“The explosion of a red dwarf is not a normal cosmic phenomenon. Therefore, if the Purger civilization observes this phenomenon outside the galaxy, it must know what happened on the beast planet. Therefore, the previously predicted 20-year crisis of the Purger civilization has already If it is not established, the time may be greatly shortened. It may be 3 years, 5 years, or 10 years…”

“If human beings want to survive under the threat of the Purge civilization, they must We must seize every one minute, upgrade technology, and enhance the overall strength of civilization.”

“From the performance of the victory process of war, some people may prefer power rather than thinking about the future of civilization. Therefore, , We can’t believe that other countries must have the greatest resources and the most cutting-edge technology in our hands…”

The meeting is over for another day.

Han Youwei didn’t remember whether he listened to the content of the meeting. After it was over, he went to the Family Compound of the Academy of Military Sciences.

Fang Zhenguo and his wife live there.

She came to the house, and there was a deck chair on the porch in front of the house. There was a giant panda on the deck chair, which was a soft toy, very clean.

She walked over, held the giant panda’s hand, and said with a smile: “Xiong Ba, how are you?”

At this time.

The door opened from the inside, and Li Shuhua greeted: “Youwei is here, come in.”

After the war, Han Youwei knew what happened to the Fang Family. Knowing that Fang Yuan’s parents were lucky to survive, but Fang Xiaozhu disappeared, and there has been no news.

This is also one of the reasons why Han Youwei insists on looking for Fang Yuan on the beast planet.

The daughter is gone. If she loses her son again, she does not know what the family will become.

The house at No. 82 Jiangbin Road has been repaired, but Fang’s father and mother did not go back to live, but instead lived in the family compound of the Academy of Military Sciences.

“Auntie, why don’t I find a way to write an application and pick up Xiong Ba.” Han Youwei thought for a while and offered to help pick Xiong Ba back.

“No trouble, the superior said, Xiong Ba’s level is too high, no one in the family can manage it, discipline is not allowed. Seeing that Little Brat at home every day, I have to think of Xiaozhu.” Li Shuhua waved his hand, sighed after speaking.

With Han Youwei’s family relationship, I can indeed help write the application and get Xiong Ba back.

However, according to headquarters regulations, mutant creatures with too high levels must have special domestication qualifications before they can be raised.

“Auntie, I have talked with Professor Lu from the Institute of Biology, and we all think that Xiaozhu should be fine.” Han Youwei comforted.

Actually, Lu Xiuwen’s answer is that there is a certain probability of survival.

However, Han Youwei has increased the certainty a bit, hoping to make Li Shuhua feel better.

“Sit for a while, I’ll look for tea.” Li Shuhua asked Han Youwei to sit down, and then went into the kitchen to make tea.

“Auntie, don’t bother, I’m not thirsty.”

Han Youwei said, picking up the album on the sofa and looking through it: “This is a photo of Fang Yuan and Xiaozhu when they were young Is it?”

“Yes, it’s basically when I was young. When children grow up, they don’t like to take photos with adults.” Li Shuhua unscrewed the tea can, poured some into the teapot, and waited. The water boils.

Han Youwei continues to flip through the album.

The front of the album is full of photos from childhood, and there are few photos in the back, but there are some pictures cut from newspapers and magazines.

Most of them are photos of games. Apart from Fang Yuan, there are a few other people in the team.

Han Youwei saw his group of people passing together, his nose was a little sore, and he quickly turned the album back to the previous pages.

Seeing the photos of Fang Yuan when he was a child, a little nostalgia appeared on his face instead.

“Fang Yuan was really naughty when he was a child.”

“Yes, especially during the six months that he was sent to his grandma’s house, he was wild, fighting with people and smashing windows. “Li Shuhua talked about his son’s childhood, with a look of memories on his face.

Han Youwei answered: “In fact, he is just skin, not bad, in fact, he has a good heart.”

“It’s okay when he grows up, but not like that when he was a child.” Li Shuhua Sit down, take the album, and flatten the photo.

“It’s true, Fang Yuan smashed windows when he was a child, it really wasn’t a bad thing.” Han Youwei argued.

Li Shuhua was a little confused this time, looked up at Han Youwei, said with a smile: “How did Fang Yuan tell you?”

Han Youwei shook the head, Said: “No, it’s Huanxi Town. I grew up there when I was a child, Fang Yuan smashed my window.”


Li Shuhua was a little surprised , Asked: “Then you guys later…”

“Actually, my grandma fainted with myocardial infarction at the time. It was Fang Yuan who broke the window with a slingshot. When she saw my grandma fainted, she called someone to send it. In the hospital, I saved my grandma’s life.” Han Youwei pursed his lips, telling the secret hidden deep in his heart.

She and Fang Yuan have indeed met since childhood.

In the small town of Huanxi.

At that time, Fang Zhenguo and his wife went to the hometown of their comrades-in-arms and sent Fang Yuan to his grandma’s house in Huanxi town for half a year.

At that time, Han Youwei lived with grandma.

Han Youwei always remembered his childhood. When he met again in high school, Fang Yuan did not remember the Han Family little girl who was teased and cried when he was a child.

When I was in school before, Han Youwei wanted to talk about it several times, but every time he came to his lips, he didn’t know how to say it.

Now I have no chance to speak.

When the two were looking at the photo album.

Fang Zhenguo came back from outside.

Han Youwei stood up and said hello: “Hello, uncle.”

“Sit down, don’t be so indifferent. The meeting hasn’t ended just now, so your seat is empty, I I know you should be at home.” Fang Zhenguo said, picking up the remote control and turning on the TV.

The news is broadcast on TV.

Part of the international situation is the issue of Xingyuan mining rights.

White Eagle also united with some council countries to establish a Controllable Nuclear Fusion Technology Standards Association, in order to restrict the manufacture of solar furnaces in the East China Sea and force the East China Sea to hand over some of its controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Fang Zhenguo watched for a while, frowned, grabbed the remote control again, and turned off the TV.

“I just want to see, if Fang Yuan is here, can any of these clowns dare to fart!”

Because the East China Sea does not have the super battle strength of War God level, The voice of the Planetary Defense Council is not as strong as during the war.

Furthermore, since the White Eagle launched an anti-matter missile, it suddenly became tough in technology.

White Eagle anti-matter technology, and the East China Sea space fleet technology, have a tendency to fight against each other.

Han Youwei was silent for a moment and said: “Fang Yuan will definitely come back.”

Fang Zhenguo remained silent.

The headquarters has not announced any news about Fang Yuan, but Fang Zhenguo works at the headquarters, and the level is not low, so I know what the situation is.

Of course, hope is better than hopeless.

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