One Year Marriage

Chapter 656: Gu Ranran's true face (62)

   He didn't know, he really didn't know, if he knew that Qiao Pingting was his daughter, how could he have done such an unreasonable thing in order to stabilize the Gu family's country.

Later, by chance, he learned this terrifying truth. Fortunately, Gu Zhenghong had a deep love for Su Han and would never touch Qiao Pingting again. Otherwise, he would not know what to do... …

The unhappiness after marriage made Qiao Pingting wash her face with tears all day long, and sometimes she could not bear to go out to have fun. However, because of her deep love for Gu Zhenghong, she always adhered to the bottom line, but she was suddenly fainted one day... …

   She didn't know about it, and she still thought it was Gu Zhenghong's flesh and blood when she got pregnant. Gu Zhenghong couldn't clarify due to the pressure, so he had to bear the pot until Gu Ranran was born...

With the company of Gu Qisen and Gu Ranran, Qiao Pingting's condition has improved a lot. However, the good times did not last long. When Gu Ranran was over a year old, she got the news from nowhere, and knew her life experience and all the secrets. .

  I can't accept that Gu Zhenghong is my own brother, I can't accept that the child I gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy is no longer alive, and I can't accept that Gu Ranran is a child whose father is unknown...

  Qiao Pingting felt that she was so dirty and dirty that she didn't deserve to live in this world. Because of this, her spiritual world completely collapsed and she finally went to a dead end...

I am sorry!

I am sorry!

  Everything...everything is my fault...

I am sorry……

Gu Changqian knelt down on one knee in front of Qiao Pingting's tombstone, his calloused hands kept shaking, and it took a lot of effort to touch the icy stone. one slice.

   He knelt on his knees alone for a long time, until his feet were numb to the point of dying, and he still had no idea of ​​getting up.

   This is the biggest mistake he has ever done in his life. Although his starting point was to hug the Gu family who was in danger at the time, but... in the end, he still made a big mistake and hurt his closest family...

  Gu Zhenghong, Qiao Pingting, Su Han, Gu Qisen, Gu Ranran, and even Gu Haoyun were all victims of this sin, and he, Gu Changqian, died without regret!

   However, at this stage, he still cannot die. Without witnessing the most glorious moment of the Gu family, he has no face to meet the ancestors of the Gu family...

   Moreover, right now, what he must do most is to defuse Gu Ranran's threat.

Qiao Pingting's identity, in the Gu family, no one except him knows it. For him, this is an unspoken secret. Once it is exposed, the reputation of the Gu family will be seriously damaged. Not to mention, his only son Gu Zhenghong will definitely be hit hard...

   He has already lost a daughter, and he must never lose another son, so this matter must be properly resolved.

According to Gu Changqian's tough style in the past, the situation of those who block the road will be very bad, but he is ashamed of Qiao Pingting. At this juncture, it is impossible to kill Gu Ranran in any way, and moreover, kill Gu Ranran. It doesn't help, because, she still has a party...

   Could it really be as she said, to save her out?

  Gu Changqian closed his eyes in pain, for a long time there was no answer...


   On the other side, the Gong family.

   Since the last time she went to Shen Fuxiao to settle accounts and returned with a gray face, Mrs. Gong has been restless and restless.

  Shen Fuxiao said that she was not afraid that the Gong family would go to the procuratorate to make trouble, nor was she afraid that the Gong family would go to her son's school to make trouble.

Mrs. Gong was pacing back and forth in the living room dejectedly. Seeing the palace father sitting leisurely on the sofa reading the newspaper, she couldn't help but exhale. Then, she walked over and took off the newspaper in his hand, saying, "Husband, what are you talking about? What is the best way to do it? Shen Fuxiao refuses to break up, and Tian Qi is a dead child, so it's impossible, we really want to watch her marry and lose face in the upper class? "

He wasn't annoyed when the palace father's newspaper was interrupted halfway through, he raised his hand and rubbed his slightly sour brows, and said quietly, "This matter can't be rushed. Didn't I say lightly, Shen Fuxiao didn't plan to marry at all? Our Gong family, I think, you can just relax and let them develop freely, maybe after a long time, their feelings will fade, and they will naturally break up."

When Mrs. Gong heard this, she couldn't help laughing: "Ha, your son is like a devil now, how can you break up? Not to mention Shen Fuxiao, she managed to catch a diamond turtle on her terms, how could she be willing to let go? You, would you like to?"

   "That's not what you said."

The palace father finally took his hand away from his eyebrows, and said in a serious tone, "Shen Fuxiao's reputation has always been very good, and she was forced to give birth to a child by being forced to give birth. In fact, putting this aside, I think she is Tianqi. This kid is a good match."

   "The problem is, this is a huge stain that cannot be ignored!"

   Mrs. Gong retorted angrily.

   Although she pays attention to family status, she is not an unreasonable person. If her son really likes a girl, as long as the other party is innocent, she can accept it even if she is not famous, but Shen Fuxiao...

   In this open era, it is not so important to be a **** or not, but two tow oil bottles...

  Hey, anyway, this pair of mandarin ducks, she will definitely hit them hard with a club and a mallet!

Mrs. Gong's words made the palace father silent, and after a while, he said thoughtfully: "Just wait and see, if you are not at ease, I am afraid that the stinky boy will go to marry Shen Fuxiao for a while, so take the household registration. Ben hid first, so that he couldn't hide from us to register."

   "Hey, this method is possible! Husband, you're too smart, I'll go!"

  Mrs. Gong's eyes suddenly lit up. After saying these words, she hurriedly turned around and hurried to the stairs.

   Looking at her hasty back, the palace father sighed and picked up the newspaper again.

   About two minutes later, the phone on the coffee table rang.

   Seeing that it was a private detective, the palace father immediately pressed the answer button.

   As soon as the phone was connected, a man's deep voice came from the radio: "Hello, Mr. Gong. I have sent the information you asked me to check in your mailbox, please check it."

"Okay thank you!"

  The palace father politely thanked the other party, hung up the phone, and picked up the laptop next to him.

   Open the website and enter the email account password, and soon, a new email will pop up.

  There are all kinds of photos in the email, which are about Shen Fuxiao's life specially commissioned by a private investigator to investigate, of course, including the twin sons she gave birth to.

  The palace father took a look around, and he couldn't help but have a good impression of Shen Fuxiao. Finally, he focused his eyes on the shiny group photo.

  PS: Today on the 6th, I added 10,000 words, I didn't break my promise. Continue to ask for tickets. If there are a lot of tickets, the update will be motivated.

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