One Year Marriage

Chapter 1047: Take it, baby, go into battle to kill the enemy! (Twenty-seven)

   Unexpectedly, Xu Yusheng would get close to her, so Shen Qingchen had no choice but to say, "I am not an employee of the Gu family, I am a representative sent by the partner MU of the Gu family."

   "Oh. So you are the legendary special assistant to the president. I'm sorry, I really don't know Taishan. Seeing you are so young, I thought you just graduated from college, but I didn't expect you to be so capable!"


   Hehe, isn't it?

  If you can't do it, how can you get into Gu Qisen's eyes with such an ordinary appearance...

   Xu Yusheng hated more and more, but the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

  Shen Qingqing certainly didn't know how gloomy the woman standing in front of her was. Seeing her so friendly attitude towards her, she also smiled, "It's a prize, I'm just lucky."

"Ha ha……"

   Xu Yusheng chuckled.

   was about to say something when the staff elevator next door arrived at the negative floor and slowly opened the door.

  Xu Yusheng said immediately: "The elevator is coming, let's go first."

The    voice fell, and regardless of whether Shen Qingli wanted to or not, he directly reached out and pulled her.

  There are outsiders, of course Shen Qingqing is inconvenient to take the CEO's exclusive elevator. After breaking free from Xu Yusheng without a trace, she walked into the elevator with him with a light smile.

   "What floor do you work on?"

   Xu Yusheng pressed the floor where she was, and asked Shen Qingqing kindly.

   Shen Qingqing originally planned to go to the top floor to find Gu Qisen, but now he can only change his mind, "I'm on the 98th floor, the office next to the secretary room."

  Xu Yusheng helped her press the 98 button and smiled: "It seems that our President Gu takes your company very seriously."

  Who doesn't know that the most confidential place in the entire company, except for the president's office, is the 98th floor. That whole floor is where the special assistants of the president and secretaries work. This Shen Shiqi can actually have an office inside, which is simply...

   Thinking of Gu Qisen's fascination with Shen Shiqi, Xu Yusheng couldn't help being jealous, and clenched his fists unconsciously, letting the slender nails go deep into his palms.


   Even if she was forced to leave the Gu family, she couldn't let the vixen Shen Shiqi succeed, she had to find a way to drive her away...

   "Our two companies attach great importance to this cooperation, and Mr. Gu also sent a representative to the MU headquarters."

  Shen said softly.

  Although Xu Yusheng's behavior was very polite and generous, for some reason, Shen Qingqing always felt strange, and he was a little more guarded against her. Maybe it was influenced by Gu Qisen's dismissal of her?

   If it was anyone else who was fired for no reason, there would always be resentment. It's not like Xu Yusheng, who came to work with a smile in front of her and was in the mood to chat with her today. It's strange...

   The two of them had their own thoughts and stopped talking.

  The elevator arrived at Xu Yusheng's floor. Before Xu Yusheng went out, he suddenly turned his head and waved gently at Shen, "Seventeen, I'll go out first, if you have time, make an appointment."


  Shen nodded politely and watched her leave.

   The elevator door closed, and she immediately pressed the button on the top floor.

   Xu Yusheng didn't actually leave, but stood at the elevator door, staring at the gradually rising numbers on the elevator display, until the 98th floor, the elevator stopped for a while, and then went to the top floor again.

  Oh, she guessed right, Shen Shiqi, the vixen, really went upstairs to find Gu Qisen.

  Xu Yusheng narrowed her eyes suddenly, her eyes were icy cold.

   Back at the office, she closed the door immediately, picked up her mobile phone and called Gu Changqian.

   After learning that Gu Qisen was going to let her leave the Gu family yesterday, she wanted to tell Gu Changqian about it, but later, in order to hold her breath, she endured it for a whole night.

  I wanted to take the time to go to Gu's house in the afternoon to find Gu Changqian and cry, but she was so provoked by Shen Shiqi that Xu Yusheng couldn't wait for a moment, she just wanted to let Gu Changqian know the seriousness of the matter right away.

  The phone was picked up after two rings, and Gu Changqian's cheerful voice came over the airwaves: "妘sheng, why did you suddenly remember to call your grandpa Gu? Did you encounter any difficulties?"

Xu Yusheng changed her face in an instant, with a soft smile on the corner of her mouth, and said softly, "Grandpa Gu, there is indeed something very important, but... If I say something, please Grandpa Gu, please don't blame me, I... "

   As she spoke, her throat choked up, but she couldn't make a sound anymore.

   Gu Changqian was startled by her, his gray beard trembled, and he asked nervously, "What's wrong? What happened?"


  Xu Yusheng was still hesitating, but he didn't scare the old man to death, "Grandpa Gu believes in you and won't blame you! Say something, don't be afraid? Did Asen bully you? I'll call you!"

   "No, Grandpa Gu, Asen didn't bully me, he just..."

   "Just what? Oh girl, you said it!"

  Gu Changqian has always been an impatient person, and he can't stand people who talk half and stay half. However, because of this, he feels even more that Xu Yusheng is definitely wronged.

