One Year Marriage

Chapter 1077: Take it, baby, go into battle to kill the enemy! (fifty seven)

  In the study.

Shen Gently said to Gu Qisen, who was sitting at the desk and opening the computer: "Husband, since those hackers haven't been able to solve it for the time being, why don't you try it. Aren't you also a master hacker? Maybe they can't handle it, but you can. Woolen cloth."

   Shen Gentle's voice just fell, and the computer's screen just turned on. Gu Qisen's slender fingers quickly typed a few passwords on the keyboard, and then slowly raised his eyes with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "You are so confident in me?"

   "Of course, you are my husband."

  Shen lightly smiled, and immediately said, "In my heart, you are the best!"

   "Well, for the lady's words, let's try it for the husband."

   Gu Qisen said in a deep voice.

  Actually, that's what he planned to do.

Although his IT skills can't be compared with Cui Tuo and the few hackers who are currently helping him, but in fact it's not bad, so it's better not to give it a try. nailed it.

   Seeing that her husband was about to start busy, Shen Qingqing knew the current affairs and did not disturb him.

   "Husband, then you're busy, I'll cut some fruit for you."


  Gu Qisen nodded, looking at her with love in his eyes, "Thank you baby."

   "If you want to thank me, go to bed early tonight."

   He is often busy until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night recently, and Shen Gently feels distressed when he sees it.

  Gu Qisen understood the concern in her eyes and agreed without thinking.

  After Shen left gently, Gu Qisen quickly went to work.

  Tonight, his main task is to decipher the IP address of that email.

   Undoubtedly, this is a very tricky case. He sat at the computer desk and worked hard for more than half an hour without any clue.

  Is there really no way?

  Gu Qisen's two beautiful thick eyebrows frowned, and his deep eyes flashed a touch of deep thought.

   "Knock Knock-"

   A rhythmic knock on the door interrupted Gu Qisen's thoughts, thinking it was Shen Qingnian, he replied with a smile, "Come in."

  The door was pushed open with a creak, and a small head came in.


   Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a howl. Gu Qisen laughed and asked him gently: "Why don't you sleep so late? What about my sister? Should I go to bed earlier?"

   "Well, yes, Dad, my sister has slept like a pig, but I'm not sleepy and can't sleep."

  Howl walked up to him and said in a milky voice.

  Gu Qisen put his big hand on top of his head and touched it, "Why can't you fall asleep?"

  Howl: Because I want to chat with H, because I want to play with Dad's computer secretly, but Dad, why are you still in the study...

   Of course, he only dared to answer these words in his heart, but on the surface he said: "Maybe he accidentally drank too much tea. Dad, are you going to sleep?"

  He dared to ask the question.

  Better go to bed early so he can play with the computer.

"not yet."

  Gu Qisen raised his wrist to look at his watch, it was already ten thirty when he realized that Shen Geng had been downstairs for a long time.

   This girl, isn't she going to cut fruit for herself? Why haven't you seen anyone for so long?

  What is she doing?

   He pinched Haohao's little face and asked, "Where's mom? Did you see mom?"

   "Mom is talking on the phone."

  Howl tell the truth.

   Just before he came to the study, he happened to pass the stairs, and he just heard his mother's laughter from time to time, which sounded quite happy.

   "Oh, who's talking on the phone?"

   After talking for so long, I forgot to give him fruit...

  Man has some taste.

  Haohao heard his father ask this, and he couldn't help thinking to himself, oh my, the opportunity has come, I must find a way to get my father to go downstairs to find my mother, so that he can take the opportunity to find H online.

  Thinking about this, he immediately said: "I don't know, my mother was very happy to chat, and she mentioned you from time to time. Dad, would you like to take a look?"


   After Gu Qisen finished speaking, he stood up without turning off the computer.

   Haohao saw this, and his heart blossomed, but he still pretended to be calm and said, "Dad, then I'm going to sleep."

   "Okay! Let's go, Dad will take you back to your room, and then go downstairs."

   "...Ok, thank you dad!"


   Downstairs, living room.

Shen Qinghua sat on the sofa and made a phone call, and when she saw Gu Qisen coming downstairs with her hands in her pockets, she remembered that she was going to cut fruit for him, and hurriedly said to the person on the other end of the radio wave: "I'm sorry, godmother, I I still have something to do, I'll call you next time... um, yes... ok, then I'll hang up... ok, bye..."

   As soon as he hung up the phone, Shen Qingchen hurriedly got up to meet him, "Husband, why did you come down?"

   "Well, if I don't come down, how can I see that someone doesn't even want a husband for godmother."

   Gu Qisen protested in a deep voice.

Shen gently smiled and shook his arm, "Oh, what's the matter? I was surprised to receive a call from my godmother. I was so excited that I forgot the time. But, look, I didn't see you coming down. Lou, are you going to hang up right away? Prove that you are unmatched in my heart, eh?"


   "Alright, alright, you sit down for a while, I'll cut fruit for you right away."

Shen gently dragged him to his seat, then patted his cheek, while patting, frowning and dropping the sentence, without waiting for Gu Qisen to respond, she ran like a nimble rabbit in an instant. disappeared.


   Gu Qisen was amused by her series of actions, so he didn't rush upstairs, he simply crossed Erlang's legs gracefully, and waited for her while playing with his mobile phone.

   Meanwhile, upstairs.

   A small figure sneaked into Gu Qisen's study.


The moment    closed the door, Haohao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   That's great, looking at Dad's posture, he definitely won't go back to the study so soon. He has to hurry up and chat with H. He hasn't played with H for several days, and Mr. Hao said that he is very lonely.

  Howl swiftly climbed to the executive chair in front of the computer and sat down, his two little paws knocked on the computer screen with familiarity.

   After a while, a large dialogue appeared on the screen.

   There is a snack food at home: [H, H, H, are you there? Received please answer! 】

  H: [? 】

   There is a snack food at home: [-_-|| Do you want to be so cold? 】

  H: 【A little busy! wait! 】

   There is a snack food at home: [Oh, okay. 】

  H may have been really busy, so he didn't reply after that, Haohao had to wait patiently for him, and while he was waiting, he was not idle, holding the mouse in his right hand, flipping through the files on the computer at will.

   Huh, what is this?

   Seeing the code of a small frame fluttering fluttering, Haohao was instantly aroused by curiosity.

  Cough, yes, the code in this small frame is exactly the program that Gu Qisen has cracked halfway through. Since it is in his own study, Gu Qisen didn't turn it off just now.

  Howl's eyes lit up, and he read all the content in one glance and ten lines.

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