One Year Marriage

Chapter 1209: Jue Xi Chapter 072: Little Brother H, My Little Ancestor

   Murong Hao thought of things very simply, but unexpectedly, Zuo Xing's request was not within the scope of his expectations.

Zuo Xing said: "It's like this. With the increasing development of the Internet, our group is paying more and more attention to this sector. There are many technology companies under its umbrella, and at the same time, there are also specialized software development companies. This, I wonder if you have any To understanding?"

   "Know a thing or two."

   Murong Hao said modestly.

   Actually, he didn't know a thing or two about it.

   However, he definitely won't tell Zuo Xing about this.

   Hmm, Mommy said, keep a low profile.

Seeing that he understood, Zuo Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Our software company has always been among the best in the world, but recently the flagship antivirus software has not sold well and has been under pressure from competitors. It is about to run out of business. I have always heard that you are very good at finding loopholes and anti-tracking technologies. I wonder if you can join our IT company and serve as senior director of the R&D department. Mention, if you want to divide the project, there is no problem.”

   In order to successfully poach, Zuo Xing can be said to have made a lot of money. Even the honorific "you" was used unknowingly, and it was used very naturally, without thinking that the other party was just a kid.

   After listening to Zuo Xing's words, Murong Hao's small face instantly contorted into a ball.

   He thought he could operate from the air, but he never thought that Zuo Xing planned to let him work in the Oriental Group...

  Khan, what are you kidding?

   Again, he is only 4 years and 8 months old, and in any case, he will not go to child labor!

However, Murong Hao couldn't bear to see Dongfang Group being crushed so badly by its competitors, so after hesitating for a while, he said in a serious tone: "I don't want to go to work in your company, but I can give you advice on the Internet. As for In terms of remuneration, I want to talk to your young master!"

   "Actually, it's the same as talking to me. I just said that you can pay whatever you want."

   Zuo Xing persuaded him with a good voice.

   In all honesty, he doesn't want to let H directly connect with the young master, otherwise, the young master will definitely blame himself for doing things poorly.

   Although the former Young Master was terrifying, it wasn’t to the point of being outrageous, but the Young Master these past few days seems to have come out of hell, not to mention how terrifying it is…

   He doesn't want to hit the gun again!

  "It's different, there are some things, you can't represent your young master!"

   Murong Hao smiled slightly, and his bright eyes were full of brilliance, comparable to the brightest stars in the sky.

Seeing his insistence, Zuo Xing had to beg him bitterly, "Brother H, my little ancestor, if you promise to help us, money is really not a problem, you should stop going to our young master, he has been very busy."

   "What is he up to?"

   Murong Hao couldn't help but try.

  What are you busy with?

   Busy tossing us!

   Zuo Xing secretly complained, but he said, "We young masters have a lot of time to deal with, and we don't even have time to eat every day. If you are for the reward, this issue doesn't need to be decided at his level, and I can make the decision."


   Murong Hao responded lightly, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

   Zuo Xing groaned in his heart, thinking to himself, this child will definitely not compromise so easily.

   Sure enough, the next second, he heard his childish voice mixed with a slight smile, "Sorry, Uncle Zuo Xing, when will your young master have time to talk to me, when will we contact you, bye bye."

   After he finished speaking, he cut off the call without hesitation.

   Zuo Xing only felt a "hum" in his head, and he wanted to die.

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