One Year Marriage

Chapter 813: Sen Qing: Unforgettable Love (23)

   "Let's let you go? Ha, I want to be beautiful!"

   was the man standing in the middle. He was very burly and had a scar on his face, which made him look particularly penetrating.

   He deliberately deceived Lan Xin, and his vicious appearance was so frightening that Lan Xin did not dare to come out.

   "You...what do you want to do?"

  Lan Xin moved her knees back, her eyes full of precautions.

   The other party suddenly burst out laughing, "What do you want to do? Could it be that you think Lao Tzu wants to **** you? Lao Tzu doesn't want to be so hungry!"


   has never been insulted like this before, Lan Xin's face was contorted with anger.

   As for Xu Tianrong, she was worried that those people would not look down on her mother, but she looked down on her, and she was scared to death.

   She immediately fell silent, in this case, the lower the sense of presence, the better.

  Unfortunately, God didn't hear her prayers at all, and the next second, the man with scars turned his attention to her.


   Xu Tianrong groaned in his heart, secretly screaming bad.

   These damned low-class people, don’t they really want to be rude to her?

  Although she is not a conservative person and often plays games with men and women, who is not a handsome little fresh meat with her?

   A person as noble as her, how could such a messy person be able to interfere?

   No, she can't sit still!

  Xu Tianrong bit his lip, his brain was running fast, he wanted to escape this disaster, but unexpectedly, people didn't like her at all—

   "Looking at your face, I'm disgusted, shit!"


  She has plastic surgery?

   She's offended?

  What a place!

   Xu Tianrong was almost out of breath.

Before   , she definitely slapped her and called out directly, but at this moment, how dare she be so arrogant? I only dare to curse fiercely in my heart, I wish these people would go to hell...

  The scarred man disliked their mother and daughter for a while, and after vomiting blood from their anger, he finally stopped.

  Lan Xin and Xu Tianrong looked at each other, only to think that this kidnapping was too strange. After all, these people don't seem to be looking for money or people. What are they looking for?

   They were filled with doubts in their hearts and were very uneasy, until Gu Qisen arrived, and it was only a little bit clearer.

As soon as she saw Gu Qisen, Lan Xin's anger became pia, pia, pia: "Gu Qisen, what do you mean? You dare to kidnap our mother and daughter? Do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes? Uncle knows, isn't he afraid of giving him a bad account?"

  Gu Qisen looked at her coldly, his sharp eyes instantly extinguished Lan Xin's arrogant arrogance.

   In the blink of an eye, she retracted, swallowed and said, "Kidnapping is against the law, you better let us go... I promise, don't mention this to anyone..."

   "Yes, Brother Sen, let us go, we don't even know why you asked people to tie us up? It's so unfair!"

   Xu Tianrong also quickly expressed his grievances.

   Gu Qisen sneered, his tone chilling, "I don't know, or is it fake?"


   Xu Tianrong was stopped by him, inexplicably, a little guilty.

No way?

   Does he know the real purpose of them tricking Shen Qingli to go to the easternmost reception room in the afternoon?

   That's not right!

   That person must have never seen Shen Qingqing, so how could Gu Qisen know that she designed it?

   Thinking of this, Xu Tianrong immediately looked at Lan Xin.

Lan Xin felt even more guilty, but when Xu Tianrong looked at her like this, her whole body almost softened, " mean I go to the reception room with Qing Qing, and then I just stay for a while and leave? Wow, Asen, the other party released my pigeons when he was dying, and I can't help it..."

   "It seems that you are not going to tell the truth!"

   Gu Qisen didn't have the patience to act with them, and his expression became more and more gloomy.

   Lan Xin's mother and daughter had never seen him so ruthless, and the soles of their feet invariably felt a chill.

Xu Tianrong's eyes flashed, and after thinking about it carefully, he realized that he hadn't done too much to Shen Qingli, and he simply stuck his neck and said bluntly, "Brother Sen, even if my mother and I lied to Qing Qing to wait in the reception room, she would only But it's not a big loss to wait for ten minutes, why do you make such a fuss?"

"Ha ha……"

   Gu Qisen couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

   His gentleman is gone, is this not a big loss? Is this a big deal?

   If something happened to Qing Qing, he swore that he would definitely let all those involved in harming her buried with him, definitely, definitely! ! !

  Thinking of a certain possibility, Gu Qisen narrowed his eyes sharply, his whole body exuding a chilling and frightening aura.

   Xu Tianrong swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and then heard him grit his teeth and warned him every word clearly: "You better tell everything you know, otherwise... I can't guarantee that you will still see the sun tomorrow!"


  He wants their lives?

  Xu Tianrong's eyes widened, looking at him in disbelief. Before he had time to say anything, Lan Xin next to him had already screamed, "You want to kill us? You... how can you?"

   "Stinky mother-in-law, what are you arguing about? Dare to speak to our master like this?"

  The scarred man couldn't get used to Lan Xin's noisy appearance, so he raised his foot and kicked her in annoyance.

"no, do not want……"

  Xu Tianrong saw Lan Xin being beaten and was so frightened that he folded his body into a ball with both hands, but he did not dare to rescue Lan Xin.

  Gu Qisen didn't stop the scarred man. In his opinion, 10,000 kicks were not enough to offset the bad things Lan Xin had done to Qing Qing.

  The Scar Man's strength was confiscated, and he almost kicked Lan Xin into an internal injury.

Lan Xin was dying and curled up on the ground, but the scarred man continued to beat and kick her, afraid that if this continued, Lan Xin would really be beaten to death, Xu Tianrong finally found out in his conscience, crawled over to protect her, and burst into tears: "Wow uh, mom..."

   Gu Qisen put it away when he saw it, signaled the scarred man to stop, and stared coldly at Xu Tianrong: "Who instructed you to frame my wife? Say it!"

   "Uuuu, Brother Sen...I...I don't know..."

   Xu Tianrong burst into tears, and his tone was extremely aggrieved.

  Gu Qisen was unmoved, his eyes froze into ice: "I don't know? Go on!"

   "Ah, don't... I said... I said... woo woo... someone, text me..."

   Xu Tianrong sobbed and said the content of the text message between himself and the stranger, not daring to hide anything.

  Gu Qisen asked the scarred man directly, "Where's her phone?"

"At this!"

  The scarred man immediately gave the mobile phone he had confiscated earlier with both hands.

  Gu Qisen turned on the power button, let Xu Tianrong unlock it, and directly clicked on the inbox.

   After browsing the text messages, he threw the phone to Qin Hao next to him, "Go check it out!"


   Qin Hao took the phone, turned his head and disappeared.

  Xu Tianrong sniffed and dared to ask Gu Qisen: "Sen...Brother Sen, you see I told everything I know, so...can we go home? My mother's injury must...have to be dealt with..."

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