One Year Marriage

Chapter 683: Those years, those truths (23)

   He is a well-known arms expert, how could he be fooled by this little bomb? The reason why they kept delaying just now was just to lower their vigilance so that they could be defeated in one fell swoop.

   As soon as Gu Ranran heard Gu Qisen's explanation, the whole person was like a deflated balloon, and suddenly there was a feeling that the situation was gone.

Seeing that all her subordinates were taken away by Gu Qisen's people, and she could not escape this disaster, she simply went out, trembling her eyelashes, closed her eyes, and said, "Brother, I don't want to go to jail, you just give me a Gun, kill me!"

   Gu Qisen did not expect her to say such a thing, there was a dull pain in his chest, and he stared at her with deep eyes, and a ray of complicated emotions quickly flashed through his eyes.

   She is the little sister he has loved since childhood. Even though she has done so many wrong things, until this moment, he still cannot completely erase his feelings for her...

   But, despite this, she has committed a crime now, and she must not escape the punishment of the law, and he, not a judge, can't help her decide where to go, so—

   "Wait a moment, Jiang Shengtao will be here, you can surrender yourself, and the sentence will be lighter."

  After all, he still couldn't be really cruel to her, hey!

  Gu Ranran lowered her head, her face ashen as she said, "...Okay."

   Is it really good?

  No, how could she stay in that ghost place?

   Instead of this, she might as well die...

   However, before dying, she must grab a pad.

  Gu Ranran's eyes flashed, and a ray of ruthless light flashed quickly. While Gu Qisen was not paying attention, her petite body flashed, and she avoided his restraint and ran in the direction of Shen Qingqing.

   She drew her gun as she ran, and aimed the muzzle at Shen Geng.

   Shen Qingqing did not expect that at this juncture, Gu Ranran actually wanted to harm her, she was so frightened that she froze in place, her head was blank, and she could only watch helplessly as she pulled the trigger.


A harsh gunshot sounded, however, the expected pain did not come, Shen blinked gently, only to realize later that it was Gu Qisen who shot, and Gu Ranran was hit in the calf by him. fell to the ground.

   Seeing that the gun in her hand had been thrown a few meters away, Shen Qingchen finally breathed a sigh of relief.


   What a terrible day!


   "Brother, in your heart, your wife is really the most important thing. For her, you didn't even shoot me softly, hehe..."

  Gu Ranran curled up into a ball, covering her **** calf, with a sad and desperate smile on her face.

She blamed her for being too determined, thinking that he would not be willing to shoot herself, but... hehe, everything was her wishful thinking. After all, it has been proven countless times that in his mind, Shen Qingli is much more important than himself. too much…

   She hates, hates, hates this world, why should there be a Shen Gentle existence, if not for her, her eldest brother will always have only himself in his heart...

Gu Qisen looked at her coldly and said without any emotion: "You are wrong! Even if at this moment, your gun is aimed at an unimportant person, I will shoot without hesitation. You are a criminal. , I'm a police officer, and our position is inherently hostile!"


   His words left Gu Ranran speechless for a while.

   Actually, ever since she was forcibly taken away by the F organization, she knew that there would always be such a day, but she didn't expect it to come so quickly...

How to do?

   Her revenge has not yet been avenged, so how can she be willing to accept legal sanctions?

   She is not reconciled, she must make it difficult for them...

  Thinking of this, the monstrous hatred in Gu Ranran's chest rolled over again.

   She raised her head abruptly, looked at Gu Zhenghong who was supporting Su Han, suddenly pulled her lips, and evoked a smile.

   She laughed, and though very weak, she was as evil as a poppy.

   Gu Zhenghong may not have noticed her weirdness, but Su Han was sensitive to it.

   She couldn't help but groaned for a while, and secretly screamed that it was not good. Before she could speak, Gu Ranran said one step ahead: "Dad, Dad, do you know why Grandpa still regards me as the jewel in his hand even though he knows I'm not your biological daughter?"

   Gu Qisen heard the words, a trace of consternation flashed in his eyes, and finally remembered what Shen Qingchen said to himself earlier...

   He is Su Han's son?

   Isn't Ran Ran Gu Zhenghong's daughter?

What exactly is going on…

   In a trance, he heard Su Han shouting: "Ran Ran, you are enough! Please stop talking, please—"

   Afraid that she would recklessly shake out all the scandals of the Gu family, Su Han's words were filled with sincere pleas.

   But Su Han is still too naive, because, with Gu Ranran's current perverted mentality, the more miserable they live, the happier she will be, how could she possibly heed their pleas?

  If she had to go to hell, she would definitely bring someone to accompany her, no matter if that person was Gu Zhenghong, Su Han, or Shen Qingli...

   Even more, it is Gu Changqian!

   He is the real culprit…

   By the way, what about Gu Changqian?

   Without him, the effect of this wonderful scene would be greatly reduced...

  According to the time, he should be almost there.

  Yes, Gu Ranran called Gu Changqian a few minutes before Gu Qisen arrived here, threatening him to go alone...

  Did not see Gu Changqian, of course Gu Ranran wouldn't say it easily, so she changed the subject and said to Su Han, "What are you doing so nervous? Could it be that you did something wrong? Hahaha..."

  Gu Qisen stood beside her, impatient to continue watching her commit crimes, he simply raised his hand coldly, "Take her away!"


   Two guards in black clothes and black pants rushed up immediately and restrained Gu Ranran, who was lying on the ground.

   They were about to drag her away when, at the door of the warehouse, an old scolding came: "Stop!"

  The person here is Gu Changqian.

   After receiving Gu Ranran's call, he hurriedly came from the old house. Since it was very dangerous to drive at his age, he also had his confidant, Butler Yang by his side.

   When the guards saw the old man entering the door, the movements in their hands froze, and they looked at Gu Qisen subconsciously.

   Seeing Gu Qisen waving his hand to signal them to step back, the two hurriedly let go of Gu Ranran and stood aside.

  Gu Changqian rushed in with a cane. After squinting his surroundings, he suddenly looked at Gu Qisen, and asked reproachfully, "Did you hurt her?"

   He held a gun in his hand, and without his orders, no one would dare to attack Ran Ran...

   "So what?"

   Gu Qisen asked in anger.


   Gu Changqian was so scolded by him, his old face was completely black, and he was so angry that he could not speak.

And Gu Ranran saw the opportunity at this moment, smiled and said: "Grandpa, it's such a coincidence that you are here, I was just about to tell my father why you doted on me so much. I am obviously an unknown father. Wild, how can you tolerate me like that, eh?"

  PS: Because the spirit is ok, I will add another chapter. Thank you very much for your support. I'm going to bed, see you during the day. Scream again, there is a group, I am waiting for everyone in the group, and you can come in if you answer the question correctly.

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