Earth, the moon base.

At a distance of 100,000 kilometers from the moon, the counterattack exited its curvature flight, and began to slow down, and finally parked above the counterattack experimental port on the moon base.

The return of the counterattack number has no warning.

Seeing the counterattack returning home, after confirming the communication, the scientific researchers, engineers, and space fleet soldiers in the lunar base all ran out, waving their arms towards the counterattack, shouting excitedly.

No one knows what the Counterattack went through, and no one knows what the Counterattack did.

People only know that the Counterattack left Earth for three months and returns today. During this time, nothing seemed to happen in the universe.

If the space Telescope on Earth can see the triangle Star Sect of the Palestine civilization in ε Pegasus, you will surely find that Star Sect is still intact, standing quietly in the endless starry sky in.

However, in fact the Star Sect no longer exists.

Earth’s Space Telescope, even if I saw the Star Sect, it was still the picture 673 years ago.

Because ε Pegasus is 673 light-years from Earth, the picture you see at this moment is the picture 673 years ago.

If human technology develops in the future to be able to observe objects with a scale of 20 kilometers in the constellation ε Pegasus, then humans will be able to observe the picture of Star Sect being destroyed by the Counterattack Gamma Star Destroyer after 673 years .

The far distance of Universe Starry Sky creates such an interesting time difference.

After returning to Earth, Fang Yuan led the team back to the space fleet headquarters to report on the mission.

“The Pegasus εStar Sect has been destroyed.”

Fang Yuan’s sonorous words sounded in front of the senior officials of the Space Fleet Headquarters.

No one can confirm the authenticity of this incident with their own eyes, but no one will doubt it.

After the military mission report is completed, the following is a detailed report from Zhao Anya on the process.

among which is included Space Amoeba and the green-skinned alien of the Carbon-based Alliance.

Subsequently, a star map of the Milky Way and the primary technology of quantum communication are submitted.

The information and star maps brought back by this military research class are enough to shake the entire civilization.

Whether it is the star map of the Milky Way or the primary technology of quantum communication, both have the effect of changing the fate of human civilization.

The Super Technology Laboratory has established a project for quantum entanglement communication technology and has begun preliminary research work.

However, the current focus of scientific research is still on the curvature engine.

Therefore, the research progress of quantum entanglement communication technology is not fast.

The quantum communication technology brought back this time seems to have directly opened the door of quantum communication.

Although it is not possible to manufacture quantum communication equipment on its own, these scientific and technological materials are enough for scientific research teams to modify and use the quantum communication equipment on the counterattack.

After two weeks of experiments, the quantum communication device was successfully used to communicate between the counterattack and Earth.

The communication delay is close to zero.

In the case of Wireless Electronics communication, the distance from the sun to Earth takes eight minutes, but quantum communication only requires a few tenths of a second to compile the computer, and the information transmission is instantaneous.


At the same time.

Scientists in various fields, including astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmological sociology, have begun to study the galaxy’s star chart.

Among them, there is also a secret job.

That is to analyze the Star Sect proposed by the green aliens to destroy the other three Palestine civilizations.

The three stars named by the green aliens are YB20356, YH35616, and YT16465.

Scientists also found the positions of these three stars from the star chart.

“YB20356, is the Orion κ star, also known as Betelgeuse, 650 light-years from Earth, and the mass of the star is 16 times that of the sun.”

“YH35616, is Ophiuchus The λ star is 166 light-years from Earth. This star system is a binary star system with very complicated gravity.”

Lang Tongguang finally focused his attention on the third star with Star Sect: “Finally, this The YT16465 is special. From the star chart coordinates, it should be Qilin v838, 20,000 light-years away from Earth, and 700 times the diameter of the sun.

“The peculiar reason is that Earth’s space Telescope is in Twenty years ago, an outbreak of v838 Qilin was observed.

“at first, the astronomy community generally believed that this was a new star explosion, but it was later discovered that this was not the case. The cause of the explosion is still unknown. There are many speculations in the astronomy community. Some scientists think it is the death process of stars, and some Think of it as a binary merger, or a star engulfing the planet.

“No matter what the reason is, this explosion shows that the star system of Qilin v838 is very dangerous. “

Scientists from the General Staff and the Academy of Military Sciences who participated in this secret meeting have repeatedly watched the call video of the green-skinned aliens many times.

A high-ranking space fleet Speculated: “This so-called carbon-based alliance life, given the three Star Sect coordinates, is it possible that it is a trap? Perhaps it is a trap set by the Palestine civilization. After all, image forgery should not be difficult for higher civilizations. “

“I don’t think there is such a probability. We did get a star map of the Milky Way, and we have compared the star map with the observed stars of the Milky Way. The accuracy rate exceeds 99.8%. A little inaccuracy may be caused by the limitations of space Telescope observations. “Zhao Anya denies this probability.

If it is just forging the image of the carbon-based alliance, it is really not difficult for the Palestine civilization, and it can indeed be false and real, and reach humans indistinguishable. Degree.

However, some things are certain.

That is the green-skinned alien, who did give humans a very complete picture of the Milky Way galaxy and marked it Hyperspace channel.

Moreover, all star coordinates are accurate after comparison and calculation.

The confirmed wormhole position is also accurate.

apart from this.

The basic technology of quantum communication given by the green-skinned aliens is also real.

There is no reason for the Palestine civilization to help humans so much. , This is not in line with common sense.

Therefore, the green-skinned aliens impossible are counterfeit by the Palestine civilization.

Of course, this does not guarantee that the green-skinned aliens will let humans There is no problem at all to destroy the three Star Sects.

“At present, it is certain that the star maps given to us by the carbon-based alliance life are accurate so far, and the primary technology of quantum communication is also real. In other words, our communication with each other has been friendly so far. Therefore, I will destroy the three Star Sects as agreed. “

Fang Yuan thought carefully, and then said: “Furthermore, Star Sect, which destroyed the Palestine civilization, is good for us. From what is known, Star Sect is usually built on wormholes across galaxies.

“So, in order to prevent the Palestine civilization from coming over, we also need to destroy these three Star Sects.”

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