Qisen put away his mobile phone and responded coldly, "You keep saying that there is absolutely no problem with secret passages, but do you know that Gu Ranran did this?"

   "Ran Ran?"

   Gu Changqian was stunned for a moment, "Ran Ran is not..."

   When he mentioned his granddaughter, the old man's heart suddenly became sour, and his eyes could not help but moisten.

  If it is Ran Ran, it is indeed possible that she is just trying to capture Qing Qing. After all, he is convinced that she will not do anything that really harms the Gu family...

   Gu Qisen saw his grandfather's expression in his eyes, and suddenly felt extremely sad and ironic.

   Until now, his gentleness, to the Gu family, was just an outsider, right?


   Not wanting to stay here anymore, he clenched his fists, turned around abruptly, and strode out.

Just after taking two steps, I heard the old man's hoarse voice coming from behind, "Hey, it's useless to blow up the Jixiangyuan, there is a secret passage leading directly to the sea in the easternmost room, you... go and find... …”


   After knowing that the exit of the secret road was at the seaside, Gu Qisen's search range instantly became much smaller.

   As soon as he got out of the Ruyi Courtyard where the old man lived, Gu Qisen drove to the seaside and called Cui Tuo while driving, asking him to fix all the surveillance on the seaside first.

   After driving for about half an hour, before reaching the beach, Cui Tuo's call came in.

   "How? Any clues?"

  Gu Qisen couldn't wait to ask, there was a ray of hope in his ink pupils.

   Although he couldn't see him at this time, Cui Tuo could still imagine how much he had high hopes for him, but unfortunately, he was destined to disappoint him...

   "Sorry, Asen. The surveillance at the seaside has been destroyed, and there is no way to fix it."

  Cui Tuoyu spoke the answer with guilt.

  The light in Gu Qisen's eyes instantly extinguished, his thin lips lifted, but he didn't know what to say.

  Fortunately, there was a sudden flash of inspiration, and his dim eyes returned to light again.

   It is precisely because the surveillance on the seaside has been destroyed, which further confirms that they took Qing Qing from the secret passage, and if he guessed correctly, they should have gone directly to the sea.

   This realization made the misty time in front of Gu Qisen's eyes clear.

Counting the time, it has been more than ten hours since he disappeared lightly. If he sailed to chase him, he might not be able to catch up. Therefore, Gu Qisen made a prompt decision, hung up Cui Tuo and immediately changed the number of Gong Tianqi to let him Dispatch the helicopter.

   After deploying everything, Gu Qisen subconsciously clenched the steering wheel, and said in his heart: Gentle, you must be good!


   "Ha Qiu—"

   At the same time, Shen Qing, who was so cold and curled up into a ball, hurriedly sneezed.

   She shrank her neck, opened her eyes faintly, and found that light came in through the window.

  Oh, it turns out that it's dawn...

   "Ha Qiu—"

   Suddenly, he sneezed again.

   Shen Qingqing couldn't help thinking to himself, could it be that Gu Qisen was thinking of her?


  What Gu Ranran told her last night flashed through her mind, and she realized later that she had a fake self beside Gu Qisen now.

How to do?

   One night passed, did Gu Qisen recognize that it was a fake?

   Will he have **** with that woman?

   Thinking of this possibility, Shen Qing suddenly felt a palpitations, his throat seemed to be restrained by a big hand, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

  No, Shen Qingqing, don't scare yourself, Gu Qisen is so smart and loves you so much, he will soon see through the enemy's tricks, definitely, definitely...

   Mmmm, that's it!

   She nodded like pounding garlic, constantly cheering herself up, forcing herself to cheer up...

   "Miss Sophia—"

   A respectful male voice interrupted Shen Qingnian's thoughts.

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