One Year Marriage

Chapter 667: Those years, those truths (7)

  The two who were whispering did not expect that Gu Qisen would appear silently, and even listened to their chatting content, and their faces changed suddenly.

   They looked at each other and then turned their heads to see Gu Qisen standing at the door, with his left hand on the doorknob, his handsome face was full of anger.

   "Old...husband, when did you come back?"

  Shen Qing was inexplicably worried that Gu Qisen would be angry with Su Han, so he hurried over and asked him with a smile, trying to change the subject.


   Gu Qisen was silent.

He was in a bad mood today, and as soon as he got home, he heard that Su Han was actually trying to control him gently. This kind of behavior of breaking through divisions made him particularly disgusted, and it also made him have a hard time with her for more than a year. The hatred that had been eliminated came back again.

  This woman is really good at acting. She has one thing on the surface and another in private. Haha, he thought she was so kind, but it turned out that he was blind!


   Seeing Gu Qisen staring at Su Han with stern eyes, ignoring himself at all, Shen Qingchen groaned, raised his hand to hook his arm, and explained, "Auntie Su is also kind, don't get me wrong."

   "Aunt Su? Oh, isn't she your mother? But, why don't I know, when did she have a daughter as big as you?"

   Gu Qisen pulled down his hand gently and took his anger on her directly.

   He just heard clearly, Su Han called herself mother in front of Shen Qingqing, what a mother, is she worthy?


  Shen softly screamed miserably, because he was nervous, he didn't know how to respond for a while.

   She was so anxious like an ant on a hot pan, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration and made an excuse to perfunctory him first, "Auntie Su has been doing her best to take care of me. I decided to recognize her as a godmother today, so I haven't had time to tell you yet."

   "The nannies at home are also doing their best to take care of you. Can you also recognize them as godmothers?"

   "How can the nanny at home be the same as Aunt Su?"

   "In my opinion, there is no difference!"

  Gu Qisen did not hesitate to refute her words, the yin between the corners of his eyes and his brows, at this moment, was so intense that it couldn't be dissolved.


  I didn't expect him to say this in front of Su Han, Shen Qing's face was particularly ugly, for fear that Su Han would be sad, she immediately turned her head to look at her.

  Su Han saw Gu Qisen's expression in his eyes, and his heart was aching.

   She clenched her palms subconsciously, forcing herself not to care about his eyes and what he said, but how could she really care? Although he didn't know any truth, in the end, no one could deny that it was the son she gave birth to in October...

Thinking of going abroad this time, I don't know when I will be able to return. The day I will see him is far away, and he treats him like this. Su Han suddenly feels extremely aggrieved and sad. .

Of course Shen Qingqing understood Su Han's feelings, and she felt so uncomfortable that she couldn't breathe, although she knew that Gu Qisen's reaction was understandable, but she really couldn't see Su Han being criticized, so she simply stretched her long legs and walked to Su Han's side, holding her back. Holding her arm, he said affectionately, "Mom, let's ignore this hateful man who is insincere, let's go, I'll make you a cup of health tea."

   After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for Su Han, who was in a trance, to open her mouth, and then she pulled her halfway to the outside. Unexpectedly, when she passed by Gu Qisen's side, she was pulled by his big hand and separated from Su Han.

   "Hey, what are you doing?"

   Shen asked lightly without a good temperament.

  Gu Qisen directly ignored her question, looked at Su Han with piercing cold eyes, and said every word clearly: "From now on, you are not welcome here, and in the future, please keep your distance from my wife!"

   "Gu Qisen, how can you—"

  Shen lightly stared at him with wide eyes, but he was interrupted sharply before he finished speaking, "Come here, send Ms. Su away!"


   As soon as his voice fell, two bodyguards dressed in black and agile appeared unexpectedly.

  Su Han finally calmed down.

She swallowed hard, pressed the piercing pain in her chest, and said to Gu Qisen, "No, I can go by myself...Tomorrow, your father and I will go abroad, and I don't know when we will be back. You... take care of yourself!"

   Speaking of this, she turned her head and squeezed a reluctant smile towards Shen, "Gentle, take good care of yourself and the children, Mom...I...I'm leaving..."

   After she finished speaking, she seemed unable to hold on any longer, so she turned around quickly and hurried downstairs without looking back.


  Shen softly choked and called to her, wanting to go after her, but unfortunately his entire body was tightly imprisoned by Gu Qisen, no matter how hard she struggled, he was indifferent and had no intention of letting go.

   "You let me go—"

   Seeing that Su Han could no longer be seen, Shen Geng couldn't help being anxious, raised his head, and snarled at him, "How could you hurt someone who really cares for you?"


  Gu Qisen didn't answer, didn't even look at her, let go of her, turned and walked towards the study.


   Shen Qingqing originally wanted to argue with reason, but when the line of sight touched his lonely back, the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't make a sound.

   She bit her lip, and her breath was too suppressed for a moment.

   But compared to Gu Qisen, Su Han was more worried about Shen Qingheng.

   Remembering how heartbroken she was when she left, she squeezed her palm, ran downstairs without thinking, and chased out.

   In the end, it was a step too late. When she ran outside, her car with Gu Zhenghong had already disappeared.

   Feeling very sorry, Shen Geng hurriedly ran back to the house, picked up the phone and dialed Su Han.

   The phone kept ringing, but no one answered. Shen Qingchen was so anxious that he was about to call Gu Zhenghong's number when a text message came in.

   was sent by Su Han.

   "Gentle, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine. After your father and I go abroad, please take good care of Asen, hard work!"

The seemingly light-hearted information contained a lot of sadness in it, Shen Qing's eyes were unknowingly stained with a wisp of wetness, sniffling, and replying to her: "Okay, Mom! One day, Gu Qisen will understand how good you are to him! Take care, Mom!"

   Press the send button, Shen Geng's tears can no longer stop falling down.

   And Su Han also got wet eyes when she saw the text message she sent.

  Xu was overwhelmed with sadness. That night, Su Han fell ill. She couldn't bear the illness. Therefore, she postponed the schedule of going abroad.

   Two days later, news of Gu Ranran's suicide came from the detention center.

  PS: I'm very absent today. I've been writing a chapter for a long time. I'll continue to code and ask for a monthly ticket. There will be an update tomorrow.

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