One Year Marriage

Chapter 494: pregnant (5)

   It was very uncomfortable, Shen Geng retched twice in a row, he couldn't bear it anymore, he had to leave the dining table apologetically, and ran towards the bathroom.

   Her sudden movement made everyone present stunned slightly.

   Dongfang Jin and Dongfang Jue's eyes flashed with a faint worry, while Dongfang Rui pouted her mouth and secretly despised her: Hmm, idiot, don't talk too early after eating, you deserve to vomit!

   Only Mu Xinyu's thoughts were different from theirs. After all, this kind of reaction was too much like morning sickness.

   Could it be...she has?

  Mu Xinyu glanced at Dongfang Jue subconsciously, caught his gentle gaze inadvertently, and was so happy that she couldn't find Bei.

   That's great, it seems that Jue'er really likes lightness...

  If Qing Qing is really pregnant, there will be a happy event in their family!

   Thinking of this, Mu Xinyu became more and more unable to calm down, and simply stood up.

   The other three looked at her in unison.

   She pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "I'll go and see if it's better!"

   After she finished speaking, without waiting for everyone to respond, she turned around and walked to the bathroom gracefully.

   The toilet is not very far from the living room, and it took 30 seconds to walk there.

  The door of the bathroom was tightly closed, Mu Xinyu stood at the door, her ear was pressed against the door panel for a while, and when she could hear no sound, she reached out and knocked on the door.

   "Lightly? Lightly?"

   She called her two words with concern, and then said, "Are you all right?"

   At this moment, the door was pushed open from the inside, and Shen Geng walked out with a pale face.

   She smiled at Mu Xinyu and said, "I'm sorry, Auntie Mu, I made you worry, I'm fine."

   She just spit out everything she ate, and she feels much more comfortable now. But it's strange to say, how can a good person feel nauseated and want to vomit?

   She didn't understand, she didn't want to.

   Mu Xinyu's eyes fell on her delicate little face and looked around at her, and then asked tentatively, "Gentle, you... When did your menstrual period come?"


  Shen lightly widened his eyes in surprise, unable to react for a moment.

   Seeing her obviously ignorant appearance, Mu Xinyu couldn't help laughing, "Oh, just answer me, has it been delayed for a few days?"

  Shen lightly tried to think about it, it seemed that Auntie hadn't been here for a long time, and she only cared about her sadness and didn't think about it at all.

   Generally speaking, if the aunt is delayed, if it is not endocrine disorders, there is another possibility, that is, pregnancy, plus she retches, so Aunt Mu is misunderstanding?

  Oh, what a beautiful misunderstanding!

  If she could get pregnant, why would she have to travel far away and forcefully push the man she loves away?

  Thinking of what he had done to Gu Qisen some time ago, Shen Qingchen still felt the piercing pain to this day.

  Don't want to be misunderstood, Shen Qingqing hurriedly explained with a smile: "My aunt is delayed, but it's definitely not what you think, auntie."

   "Really? Haven't you and Ajue..."

  God, it's incredible, isn't it?

   Such a delicate girl lives in her own house, but that kid in her family, Ajue, doesn't even take care of her?

   Oops, hate! Hate that iron is not steel...

   Shen Gently heard that she had directly paired herself with Dongfang Jue, and shook her head hurriedly: "I don't have that kind of relationship with him, don't misunderstand me!"

   "So you don't?"

"Of course!"


   Mu Xinyu responded in disappointment.

   "Auntie, do you want to go in?"

   Thought she was also here to go to the bathroom, Shen Gently asked politely.

  Mu Xinyu said truthfully: "I don't feel at ease to come to you. Since you are all right, let's go back to the dining room."


  Shen nodded lightly, her heart suddenly became warm because of her caring words.

  The two returned to the dining room together, two big and one small at the dining table, almost looking through the autumn water.

   Seeing them coming in, Dongfang Jue immediately asked Shen Qingqing, "Are you all right? Did you eat the wrong thing?"

   "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

  Shen replied with a slight frown, however, when she sat on the seat again and smelled the umami of the fish, for some reason, a disgusting feeling struck again.

  Oops, I feel like throwing up again...

   She immediately raised her hand to cover her mouth and quickly left the table.

  Mu Xinyu's beautiful eyes narrowed suddenly, and she squinted a bit to explore.

   Strange, this is clearly morning sickness, if not, could it be a stomach problem?

   No, she was worried, she still had to ask the doctor to come over.

   Thinking of this, Mu Xinyu was about to ask the housekeeper to call the family doctor, when Dongfang Jin's mellow voice came from her ear: "Let Dr. Lu come over."

   "Yes, Mr. President."

  The housekeeper received the order and immediately executed it.

   Mu Xinyu saw this and smiled happily: "Husband, you still understand me."

   Dongfang Jin glanced at her and said solemnly, "With your little thought, who can you hide?"

   Although his tone was flat, Dongfang Jue, who was sitting across from them, deeply felt that he was being fed a handful of dog food for no reason.

   Dongfang Rui is the same as him, but he was born as a parent light bulb, hey, he is used to it...

   Dr. Lu lives in the Presidential Palace and came quickly.

   When Shen Gently returned from the bathroom to the dining room again, he was already waiting there.

Seeing a strange man of about 50 years old, wearing glasses, and a gentle-looking man suddenly appeared in the room, Shen Qing gently greeted him politely, and then listened to Mu Xinyu's introduction: "gently Ah, this is Dr. Lu, a world-renowned expert in traditional Chinese medicine, let him show you to see if there is any discomfort..."

   Shen heard the words gently, flattered and refused: "Ah, don't bother, I'm fine."

   Mu Xinyu said, "It's not troublesome. Doctor Lu, would you please give me a gentle pulse?"

   "Okay, ma'am!"

   Dr. Lu replied respectfully.

   "Well then, thank you!"

   Shen Gently refused to refuse, and agreed.

   moved to the sofa next to her and took a seat, she obediently handed her hand to Dr. Lu.

   After a while, Dr. Lu retracted his hand, raised his eyes to look at her, and said with a kind smile, "You're fine, it's just a normal morning sickness reaction in the early stages of pregnancy, and it will be fine after a while."

   "What? Pregnant... Pregnant?"

   Thinking that he heard it wrong, Shen blinked gently, and his clear apricot eyes were full of disbelief.

How can it be?

   How could she possibly be pregnant?

   Oh my god...

   "Well, your current physical condition is not bad, but it's better to go to the hospital and check it carefully again."

   Dr. Lu sincerely suggested.


  Shen's fingertips trembled lightly, his head seemed to be hit hard by huge happiness, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

   As for the other members of the Dongfang family, they have different expressions, some are solemn, some are surprised, and some are gossipy...

   But anyway, for Shen Qingli, the pregnancy was definitely the biggest surprise in her life.

   woo woo woo, she is pregnant, she has a child of Gu Qisen, woo woo...

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