One Year Marriage

Chapter 1084: Take it, baby, go into battle to kill the enemy! (sixty-four)

He picked up the microphone and faced the crowded crowd. He spoke clearly, word by word, "Please return to your original position. This time, we will give each media a chance to ask questions, as long as there is an invitation letter. We will all treat the media equally, and you don’t have to be nervous.”

   This time, they just sent invitations to major portals, but there were still many small media in the scene.

   Anyway, everyone's goal is the same, and Gu Qisen is not difficult for those small media without invitation letters. As long as they have work permits, he also agrees to let the security go.

   After what the host said, the order at the scene was much better than before. After all, since everyone has a chance, what are they fighting for? Hurry up and think about the problem. It is best to think of the best problem that is the truth.

   At the same time, Gu Qisen and Shen Qingqing had already sat down in front of the flashing spotlights.

   The lights in front were dazzling and flickering constantly, but the two of them always maintained a calm expression, as if the disturbance outside had nothing to do with them.

  Finally, the press conference started with much anticipation.

   The first question to ask is the most experienced website in China, and their financial page is the direction indicator of the whole country.

   These people didn't pay much attention to private gossip at first, but unfortunately, Gu's stock market plummeted due to the illegitimate relationship between Gu Qisen and Shen Shiqi, which aroused their curiosity, so they came.

   However, their problems are also relatively level-

  【Mr. Gu, may I ask what remedial measures will your company take in response to the slump in the stock of the Gu Group? Mr. Gu, do you think that holding a press conference can make the stock rise?]

   "This reporter friend, you asked two questions, our president will only answer the first one."

   The host routinely informs the other party.

   The other party was a little disappointed and looked at Gu Qisen subconsciously.

Gu Qisen's sharp eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes sank, and he said coldly: "Gu always speaks by strength, if the stock's ups and downs are affected by me, it is only temporary. Besides, I just promise that this reporter Yes, it will definitely make everyone have no regrets.”

   It was rare for him to say so much in public, which made the reporters who were about to question him instantly excited.

   After the first reporter to speak got his firm answer, he smiled and said: [Thank you, Mr. Gu! We look forward to the successful conclusion of today's press conference. 】


   Gu Qisen smiled at the other side.

   That reporter happened to be a lady, even though she was over forty years old, she was still attracted by President Gu's inadvertent smile.

   "Okay, please ask WE Times to ask questions."

   The host's voice sounded again.

  The reporter from WE Times is a young man with glasses and a gentle appearance. The object of his question is not Gu Qisen, but Shen Qingnian.

   [Ms. Shen Shiqi, according to relevant sources, you and Mr. Gu's wife Shen Qingqing are not cousins. Mrs. Gu has no cousins, only one cousin, the young lady Shen Fuxiao of the Gong family group. Excuse me, why do you call yourself Mrs. Gu's cousin? Are you trying to attract Mr. Gu's attention? 】

   As soon as his words came out, the audience was shocked.

  What, Shen Shiqi is not Shen Qingqing's cousin?

  If it's not his cousin, then Gu Qisen is with her, at most, it means that he is not long enough, and he doesn't seem to be in a relationship, right?

  Many people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Now that they hear the news that Gu Qisen is about to be whitewashed, they are really…

   Alas, half of the passion is lost!

   Actually, this reporter was arranged by Mr. Gu with a very simple purpose, that is, to unravel the true identity of Shen Shiqi.

  Shen Shiqi's eyes flickered and he was about to pick up the microphone to answer when he saw a sudden commotion from the back of the crowd.

   She blinked and looked back like a conditioned reflex, but Gu Qisen stood up abruptly.


  Shen glanced at him suspiciously, his heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition passed over inexplicably.

   "Someone messed up."

  Gu Qisen touched her head and said softly.


   Shen Gently also stood up, this time, he finally knew what Gu Qisen was referring to.

"Ha ha…"

   She couldn't help but chuckle in her heart.

   It seems that those people can't wait, just so sure, is she so easy to bully?

   Fakes come one after another, don’t you get tired?

   ah ah ah…

   Shen Geng became more and more mad the more he thought about it, and his two **** eyes shot out fire instantly.

  Gu Qisen held her hand and gave her the greatest support: "Don't be angry, she will look good later."

   "Well, hubby, I must tear off that man's fake face."

   Shen said softly and bitterly.

  Rao looked so angry that she wanted to bite, but when she fell into Gu Qisen's eyes, she thought she was extremely cute.

   Yes, the reason why Shen Qingqing is so angry is because someone is pretending to be her again.

Ha ha…

  I didn't expect that there would be a second fake in this world besides Tian Tian.

   If the other party knew that the real Shen Qingyi she was pretending to be was in the venue, how would you feel?

  Thinking of this, Shen lightly put his arms around his chest, waiting to watch the show.

  Gu Qisen's thoughts are similar to those of Shen Qing, but his heart is much darker than Shen Qing, at least, he has already thought of a hundred ways for Ling Chi's fake.

   Well, without further ado, the camera quickly switched to the sensational scene behind the crowd.

  The reporters turned their heads when they learned that there was a beautiful young woman behind her who looked exactly like Shen Qingli.

  Wow, I don't know if I don't see it, I was startled when I saw it, that bright and moving face, with beautiful eyes looking bright, not Mrs. Gu Shen Qing, who else could it be?

   She is really beautiful and beautiful. Compared to her alluring appearance, Shen Shiqi, who is sitting next to Gu Qisen at this time, is simply not enough to look at.

  The main room PK Xiaosan, one in the sky and the other in the ground, is this President Gu blind?

  No, no, Mr. Gu has a deep love for Shen Qingyi, so that scandal is definitely not true, isn't the appearance of Shen Qingyi enough to prove it?

  No wonder Mr. Gu just said that today's press conference will definitely satisfy them. It turns out that he actually arranged this...

Almost at the same time, except for the reporters arranged by Gu, all the people present thought so, and because they were too shocked, they forgot to ask questions, and just watched the figure of Pingting, A young woman with a smile like a flower stepped onto the rostrum.

   "Husband, I'm sorry, I'm late..."

   It sounded like a yellow warbler's voice coming out of the valley slowly, with a girl's unique coquettish naivety, and slowly drifted away in this noisy space.

  PS: Haha, finally finished, good night. If you want to see the bad guy slap in the face, quickly cast your vote.

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