When equipped with Black Dragon Battle Armor, Fang Yuan already had the ability to dominate the air.

There is no running speed data, because after the lightning vortex ring is triggered to advance, it is no different from flying close to the ground.

In fact, all Awakeners with air dominance capabilities use the ground speed when recording speed data.

This close-to-ground speed can be either running speed or ultra-low flying speed.

Fang Yuan absorbed a wave of anger donors prepared by the Academy of Military Sciences before conducting the second Black Dragon Battle Armor adaptability test.

Raise the surrounding attributes by a circle.

Finally, the attributes are upgraded to: Strength 738, Agility 732, Physique 645, Spirit 640

After the attributes are upgraded, the ground speed test will begin.

After rigorous testing, accurate data was obtained.

“1765 kilometers each hour, the lightning vortex ring propulsion efficiency was 395%, better than expected, the weight increased five times, and the ground speed almost did not drop.” Yang Yuping was very pleased to see the data report.

Due to the advancement of the lightning vortex ring of the Black Dragon Battle Armor, it is a product of combination with “Lightning God Speed”.

Therefore, the propulsion efficiency of the lightning vortex ring has included “Lightning God Speed”.

Next, Fang Yuan conducted a formidable power test of Dark Matter Dragon Fist.

Blew the test machine with one punch.

The Sombra Shield before the test machine was fine, and the machine behind the Sombra Shield was shattered.

However, before the machine was damaged, a piece of data was measured.

“92.4 million joules.”

This is the Dragon Boxing formidable power that erupts at near ground speed.

Seeing this data, everyone present couldn’t help but take a deep breath and was surprised by this value.

“This is almost the formidable power of the 283mm battlecruiser gun, right?” one person exclaimed.

“Yes, the formidable power of the 283mm battlecruiser gun is about 100 million.”

“If so, according to the current thin-skinned battleship, wouldn’t it be one punch? “

“Anyway, even if it is not sinking, it must be disabled.”

Since the overlord of the ocean has changed from a battleship to an aircraft carrier, battleship has no longer piled up armor, so the current battleship Compared to battleships, they are all thin-skinned goods.

This is also the inevitable result of the development of the times. After all, this is not the era of warships.


After the second test of Black Dragon Battle Armor was completed, the battle clothes laboratory of the Academy of Military Sciences submitted a report that Black Dragon Battle Armor can be put into actual combat.

At the same time.

The Bashe and Lance of God fleets began to wreak havoc in the Luzon Sea Territory, continuing to carry out military force threats, forcing the East China Sea to surrender “Divine Evolution”.

The East China Sea War Zone everyday all is holding a military meeting, arguing about solutions.

In the past two months.

War God Red Dragon has remained silent and did not express its views on the threat of Lance of God military force.

When the generals in the War Zone are arguing.

Red Dragon finally speaks, expressing his desire to fight.

As China’s War God, Red Dragon’s words were heavy enough to immediately set the tone, and East China Sea War Zone began to actively prepare for the attack.

In fact.

The East China Sea had already begun preparations two months ago.

It’s one thing to fight or not, but it’s another to be ready for battle.

Even if you don’t fight, you must be ready to fight at any time.


During the three days that Red Dragon decided to fight, the East China Sea War Zone dispatched a fleet to solve the Lance of God with the momentum of thunderbolt.

The military scientific research team also received a notice to play.

This morning.

The 36 members of the military research class, whether in Kyoto or in the East China Sea, all arrived at the western suburbs military base to report.

As the chief instructor of the military research class, General Luo De stood in front of the crowd and spoke loudly: “12 hours ago, the War Zone Command Center issued a combat order to target the Lance of God fleet. This is The first real actual combat of the military scientific research class. In the past, those were small fights.

“Can you become a member of the next generation of Dragon Team, show your strength and let the troops see you fighting will. “

After the speech was over, General Luo De ordered the departure.

Most members of the military research team immediately boarded the battleship and set off with the East China Sea Fleet.

“Fang Yuan, Ye Zheyu, Zhao Anya, Eve, the four of you come with me. “

Admiral Luo De took four people and left the western suburbs military base and came to a clearing.

A huge rugby-shaped thing was docked in the clearing.

“This is… an airship, right? “Ye Zheyu was a little surprised when he saw this huge rugby.

It was really too big. The airbag was 150 meters long and 36 meters wide, about the size of a 10,000-ton destroyer.

Eve saw the airship and immediately ran up happily, opened his hands and turned around and said, “I knew about this a long time ago, but because I want to keep it secret, I dare not tell you that this airship has a nickname. ‘Sky Fortress’, with a payload of 300 tons. “

Admiral Luo De stood in front of the Airship Airship, leaning on a cane in both hands, and announced, “From now on, this airship Airship will be a special air unit for the military scientific research team. Go up. , Ready to go to war. “

Everyone boarded the SkyFortress.

The captain of the SkyFortress saluted Admiral Luo De. After receiving the order, he ordered to take off.

“Eve , Open the fog, we attack invisibly. “Admiral Luo De ordered.

“Okay, no problem, my clouds and fog can be protected from radar. “Eve sat in the co-pilot seat and replied excitedly.

She had known about the Fortress in the sky before, but she needed to keep it secret. She couldn’t tell her teammates, she was almost suffocated.


She is very interested in new battleships, airplanes, and airships, so she has won a position as a co-pilot, but she can only see and can’t touch things, and there are three co-pilot positions.

SkyFortress rises into the clouds and travels through the dark clouds mixed with fog and clouds at a speed of 200 kilometers each hour, much faster than the speed of a battleship.

“How many people does this airship have? “Fang Yuan stood in front of the glass of the SkyFortress, looking at the air bag above, and asked.

“There are 50 crew members, and there are 50 combatants. “A deputy captain of the Airfortress replied.

“How about the weapons?” I just saw a lot of launch arms outside. “

“A total of 32 launch arms can simultaneously launch 32 air-to-surface missiles or anti-ship missiles. “The deputy captain of the Airfortress replied.

“Are there any guns?” “Ye Zheyu interjected and asked.

“Yes, two 30mm rapid-fire guns. The Air Fortress usually does not engage in close combat, so it does not need too many close-in guns. “The deputy captain replied.

“Can I control a gun?” “Ye Zheyu asked again.

“Yes, this is not a big problem. The deputy captain agreed.

Eve turned around and asked, “Is my MEKA brought here?” “

“I brought it here and can be airborne, but I definitely don’t need it. “The deputy captain replied.

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