One Year Marriage

Chapter 673: Those years, those truths (thirteen)

   Hearing the news that Gu Ranran had escaped on the way back to the detention center, in fact, Gu Qisen was only shocked for a few seconds before accepting the fact that his sister was unrepentant.

When he went to see her in the hospital, just in case, he secretly grafted a wig on her hair, so that he could track her location at any time. The opponent was wiped out.

   I have to say that Gu Qisen's layout was perfect, even if he was not sure that Gu Ranran would really escape, and Gu Ranran's actions made him completely disappointed with her...


  Gu Qisen was sitting on the executive chair, staring at the photo of Gu Ranran and his childhood. Qin Hao hurriedly pushed the door and came in, calling him with a solemn voice.

  Gu Qisen slowly raised his eyes, looked at him with a complicated look, and asked in a deep voice, "Have you caught her?"

   Qin Hao lowered his head and sighed helplessly: "The police heard news that they had captured the 24th person from the F organization and blew up their nest, but when they rushed to the basement, they found that Ran Ran was gone..."

   Speaking of this, Qin Hao could not help clenching his fists.

Gu Ranran is the boss's younger sister, and she can be regarded as half of his master. Unfortunately, she has gone astray and done so many wrong things, forcing him to be selfless and her enemy. Whenever I think of this, I always have mixed feelings in my heart. .

   Ran Ran, how did it become like that?

   She used to be so innocent and kind, she could cry for a long time even if her goldfish died, but now, she has become the core member of the F organization that kills people without blinking an eye...

  Hey, he is so uncomfortable as an outsider, and the boss is probably even more heartbroken, right?

  Thinking of this, he glanced at Gu Qisen worriedly, and found that his thick eyebrows were furrowed, and between the corners of his eyes, he made no secret of his disappointment with Gu Ranran.

   Qin Hao sighed silently in his heart, and then asked for instructions: "Boss, what should we do next?"

  Gu Qisen put down the group photo in his hand, and a sharp line crossed his eyebrows: "The tracker has been destroyed, and now we can only ask the police to issue a warrant, search the whole process, and offer a huge reward."

   "Yes, BOSS! I'll call the police right now."

   Under the current circumstances, it seems that this method is the most reliable.

  Qin Hao was ordered to leave soon.

   Gu Qisen stood up irritably.

   He put his hands in his pockets, paced back and forth in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and finally picked up his suit jacket and strode out of the office.

   At this time, he was not in the mood to go to work at all, so he might as well go home to accompany his wife and children. After all, only by their side can he truly feel happy and relaxed.


   On the other side, the Gong family.

   Ever since he suspected Shiny's identity, the father of the palace asked the private detective to find ways to get the hair of the two children the next day, and conducted DNA testing with Gong Tianqi.

   Today, the test results finally came out, and the private detective personally sent it to the Gong family.

   "Old Zhang, thank you for your hard work."

   Palace father pretended to be calm and took the report from the detective, but his voice was filled with excitement that could not be concealed.

   "Mr. Gong, you are very kind. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave."

   Detective Lao Zhang bowed respectfully to him, then pressed the peaked cap on his head, and quickly turned to leave.

   The palace father was holding the sealed report and suddenly felt a heavy weight in his hand.

   He was a little nervous, but more than that, he was looking forward to it.

   At this moment, Madam Gong hurried downstairs.

   As soon as she saw the palace father walking into the living room with a kraft paper bag, she immediately greeted her, and couldn't wait to ask, "Husband, how is it? Did you see it?"

   "It hasn't been dismantled yet."

  The palace father raised the document bag in his hand, his eyes shining a bit complicated.

   "Then I'll take it apart."

   Mrs. Gong hurriedly grabbed the document bag into her hand.

   was about to reach out and tear the seal of the bag, but suddenly felt inappropriate, so she simply pulled her husband's arm and deliberately lowered her voice, "Husband, let's go to the study."

She is a person with exposed emotions. When she sees that the DNA test results are as expected later, she may be overjoyed and shout out. If the servant hears this, it will not be good, so, At the critical moment, her reason still played a role.

  The palace father obviously knew her, so he did not object.

  The two went upstairs with agitated emotions. As soon as they entered the study, the palace father locked the door immediately, and at the same time, Mrs. Gong also opened the envelope.

   When she saw that the probability of the parent-child relationship between Twinkle and Liangliang and Gong Tianqi was 99.99%, Mrs. Gong was so excited that she almost jumped up, and tears of excitement overflowed from the corners of her eyes.

   "Husband, they are really Tianqi's children..."

   "Uuuuu, those two children are really our grandsons..."

   "Shiny and bright... woo woo woo..."

  Mrs. Gong cried while reading the report, she could not wait to bring the two of them back immediately.

  The palace father is much calmer than her. He took the report in her hand and took a closer look. After a long while, he sighed, "This is really a coincidence!"

   "It's not that the family does not enter the house."

   Mrs. Gong wiped her tears and said with a smile.

  The palace father was not as optimistic as she was, so he simply said to her, "Don't be too happy too soon. If Shen Fuxiao finds out about this, I'm afraid she will not be kind."

Mrs. Gong's eyes widened, "Isn't this a happy thing? Shining Liangliang is no longer a child of an unknown father, and her stains have been completely washed away. A rational and mature woman like her should not be able to follow her. Is Tian Qi making a fuss?"

   A few days ago, she was really worried that Shen Fuxiao would get emotional, but after thinking about it for the past few days, she still felt that it was unlikely, because no matter what, the result was good, right?

   "How much harm did our son cause to the family back then and made her a good girl's family suffer so much, do you think such a big thing can be revealed in one stroke?"

   "Then... what to do?"

   "Let me think about it!"

  The palace father frowned, and after a moment of pondering, he said, "I think, as we agreed before, let's hide this matter. Let's treat her better. The most important thing at the moment is Zhang Luo and their marriage."


   Mrs. Gong nodded, and the next second thought of another question, "Do you want to tell Tian Qi?"

   "Of course you have to hide it."

  The palace father said seriously, "He doesn't even know that such a thing happened. You tell him now, it must not be a bad thing? Anyway, in his heart, Shining has long been regarded as his child, and it doesn't matter if he tells him or not."

   Mrs. Gong also felt very reasonable after hearing what he said, and said in a hurry: "Okay! I'll go to the Huangli now, and find time to go to the Shen family for employment."


   The palace father responded lightly, but the melancholy between his brows still did not fade away.

He knows that there is no airtight wall under the sky, and sooner or later, the truth will come to the surface, but right now, in order to make Shining Bright recognize his ancestors as soon as possible, he can only choose the most convenient means, even if... deceive, I hope that one day Shen Fuxiao will know, can understand their painstaking efforts, and live a good life with Tianqi...

  The palace father thought things were smooth and beautiful, but he forgot that in this world, there is a saying that people are not as good as heaven...

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