One Year Marriage

Chapter 1025: Take it, baby, go into battle to kill the enemy! (Fives)

   However, with what she knew about Asen, she really couldn't believe that it would be true...

   Gu Changqian saw Su Han's expression in his eyes, he couldn't help snorting, and replied angrily, "She's an ordinary-looking girl with no education at all!"

   His words were full of disgust and disdain, making Su Han suddenly speechless.

After a few seconds, Su Han expressed his opinion: "Master, is there any misunderstanding? If that girl is as bad as you describe, how could Asen like it? This is too different from Qing Qing... isn't it? "

A person's aesthetics and preferences will not change easily. Gu Qisen is so obsessed with Shen Qing, even if one day he really decides to forget her and start a new relationship, the girl he likes will definitely be like Qing Qing. Style, there can't be too much deviation.

   Of course, compared to this, she is even more reluctant to believe that her son will give up waiting...

  Although she also felt that the chance of coming back lightly was very small, but what should I say, if her son really changed his mind, she would still find it difficult to accept...

   "Misunderstanding? How could there be a misunderstanding?"

   Seeing that Su Han didn't believe in himself, Gu Changqian couldn't help but raise his voice, "I've seen that girl before, her name is Shen Shiqi, she is the special assistant of Murong Xi, the president of MU Group, and she is also a gentle cousin."

   "What? Gentle cousin? This..."

  Su Han was even more shocked.

   She always only knew that Qing Qing had a cousin named Shen Fuxiao, who was married to Gong Tianqi. As for this cousin who suddenly appeared, she had never heard of it before, so she should not kiss her very much, right?

   And according to the old man's meaning, Asen actually fell in love with the gentle cousin, no matter how he thought about it, he felt incredible.

   But the old man doesn't look like he's lying...

what happened?

  Su Han frowned, aroused curiosity.

   At this moment, I heard Gu Changqian say: "You can find time to meet this Shen Shiqi in the past two days, and directly state your position to let her leave Asen. The door of our Gu family is not something she can enter if she wants to!"

   The voice fell, and he didn't care whether Su Han answered or not, he left with a livid face and his sleeves.

  The servant just came over with the first-class tea, and saw that the old man's chair was still hot and left, and the wind couldn't help being messy.

   And what about Su Han?

   She was stunned for a long time before she recovered, and hurriedly called Gu Zhenghong to mention this to him.

   "Are you saying that Asen is in love? The other party is still a gentle cousin? Where does this fake news come from?"

  Gu Zhenghong's reaction was exactly the same as Su Han's before.

   They are all infatuated and single-minded people, and they don't believe that their son, who has won their true inheritance, will be so fast.

Su Han sighed, "Old man, there is no need to joke about this, I think it should be inseparable. Masahiro, what do you think we should do? Are we really going to break them up? Although we all take it lightly Just like a daughter, but you also know that gently... hey, selfishly speaking, if Asen can come out of the grief of losing her and start a new life, we should be happy, right?"


  Gu Zhenghong agreed, his expression extremely complicated.

"Also, Asen is a very assertive child. Ten cows can't pull back any decisions. I don't think we can persuade him. On the contrary, it will break the relationship we finally repaired again. ...Husband, people are selfish, this time, I want to stand with my son and support any decision he makes!"

  Su Han squeezed the phone tightly and said firmly.

Hearing his wife's vowed words across the airwaves, Gu Zhenghong smiled slightly, "I also support all your decisions! However, for the good of Asen, you can also find time to meet this Shen Shiqi for a while and see with your own eyes who she is. What a person."

   "Well, okay. I see."

   After chatting with Gu Zhenghong on the phone, Su Han immediately settled a lot.


  Su Han's work efficiency is extremely high. At noon that day, he got Shen Shiqi's mobile phone number.

   When Shen Gently received her call, he just finished processing a document in his hand.

Su Han called Shen Qingli from her own mobile phone. Her number was very easy to remember, and Shen Qingyi had already recited it by heart, so when she saw a familiar string of numbers flashing on the screen, she couldn't help shaking her head, her husband. , you are so predictable...

   Knowing that the other party was Su Han, Shen Gently pressed the answer button a little excitedly, "Hey, hello, who is it?"

   She tried her best to restrain her emotions and regarded Su Han as a stranger.

   After a while, a gentle female voice came from the radio waves, "Hello, is this Shen Shiqi?"

"um, yes."

   Shen Qingqing did not deny it, and responded generously.

  Su Han introduced himself with a smile, "I'm Su Han, I don't know if you recognize me."

   "Oh, it's Auntie, I often hear Assen mention you, hello Auntie! I don't know why you are calling me?"

  Shen's soft, sweet tone contained an undisguised joy.

Xu Shi was infected by her voice, and the smile on Su Han's mouth deepened unconsciously, and she had an inexplicable affection for Shen Shiqi, so her tone became a lot more loving, "I heard the old man talk about you and Asen, I don't know if it's inconvenient for Miss Shen to come out after a while, why don't we have afternoon tea together?"

   "Okay, no problem."

  It was what he expected, Shen Qingqing was not hypocritical, and immediately agreed.

   The two made an appointment to meet at a coffee shop on Huaihai Road half an hour later. It took about 20 minutes to drive there from the Gu Group. Therefore, Shen Qingqing immediately sent a text message to Gu Qisen to report his whereabouts, and set off with a bag.

When    arrived at the coffee house, Su Han had not come yet.

   At this point in time, there are not many people in the coffee house, and the place is sufficient.

  Shen lightly chose a corner overlooking the river, ordered a vanilla latte, picked up a fashion magazine, and waited for Su Han while reading.

   The magazine in her hand happens to be the most popular fashion publication "Xiu Mei", which can be called the direction indicator of the fashion industry. In addition to predicting future fashion trends, there will also be exclusive interviews with successful people.

   Shen Gently flipped through it with interest, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of Xu Yusheng's photo.

   Oh, it turned out to be her interview.

   See what was written.

  Shen lightly cast his gaze on the densely packed small characters, it was fine if he didn't read it, but when he saw it, he almost vomited blood.

   She took out her mobile phone decisively, took pictures of the two pages of paper and archived them, and sent them a WeChat message to Gu Qisen.

  Gu Qisen was busy and didn't notice WeChat. Shen Geng couldn't wait for his reply, so he simply exited the WeChat interface and looked up at the door of the coffee house.

  Su Han has not come yet.

  Shen gently opened WeChat again, and seeing that Gu Qisen still didn't reply, she took down her phone and sipped the fragrant latte. At this moment, she saw Su Han gracefully walking towards her.

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