One Year Marriage

Chapter 1211: Jue Xi Chapter 074: A trip to Q country in person

   Well, he can think about this.

   Murong Hao pouted, and immediately laughed very darkly, "My sister and aunt don't, but I have an aunt. If you want to know me, I can also introduce you to someone. My aunt is very beautiful."

   "Really? How pretty?"

   Well, single dog Zuo Xing, gorgeously hooked.

   Men like beautiful women, and Zuo Xing is no exception.

   Actually, with his status, there are many women favored, but his eyes are above the top, and he really can't see anyone.

   Now that H says he has a beautiful aunt, he must be interested. Whether he is beautiful or not is another matter, but H has such a high IQ, and his aunt must be no different...

   Zuo Xing has always admired smart women, especially smart and beautiful women, she is simply the goddess in his mind, um, such as Murong Xi.

   However, Murongxi belongs to the young master. For him, he is a distant existence. Of course, he does not dare to blaspheme. Otherwise, the young master has to chop him up and throw him into the deep sea to feed the fish.

   Zuo Xing thought beautifully and felt that he could take the opportunity to have a beautiful love affair with H's aunt.

   Through the radio waves, Murong Hao could even hear his uncontrollable chuckle.

   "It must be a goddess-level beauty. But, I have conditions."

  Xiao Zhengtai's happy laughter pulled Zuo Xing's thoughts back, Zuo Xing asked subconsciously, "What conditions?"

  Inexplicably, my heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition flashed.

   Sure enough, in the next second, I heard Xiao Zhengtai say every single word, very clearly: "I am in the country of Q, and you must let your young master come to the country of Q in person, otherwise, nothing will be discussed."

   Zuo Xing heard the sound, his temples jumped a few times, and he was embarrassed to speak, "This... I'm afraid our young master will be difficult to do. Tomorrow our young master will take over as Minister of Commerce, and he has no time to go abroad."

   Speaking of this, he paused, then said, "Actually, country M is pretty good, and it's not far from country Q, why don't we send a private jet to pick you up?"

   "I'm still young, and my mom doesn't worry about me going abroad. Besides, my mom came forward to help me discuss the contract issue. After all, I'm not yet five years old, so I can't sign the contract by myself."

   Murong Hao spoke plausibly, but Zuo Xing was speechless.

   He scratched his head and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Your mommy can come with you."


   Murong Hao sighed and said helplessly, "You think I don't want to go abroad, but my mommy is airsick..."


   This is hard to do...

   Zuo Xing's eyes flashed, and Murong Hao posted a powerful medicine again, "Hmm, if you were in the Q country, you could still see my goddess's beautiful aunt..."

   As soon as he heard that he could meet a beautiful woman, Zuo Xing immediately changed his tune and said boldly: "Okay! I'll go and tell our young master, and I'll tell you when I have news!"

   "Hmm, thank you uncle. Happy cooperation!"

  Xiao Zhengtai laughed extremely happily, and hung up the phone with frowning eyes.

   He put the phone aside, then raised his head and looked at the golden sun in the sky, not to mention how good he was.

  yoho, Daddy is coming to Q country...

  This time, he will definitely do everything possible to get Daddy and Mummy together, um, it's not possible, they can also cook raw rice and cooked rice...

  Thinking of this, Xiao Zhengtai's drooping eyes rolled and turned, shining with infinite light.

   On the other side, after Zuo Xing and Murong Hao talked on the phone, they excitedly walked to Dongfang Jue's study.

  PS: The update of Chapter 4 on No. 28 is over. Ask for a recommendation. Wow, no one has voted recently. Don't you want them to be together sooner? hum hum

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