One Year Marriage

Chapter 1232: Jue Xi Chapter 095: This man is mine! (Fives)

   Zuo Xing also saw that Hua Yan had bad intentions for his young master, and he subconsciously glanced at Dongfang Jue.

   Seeing Dongfang Jue's long and narrow phoenix eyes half-squinted, his eyes were filled with anger, and he couldn't help but tremble, fearing that he would take anger at him.

  Hey, is this a call for good intentions to do bad things?

   But in fact, he was also very wronged. How could he know that Murong Xi's sister, Tao, dared to pry into the corner so openly?

  Tsk tsk, today's young girls, why is the moral bottom line so low...

   Zuo Xing's eyes flashed, and he was hesitating whether to go forward and push the girl away, when there was a rush of footsteps in his ears.

   He turned his head following the sound, and saw a pretty figure hurriedly running towards them, with an intimidating aura as he walked.

  Miss Murong?


   Zuo Xing's eyes flashed with excitement instantly, and he almost laughed out of joy.

  The savior is finally here...

  The other bodyguards also knew Murong Xi, and immediately gave her a way, and bowed respectfully and politely to her.

   But how could Murong Xi bother to greet them?

  As soon as the wine tasted up, her mind was full of jealousy and anger, and she could only wish to tear away the woman who was standing in front of Dongfang Jue and smiled at him...

   Thinking so, she did the same.

  Hua Yan was holding her breath and waiting for the male **** to nod her head, but unexpectedly, her right hand was suddenly pulled hard, causing her pain.

   She turned her head suddenly, and what caught her eye was Murong Xi's dazzling face.

   This face, Hua Yan is extremely familiar, but today, it feels extraordinarily unfamiliar, especially those beautiful eyes like star diamonds, which were instantly swallowed up by anger, mixed with strong disgust, making Hua Yan completely stunned.

   "Xiao...Xiaoxi sister???"

   She blinked, and it took a lot of effort to calm down.

   What happened to Miss Xi?

How can    suddenly become so scary?

   Could it be that she also has a crush on this man?

   But isn't she going to be engaged to Lin Yuanhang?

   Eating what's in the bowl and looking at what's in the pot is immoral at all...

   Thinking of this, Hua Yan couldn't help but glanced at her sadly, and said pitifully, "Sister Xiaoxi, what are you doing? I... I was hurt by you..."

Murong Xi frowned, ignoring her complaints, staring at her with fiery eyes, scolding her coldly as if looking at an enemy, "Who are you? What are you called sister for no reason? I don't have a sister! Don't pretend to admit it. Sister, stay away from my husband!"


   All the people present suddenly became petrified, including the group of sisters who secretly followed to watch the fun.

  The bodyguards looked at each other in dismay, unable to remember when their young master married Miss Murong.

   As for the sisters, except Hua Qi, who was relatively calm, the others were so surprised that their eyes almost fell.

As for Hua Yan, her eyes widened in disbelief, her face turned pale, "Xiao... Sister Xiao Xi, I am Hua Yan, the cousin of your best friend Hua Qi, why don't you know me? Besides, your husband is Brother Lin Yuanhang, not the one in front of you..."

   Murong Xi suddenly came to the scene, Hua Qi just thought that she was too drunk and her temperament changed greatly. She never thought that she and Dongfang Jue would know each other, and even had emotional entanglements.

   However, because Murong Xi is really outstanding, she is even more charming when she is drunk, for fear that the male **** will be attracted to her, so Hua Qi is very active in announcing that Murong Xi's husband is Lin Yuanhang...

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