One Year Marriage

Chapter 615: Gu Ranran's true face (21)



   Seeing that Daddy had come to the front, the two babies waved their hands excitedly and rushed towards him.

  Gu Qisen smiled softly, holding them both in his arms.

  The left kiss, the right kiss, the scene is extremely warm, which makes Gu Changqian more and more envious.

   He also really wanted to go over and hug his good grandson, kiss his good grandson...

   Gu Changqian swallowed and swallowed, unable to conceal his full of love.

   Shen Geng just happened to look at him, Gu Changqian immediately turned his head in embarrassment and pretended to cough.

  Shen's eyes flashed lightly, and he simply smiled and said to Gu Qisen, "Husband, I'll go to the bathroom, take care of the babies."


  Gu Qisen nodded, watching her leave with Yao Muxi and Yang Chun.

   In the huge corridor, apart from the bodyguards, there are only Gu Qisen and two babies, and Gu Changqian.

  Gu Qisen put howl and chirp on the bench and let them sit and play with toys.

   At this time, Gu Changqian finally couldn't help but take a few steps forward and greeted the babies with a smile.

   "My good grandsons, come on, call your great grandfather..."

   he finished, looking at them expectantly.

   It's a pity that the two babies can only be called Mom and Dad now, and they don't know what they are called Grandpa, so Gu Changqian was disappointed after all.

   But it doesn't matter, they are still young...

  Gu Changqian comforted himself and said, "It's okay, when you grow up a little, you will be called Grandpa."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Qisen didn't show any respect, "Then they have to recognize your great grandfather."

  Gu Changqian was so angry with his words that he blew his beard and stared, "Bastard, what did you say?"

  Xu is because he is too fierce, or maybe the dolls are eager to protect their father. Seeing Gu Qisen being scolded by the old grandfather, the two brothers and sisters cried out in unison.

   "Ah, my sweetheart, why are you crying? Don't cry, don't cry..."

   Gu Changqian was in a hurry, he hurriedly suppressed the anger on his face, and teased them with a wide-eyed smile.

   Gu Qisen's deep eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but laugh for some reason.

   He simply put his hands around his chest and ignored them, leaving time for them to get along.

   After finally having the opportunity to tease his great-grandchildren, Gu Changqian was so excited that his laughter wafted almost all over the corridor, occasionally mixed with howling and giggling.

  Shen Gently watched secretly from a distance, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously evoked a smile.

  Yao Muxi stood beside her and sighed softly, "When the old man is not fierce, he is very kind."

"Oh, yes."

  Shen nodded lightly.

She thought to herself, in fact, everyone has two sides, just like the old man Gu, when he treats a person well, he can be called a very kind old man, but if he wants to be bad to a person, he will be ruthless every minute. until you chill...

  And Lan Xin, the same is true, in Xu Tianrong's eyes, she must be a great and selfless good mother, right? Ah……


  After a long wait, the lights in the operating room finally went out.

   When the doctor informed that the operation was very successful, Shen Qingnian almost cried with joy.

  Gu Changqian also quietly put down the big stone that was pressing on his heart.

   He Siyue was quickly sent back to the ward, Shen Qingqing and the others followed immediately. As for Lan Xin, Gu Qisen asked Qin Xuan to send a nurse to take care of her.

  Lan Xin lay in the hospital for a long time. Although she was still a little uncomfortable, she was afraid that the Xu family would know that she had come to the hospital, so in the evening, she sneaked away while the nurses were not paying attention.

   Back home, Lan Xin immediately hid in the room, changed into a suit, and continued to lie back on the bed.

   fell into a daze, and she didn't know how long it took before a brute force lifted her quilt.


  Lan Xin was awakened and opened her eyes suddenly, only to be startled by Xu Xiangguo who was standing beside the bed with an angry face.

  Xu Xiangguo has always been gentle and considerate to her, but now he is so angry, could something have happened?

  Thinking of this, Lan Xin's heart throbbed for a while, and a bad premonition flashed inexplicably.

   She immediately got up from the bed, took his arm, and asked with a trembling voice, "Xiang... Xiangguo, what's the matter with you?"

  Xu Xiangguo pulled her hand away angrily, "What's wrong? You're too embarrassed to ask me what's wrong? What good things did you do, don't you remember?"

   "I... I've been sleeping at home, I don't know anything..."

  Lan Xin blinked innocently, looking dazed.

   Upon seeing this, Xu Xiangguo simply took out a video from his phone and handed it to her, "Watch it yourself!"

  Lan Xin stretched out her hand to take the video, stared at him suspiciously, and then set her eyes on the screen of her mobile phone. What caught her eye was the scene of her chasing Shen Geng in the cafe in the morning...


  Lan Xin's hand holding the phone trembled violently, the phone was unstable and almost fell to the ground.

  Why does he have a video in his hand?

   God, what did he know?

   Does he know that he is going to do a bone marrow transplant today?

  Isn't that, he knew about her relationship with Shen Qingqing?

  No, it must not be like this...

  Lan Xin's already pale face disappeared instantly.

   Her head was in a mess, and it took a long while to squeeze out a sentence, "Xiang... Xiangguo, you can listen to me explain this."

"Then you explain it to me clearly, I clearly told you not to provoke Shen Qingli again, but you still have to chase after others? He was even photographed and uploaded on Weibo? Do you think our Xu Group is running too smoothly? ,is not it?"

  Xu Xiangguo reprimanded in frustration.

   But when Lan Xin heard this, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

   It turned out to be the case, which made her a false alarm, thinking that something had happened...

   Packed up, she hurriedly said, "I had a bit of trouble with her this morning, but it's settled now."


  Xu Xiangguo gave her a sideways glance.

   "Well, really, I swear! If you don't believe me, go see Shen Qingqing with me."

  Lan Xin vowed to open her mouth, while thinking to herself, Shen Geng has gone too far in this matter today. It is good that she does not pursue the hospital for forcibly performing surgery on herself. Is it possible that this little girl dares to touch Xu's?

   "Hey, forget it."

   Xu Xiangguo sighed helplessly.

Knowing that what he cares most about is the Xu Group, Lan Xin quickly changed the subject, "How could such a trivial matter be uploaded to Weibo? Can someone delete it? I'm worried that it will affect our company's stock. "

   "When the PR department was monitoring news today, it was dealt with immediately."

  Xu Xiangguo calmed down and told her the truth.

"That's good."

   Lan Xin responded absentmindedly.

Although the    crisis was temporarily lifted, her heart became even heavier. That mysterious woman still holds the handle of her and Tianrong, and now that the threat to Shen Qing has failed, will she stab them out in a fit of rage?

  No, you can't! She must stop this from happening...

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