  If not, when did this girl who knows the book and respects the courtesy, when has she ever been so twisted?

   Knowing that her previous foreshadowing had worked, Xu Yusheng hooked the corner of her lips, and immediately said in a very aggrieved and helpless tone: "Yesterday afternoon, Asen gave me 10 million and let me leave the Gu family."


  Gu Changqian's eyes widened suddenly, completely in disbelief, " is it possible..."

   "Sorry, Grandpa Gu! It's my fault, it's my failure to achieve proud results, Asen is right, he's tolerant enough to me, but I'm not qualified to take on this role."

Xu Yusheng said sincerely, before the old man could speak, she added, "Although she is very reluctant to leave the Gu family, since this is Asen's decision, I will still support him. I feel very sorry for your trust and betrayal of yours. , because you arranged for me to come in, so... After struggling for a night, I decided to call you to say..."

   "Nonsense! Since you joined the Gu family, your achievements are obvious to all. Even if Yishan doesn't leave her job, she may not be as good as you."

  Gu Changqian was so angry that his old face instantly turned the color of pig liver.

  Xu Yusheng was the talent he arranged to join the group. Gu Qisen fired him without saying hello. Did he take his grandfather into consideration?

   Obviously not!

   This unfilial grandson is really going to **** him off...

   "Grandpa Gu, if I'm really that capable, Asen will definitely not let me go, so... in the final analysis, I'm still incompetent..."

   Speaking of this, Xu Yusheng's expression darkened.

Hearing her grievance, Gu Changqian became even more angry, "Don't worry, your ability has been unanimously approved by the board of directors, and your letter of appointment is also given by the board of directors, he has no right to do this! I'll go to the company to find him. !"

   "Grandpa, don't make trouble with Asen because of me."

   Xu Yusheng hurriedly persuaded.

   "Humph! I'm still afraid he won't succeed?"

   Gu Changqian said with a dark face, "You can work with peace of mind, Grandpa Gu will call the shots for you."

   When the words fell, he ignored Xu Yusheng's reaction and hung up the phone.

   Hearing the busy tone coming from the radio waves, Xu Yusheng couldn't help but let out a faint smile.

It seems that everything went smoother than I imagined. Moreover, the old man rushed over in anger at this moment, and in all likelihood, he will meet Shen Qingqing in the president's office. There is probably a good show to watch, but unfortunately, she has not yet. Can watch the scene...

  Xu Yusheng lowered his head, resting his mobile phone on his chin at will, and his eyes were full of gloating that couldn't be concealed.

   In front of her is a noble and generous lady in the capital, but in her back is a sinister and vicious devil. Even the highly intelligent Gu Ranran would have to call her senior sister when she met her.


  The top floor, the president's office.

  Gu Qisen was sitting at the executive desk and was busy with a bunch of urgent matters to deal with.

   Shen Geng is not idle, although her office is on the so-called 98th floor, but basically, she uses a computer to work with her husband.

  The couple focused on their respective work, the quiet space, and the rhythmic keyboard tapping sounds from time to time, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

  Time passed silently by minute by minute, and before you knew it, the two of them had been working continuously for an hour and a half.

   "Get it done!"

  Shen gently turned off the PPT save and stretched naturally.

   At this moment, Gu Qisen also stopped typing on the keyboard and looked up at her: "Is the PPT ready?"

   "Yeah, isn't it great?"

   Shen asked him gently and triumphantly.


  Gu Qisen nodded with a serious look, "My vision has always been good."

   "Uh, what does this have to do with your vision?"

   Shen Gently couldn't react for a while.

  Gu Qisen got up with a smile, and walked gracefully to the sofa where she was, "You are so good, doesn't this prove that I have a good eye for picking people? After all, I am not only your boss, but also your husband."

   "Ha ha ha, it turned out to be a lot of trouble, you are complimenting yourself."

  Shen lightly smiled and shook his head.

   "You can think so too!"

   Gu Qisen said boldly.

   walked to the vacant seat next to her and took a seat. His handsome head leaned over and stared at her computer. His hands were not idle. He grabbed her mouse and reopened the PPT that she had just turned off.

   "Let me see if there is anything that needs to be modified."

   "Oops, that's great."

  Shen gently cheered excitedly.

What she did this time was a publicity plan for MU and Gu's new products, which was actually not within her sphere of control, but she just had inspiration and wanted to give it a try. Gotta be busy.

  Gu Qisen opened the PPT and reviewed it page by page. When he saw something wrong, he pointed it out to her one by one.

   "Husband, you said that if I started to meet you in elementary school, and then you help me with my studies, let alone S University, even if it is a super famous school like Harvard and Oxford, maybe I can get into it."

  Shen gently took Gu Qisen's arm and said with a smile.

  Gu Qisen raised his hand to rub her hair, and couldn't help smiling: "You should be glad you didn't meet me at that time."


  PS: This chapter is 3000 words, which is equivalent to the number of words in other people's three chapters. mwah.

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