One Year Marriage

Chapter 1218: Jue Xi Chapter 081: Come on, give me a slap!

"you you……"

  The clerk was trembling with anger at her vicious behavior, her face was pale, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

But at this moment, the store manager suddenly stepped forward and fiercely tore off her badge. After that, he pushed her away and said indifferently: "Okay Xiaoli, you are fired! Get out now, don't come here. Obstructing Miss Zhu's eyes!"

   The clerk named Xiao Li didn't expect that he did nothing wrong, but the manager actually wanted to fire her, and his heart was completely cold.

   She has never had the temperament to bow her head to evil forces, she simply raised her head and said without compromise: "Store manager, I am a regular employee who signed a contract with the company, you have no right to fire me!"

   "Yo, it's pretty tough, right?"

   Zhu Sitian let out a yin and yang yin and yang, with a malicious smile on the corners of his mouth.

   She even gave Murong Xi a defiant look, the meaning was obvious, look, this is the price paid by the people who are on your side.

   Murong Xi ignored her, her jet-black apricot eyes narrowed slightly, and a strange light flashed across her.

   She thought that this honest and honest-looking clerk would swallow her anger, but she never thought that she had quite a personality.


   She looked at Xiao Li, and her eyes gradually filled with admiration.

Of course, Xiao Li didn't know that she had principles, didn't favor anyone, and dared to fight against evil forces. All of these were to Murong Xi's appetite, because at this moment, her mind was all on how to get justice for herself. matter.

   "Miss Zhu, if you have to forgive others and forgive others, you should accumulate some yin and virtue for yourself."

  Xiao Li couldn't help but said Zhu Sitian.

   Zhu Sitian didn't expect that this little clerk would dare to contradict him, and his eyes were instantly red with anger.

   "You bitch, I won't teach you a lesson! Come on, give me a slap!"


   Her voice fell, and the bodyguard closest to Xiao Li responded immediately, hurried forward, waved his right hand, and slapped him fiercely.

  Xiao Li was so frightened that his face turned pale, his whole head was empty, and he didn't remember to dodge at all.

   Seeing that the slap was about to fall, he didn't expect to be intercepted by a slender, white hand in mid-air.

  Murong Xi easily grabbed the tall man's wrist and pushed hard, the man actually took a few steps back.

"you you……"

  The man stared at this extraordinarily beautiful little woman with unfathomable skills for a moment, his eyes full of horror.

Who is she?

How can    be so powerful?

   Take yourself down with almost no effort!

  You must know that among all the guards of the Zhu family, he ranks among the top five in martial arts skills...

   The other people present were the same, extremely shocked. After all, Murong Xi's movements just now were too light, and it seemed like he didn't exert any effort...

  Xiao Li looked at Murong Xi admiringly, thinking, this is the perfect goddess in her mind, wakaka...

   Well, she seems to have forgotten her situation.

Zhu Sitian didn't like Murong Xi herself, and opposed her everywhere. Now that she saw that Murong Xi was blocking her own good things, she clenched her palms in anger, clenching her teeth and scolding: "Murong Xi, this lady is teaching a **** a lesson. , what does it have to do with you? Get out of the way, or I'll fight you together!"

"Ha ha……"

   Murong Xi curled her lips into a cold smile, and her curved eyes burst out with undisguised mockery, but she did not vomit Zhu Sitian's blood.

  Infuriated, Zhu Sitian was about to let the bodyguards beat Murong Xi when she heard Murong Xi say:

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