One Year Marriage

Chapter 434: Gu Qisen can't lie to her

  S City International Airport.

  Lisa was wearing a pair of white casual shoes, light blue jeans and a long white coat, and was carrying a denim bag of the same color. Like a happy bird, Lisa walked out of the international flight arrival hall.

Afraid that her father would catch her back after discovering her escape route, she specially put on a black wig to hide her long chestnut hair, and then came to the old-fashioned black from the personal maid. The frame glasses completely cover up her delicate appearance. The whole appearance looks like a well-behaved college student. No one can associate her with the legendary arrogant girl.

   Therefore, she slipped away smoothly under Qin Hao's eyes.

   Out of the airport gate, she followed the directions to the taxi boarding area, waited for about 10 minutes, and then boarded a taxi.

   "Where to go?"

   After starting the car, the driver asked her with a blank face.

  Lisa took out her mobile phone and looked at it, and then said in Chinese, "Sky Twin Towers!"

   Hmm, that's Shen Qingnian's company address, she's here...

   The driver watched her silently through the mirror for several seconds, perhaps seeing her wearing glasses and looking like a good girl, more likely to be bullied, a pair of thieves' eyes could not help narrowing, and a scheming light flashed.

   He didn't speak, the car continued to move forward, onto the highway.

   Lisa, who was in a strange place for the first time, was in a good mood. Even the highway outside the car window seemed to her to be a beautiful landscape.

Since she was a child, her father has been very strict with her, not to mention going abroad, even the capital of country I, she has never left, so she can only learn about this wonderful world from the Internet, not to mention that there are What a pity...

  Fortunately, this time, she finally made up her mind to escape, and she swore that she would never go back if she didn't play enough!

According to the directions of the navigation, there are still fifty minutes away from the twin towers of the sky, and when she thinks that she will be able to see Shen Qingchen who is thinking of herself soon, Lisa can't help bending the corners of her mouth, revealing a shallow smile. .

At this time, the silent driver spoke again: "Little girl, the place you are going is a little far, and there are two more highway intersections, which will take at least 2 hours by car. Generally, we don't use the meter for long distances, so let's go. , One price, 500 yuan!"

Lisa was immersed in her own thoughts. As soon as she heard "500 yuan", she immediately widened her eyes, and the good girl instantly turned into a little pepper: "What? , you charge 500? Black-hearted ghost!"

   She has always been a superior little princess, and she has always been arrogant and willful, so when she encounters being slaughtered, how could she be able to swallow her temper with her temper? Even at this moment, she is in a distant foreign land...

   In the face of Lisa's questioning, the driver's face was a little overwhelmed, and his tone was more arrogant than her: "500 yuan is not reduced, if you want to sit down, if you don't sit down, get out of here immediately!"


   Lisa was so angry that her fingertips were shaking, "You are presumptuous!"

   "Presumptuous? Hehe! Why don't you take a taxi if you don't have money? Just walk!"

   The driver sneered and slammed on the brakes.


  The car leaned forward sharply. Due to inertia, Lisa almost hit her forehead, which made her scream immediately.

  The driver viciously threatened: "Here is the barren mountains and ridges, I will leave you out of the car, you will not be able to get to the city in the dark! 500 yuan, will you give it?"

   "No! I won't give you such a black-hearted devil if you feed the dog!"

  Lisa gritted her teeth in response.

   She has always hated others for cheating on her, even if it was only a dime, she would never allow herself to be led by the nose!

The driver didn't expect her helpless little girl to be so stubborn, and for the hundreds of dollars, he didn't take his threat seriously, so he couldn't help but get annoyed and drove her out of the car, of course, by the way. She stole all the cash and mobile phone from her wallet.

The    taxi quickly vanished, leaving Lisa alone on the remote highway.

   "Bastard, this palace must let my father take revenge for me!"

   "Black-hearted ghost, next time I meet Ben Gong, I will never forgive you!"

   "Damn bastard!"


   Under the scorching sun, the petite girl stared at the vanishing shadow of the car in annoyance and scolded hysterically.

  This road is newly built, and there are few vehicles passing by. She waited in place for more than half an hour, not to mention the shadow of the car, not even a fly.

This time, in addition to the passport and cash, she only brought a little girl's stuff and a mobile phone. Now the cash and mobile phone have all been taken away by the black-hearted driver, even if she wanted to go back and call her father. Method!

  woooo, is she waiting to die here?

   woo woo, my father...

  Lisa bit her lip sadly, and in an instant, there was an urge to cry.

   She raised her hand and wiped her wet eyes. Out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a red sports car whizzing at the intersection ahead.

   At this moment, Lisa ran over like a savior: "Hey, stop!"




  AK Group.

  Shen Gently remembered that he was going to find Gu Qisen at noon, so he called Gu Qisen when he returned to the office after the meeting.

  Gu Qisen was on the phone, when Shen Qingqing was about to hang up, the phone got through.

   "Husband, have you received Princess Lisa? I'm almost ready to drive there!"

   She smiled and said to Gu Qisen.

   "Well, she's here with me, you drive carefully."

  Gu Qisen's magnetic voice came from the radio waves.

  Shen smiled sweetly: "Well, I see! Husband, see you later!"


  Gu Qisen nodded, and after Shen gently hung up the phone, he said sharply to Qin Hao, who had been on the phone, "I'll give you another half an hour, if you can't find anyone, don't come back!"

   After the words were finished, he suddenly pressed the end button.


  Shen Gently was about to leave with her bag. The secretary just brought in a document that needs to be signed and approved. She finished the document by the way. At this moment, the landline phone on the desk rang.

   Seeing the extension number at the front desk displayed on the screen, Shen Qingchen's beautiful eyes flashed faintly, and he reached out to pick up the microphone.

   "Hello, I'm Shen Qingli!"

She greeted politely, and the girl at the front desk said in a respectful tone, "Mr. Shen, there is a girl named Lisa. She insists that she must see you, but there is no appointment. Do you know each other? Do you want to meet? ?"


  Shen raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Isn't Princess Lisa in Gu Qisen's place? How can she show up in her company? Is this fake? Shouldn't it be? But Gu Qisen is even less likely to lie to her...

  Shen lightly pursed his lips, and for a while he couldn't help but mess up in the wind.

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