One Year Marriage

Chapter 1030: Take it, baby, go into battle to kill the enemy! (ten)

  Gu Qisen received the message she handed over, calmly picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, but said to Gu Zhenghong and Su Han, "Since the two brothers and sisters want to go there tonight, Lao two will help with the area."

  Su Han immediately agreed: "No problem, no problem. Anyway, Mom has been bored recently, so she can play with the children."

  Gu Zhenghong held up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said in a deep voice, "It doesn't matter how long they live if they want."

   "Well, then let them live for a while."

   Gu Qisen nodded and said happily.

  The two babies also nodded their heads like garlic.

   "Okay okay, I want to eat the cake made by my grandma!"

   "Howl wants to drink the tea that Grandpa made!"


  The adults looked at each other and smiled.

   At this time, Su Han asked again: "The babies, where do you want to go tomorrow, grandma will take you there."

   Ji Jiu answered seriously: "I don't want to go anywhere, just make a cake for Ji Ji at home."


  Shen laughed softly, her daughter is really a foodie.

   "How about Hao Hao? Shouldn't it be the same as Ji Hao, let Grandpa make tea for you at home?"

  Su Han patted Haohao's little head, laughing and joking.

  Xiao Zhengtai said solemnly: "It's not."

   Speaking of this, he suddenly looked at his grandfather who was sitting next to his grandmother, and asked expectantly, "Grandpa, can Jiji go to the laboratory to play?"

   He knew that grandpa was a great scientist. There must be many interesting things in grandpa's laboratory. Hmm, he didn't want to be as unwilling as Ji Ji, he only knew how to eat...

   Unexpectedly, Haohao made such a request, Gu Zhenghong was stunned for a moment, and then smiled quickly, "The laboratory is too dangerous, it's not suitable for Haohao, wait for you to grow up a little bit."

   "When will we wait?"

   "Wait for the first grade, okay?"

"…okay then."

  Compared to the naughty Jiepiao, Haohao is much more mature and stable, and he is very obedient, which makes the elders especially worry-free.

   "Husband, do you really want the children to live with their grandparents? How can this be done?"

  Shen gently tugged at the corner of Gu Qisen's clothes and protested quietly.

   Gu Qisen lowered his lips and whispered in her ear, "I'm going to the capital tomorrow, you go with me, it's the best choice for the babies to live with their grandparents."

   "Ah? What are you going to do in the capital?"

  Shen was slightly surprised.

  Gu Qisen explained: "Elder Xu will be celebrating his 80th birthday tomorrow. I have to go and pay his respects to the old man."

"Oh I got it."

  Shen lightly understood.

   Xu Lao is the grandfather of Xu Yusheng, and a big man in the capital and even the whole country. Although he is 80 years old, he is still powerful.

   To Gu Qisen, this old man is indeed a very special existence.

   Therefore, Shen Qingqing did not stop him from setting out.

   It's just that her current identity is Shen Shiqi, and it feels inappropriate to appear in public with Gu Qisen.

   After thinking for a while, Shen Qingqing still asked aloud: "Then what am I going to do?"

   "You, just wait for me at the nearby hotel."

   Gu Qisen said truthfully.

   He didn't plan to stay too long at Xu Lao's birthday party, so he wanted Shen Qingqing to go with him, and the two of them could also stroll around the capital.

   "Well then, listen to you."

   Shen Qingqing has no objection. She likes the capital very much. She thinks that Gu Qisen proposed to her there at the beginning, and that scene is unforgettable to this day.

   "What are you two whispering about? Hurry up and eat, the beef is done."

  Su Han's laughing voice interrupted their chat.

  The couple realized that they had been chatting for a long time before they knew it, and Haohao and Haojia were almost full.

The two little guys were stuffed with bulging cheeks and kept eating, they looked so cute and cute, Shen Qingchen was so soft in her heart that she couldn't help but pick up the phone and took a group photo of them, and sent it to RT in the chat group look at the group of sisters.

   Well, this is the first time they have seen howling and babbling.

  The time difference, RT is early in the morning.

  I thought those girls were still sleeping, but Shen Geng threw the photo into the group for less than two seconds, and the group exploded.

  Thirteen: [Wow! Where are these two little stars from? so cute! Refill Refill. 】

  Suna: [Seventeen, your son and daughter look like your husband. When this beauty grows up, it is estimated that it will bring disaster to the country and the people. 】

  Eleven: [Small buns, little buns, I want a video, I want a video! 】


  In addition to Cindy, several other girls were chatting, very lively.

  Shen lightly smiled and replied: [Wait when you come to S City, and then let you see the real person. 】

  Thirteen: [Oh yeah, that's a must. 】

  Eleven: [We should be there soon, you must treat us well. 】

  Shen Gently: [Of course this is fine. When are you coming over? 】

  Suna: [It may be a week or two more, the master and Cindy are not here, we will go again when they come back. 】

   Shen Gently: [Where did they go? 】

  Suna: [The master didn't say anything, but he left in a hurry. Alright, we gotta get up and go to practice, Seventeen, we'll talk later. 】

  Thirteen: [Little babies, wait for Auntie to see you. 】

  Shen smiled softly: [Don't worry, the little babies will definitely wait for you aunties. Come on, I want to cook the hot pot. 】

   After she finished speaking, she still did not forget to take another photo of the food and post it, Chiguoguo was hated.

   After chatting with the sisters, Shen Qingqing finally had the mind to eat.

   A hot pot meal is enjoyable and the atmosphere is very good.

  After dinner, Gu Qisen and Shen Qingqian accompanied the children back to their grandparents' house, where they drank the fruit tea made by Su Han, and then drove back to the Huanshan Villa around ten o'clock.

  The servants had already fallen asleep, and the couple went upstairs and entered the room in a happy mood.

   "Husband, what time do we leave tomorrow?"

   "Sleep until you wake up naturally."

   Gu Qisen put his arms around her waist and hugged her horizontally, his eyes were burning and charming, "The children are not here tonight, let's go back and forth, eh?"

  Shen gently hooked his neck and smiled like a little fox, "I think so too, but my aunt is here."


  Gu Qisen raised his eyebrows, his handsome face instantly darkened.

   This big aunt, it's too late, isn't it?

  Early or late, but tonight...

   "Well, I just found it in the bathroom."

"ok, I get it."

  Gu Qisen lowered his head and kissed her, carried her to the sofa and put her down, then sat beside her and asked, "Does it still hurt to come here now? Would you like to cook some brown sugar water for you?"

  Shen shook his head gently, "It doesn't hurt anymore. In the past few years in RT, my physique has improved a lot, and the pain is gone."

"That's good."

   Gu Qisen finally felt relieved after hearing this.

   "By the way, husband, Xuanyuan Che and Cindy seem to have very important things to do."

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