One Year Marriage

Chapter 1063: Take it, baby, go into battle to kill the enemy! (forty three)

   Gu Qisen hummed, "Of course, how can you be your husband if you're not good?"

   "Oh hehe, someone's narcissism makes me so embarrassed!"

  Gu Qisen: "..."

   "By the way, husband, didn't the director propose to introduce me at the staff meeting? You shouldn't do that, right?"

   Shen Qingqing suddenly remembered this important matter, and immediately asked Gu Qisen.

  Gu Qisen gave her a deep look, "What do you think?"

   "Of course I don't want to. After all, I am Shen Shiqi now. This is obviously a fake identity, and it will not be good for too many people to know by then."

  Shen replied gently and truthfully, and then said, "I'm thinking, why don't you restore your true colors? It's not the way to drag it, and I don't want you to be misunderstood and mess with your sister-in-law."

   "Okay, listen to you."

   Gu Qisen nodded.

   Actually, he didn't intend to hide her and tuck her away. It didn't matter if he was misunderstood, but he was reluctant to let her be wronged.

   "But husband, if I return as Shen Qing, then Prince Aldridge's side..."

   Shen Qingqing did not forget the reason why she decided to temporarily appear as Shen Shiqi.

   Gu Qisen pondered for a moment and said, "I haven't been able to find his figure for so long, and we can't be restrained by him for a lifetime, so forget it, be careful when you go in and out in the future, and I'll send more people to protect you!"

"Well, okay, husband. I think so too. Instead of keeping secrets, it's better to face it directly. Maybe he will automatically appear when he sees me alive, and then we can get rid of him in one fell swoop. already."

  Shen said softly and sincerely.

After two years of spy training, she is no longer the weak little girl she used to be. Although she is not as good as Cindy and the others, she can still protect herself, so she is more courageous. Don't be afraid of any danger.

   Thinking that in the days to come, he will finally be able to fight side by side with Gu Qisen, Shen Qingchen couldn't help but get excited.

  Gu Qisen saw through her thoughts and couldn't help smiling, "Okay, I look forward to working with Madam to fight the enemy together."


  Shen chuckled softly, "I'm looking forward to it too."



   On the other side, Xu Yusheng drove away from the Gu Group full of hatred.

  The car just drove for five minutes when the mobile phone on the storage rack rang sweetly.

   She glanced at the caller ID, then picked up the Bluetooth headset and connected the call: "Hello, what's the matter?"

   "妘sheng, are you really leaving the company?"

   It was a young woman who spoke, perhaps in disbelief, but she couldn't help raising her voice.

  Xu Yusheng had a cold face, trying his best to hold back the anger that was about to erupt, and said casually, "Yes, I lost to Shen Shiqi!"

"Is that the shameless little three? Oh hehe, are you saying that Brother Sen's eyes are blind? At first, I liked Shen Qingyi, but Shen Qingyi is beautiful, but it is said that this Shen Shiqi has a very ordinary appearance. I don't know what kind of **** luck I stepped on!"

   The woman said bitterly.

When Xu Yusheng heard the words, a trace of jealousy flashed across her eyes, but soon, she pretended to speak calmly: "Perhaps, she has a unique charm, in short, if I lose, I lose. of."

   "Nonsense, you are so good, it must be the woman who played some tricks!"

  The woman cried out angrily.

   Oh, forgot to introduce, she is Jiang Yuner.

  The Jiang family and the Xu family are both in politics, and the two families have always been on good terms, so she and Xu Yusheng have known each other since childhood.

   Being so big, Jiang Yuner seldom admired anyone, and Xu Yusheng rarely caught her eye.

  So, as soon as she heard that Xu Yusheng had been squeezed out of the position of general manager by a little-known wild girl, she immediately called.

  As a result, I didn't expect Xu Yusheng's reaction to be so calm, this kind of bearing and mind, really made me feel inferior.

  Jiang Yuner thought to herself, if it were her, she would have to turn the world upside down.

   "Hey, if she can use the means, that's her strength."

  Xu Yusheng sighed helplessly, but her eyes became colder and colder.

   "Then what are your plans for the future?"

   Jiang Yuner asked her.

   "With so many industries in my family, are you afraid that you have nothing to do?"

"thats right."

Jiang Yun'er agreed, pursed her lips and was about to say something, she listened to Xu Yusheng's words and said with concern, "It's you, Shen Shiqi will be your immediate boss in the future, how long do you have snacks at work, don't be caught small braid."

   "Well, I will. Thanks for the reminder."

   "Heh, who are we with whom? Why are you being so polite?"

   "Hey, it would be great if you didn't leave! That Shen Shiqi, since he was able to seduce his brother-in-law brazenly, it must not be a good thing. I am really afraid that my life will be difficult in the future."

   Jiang Yuner said depressedly.

  Xu Yusheng's eyes flashed, "It looks like you hate her very much."

   "Of course! A toad dares to miss Brother Sen? Isn't she just relying on herself as Shen Qing's cousin? Hahaha, if it spreads out, her reputation will be so bad."

   "The problem is, no one will spread it! Will you?"

   Xu Yusheng asked tentatively.

   Jiang Yuner shook his head, "Of course not!"

   Spreading it out will only hurt Gu's reputation, so she's not that stupid.

   And Gu Qisen is so capable, she must have found out that she did it all at once. At that time, it will not be as simple as losing her job. Jiang Yuner has always been very good at judging the situation, and she has never done things that hurt others and not herself.

  Her reaction was in Xu Yusheng's expectation. There was a sneer at the corner of Xu Yusheng's mouth, but her tone was gentle and warm, "That's it. Okay, I'm driving, so let's do it for now."

   "Well, I'm free to contact you."


  Xu Yusheng unplugged the Bluetooth headset and looked at the congested road ahead. Suddenly, a thought flashed across his mind.

   She picked up her phone again and dialed 11 familiar numbers.

   There was soon a respectful male voice on the other end of the radio wave: "Miss Xu."

   "There is something, please help me."

   "Please speak!"

   "Before going to work tomorrow, please send Jiang Yuner, the brand director of F&B, to embezzle the public funds for the past two years, as well as the evidence of the transaction with customers, and send it to the mailbox of the general manager of Y.Z Daily Chemical Company.



   The next day, Shen Geng officially went to work at Y.Z.

  Gu Qisen didn't let her use Xu Yusheng's previous office, but specially asked her to prepare a room with a perfect orientation for her.

   went to work at nine o'clock, Shen Qingqian came at half past eight, there was no one in the company, she walked back to the office low-key and turned on the computer.

   Taking advantage of the neutral position of the boot, she made herself a cup of coffee.

   walked back to his seat with a cup of fragrant coffee, at this time, the computer screen just showed.

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