This is a peaceful night.

One month has passed since the world league.

Britain is negotiating with the Chinese military, hoping to extradite Thompson, but it has not been successful.

The Chinese military listed Thompson’s multiple crimes.

Private breaking into houses, attempted murders, spying on the scientific research secrets of the Academy of Military Sciences, destroying the cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements of the Academy of Military Sciences…

Scientific research secrets and scientific achievements are naturally Eve’s Mecha MEKA, that is indeed Mecha developed by the Academy of Military Sciences.


A British general called and criticized embassy officials and ordered them to extradite people back as soon as possible.

In this world league, the British nation is completely ashamed.

After the British admiral finished cursing, he slapped the microphone back on the landline, and then sat on the chair to get angry.

Just then.

A puddle of dark-brown liquid flowed into the room from the crack of the door and came under the chair of the Admiral. Then it slowly swelled up and turned into a human form. He reached out his hand to pinch the admiral’s neck and issued a sound like The voice of the evil spirit: “Don’t move.”

“Ah! What are you…what are you?” The admiral found that this “thing” that appeared suddenly was like a pool of human-shaped liquid, very terrifying , Frightened into a cold sweat.

“Shhh…Don’t talk.” The Liquid Man warned.

Then the door opened from the outside.

A woman walks into the room, her face looks like her forties, but her eyes have a feeling of vicissitudes.

If Fang Yuan is here, you can definitely recognize that this woman is one of the leaders of Lance of God, Ning Lu.

Ning Lu said hello: “General, don’t be nervous, just come to ask a few questions.”

“Are you who?” The general asked in a panic.

At this time.

The sound of dong dong dong footsteps came from the wooden stairs.

A young man with brown hair in his twenties stepped forward and asked: “Father, what happened?”

“Hello, Colonel Grant.” Ning Lu turned around and scanned the brown-haired young man, Spirit launched a shock, stunned him directly.

“What are you doing?” The general of the Imperial Family in Britain shouted.

Ning Lu beckons with the hand behind him, calling in a member of Lance of God.

This member of Lance of God carries an alloy box in his hand.

“Open.” Ning Lu instructed.

Lance of God members opened the alloy box, revealing a three-sided container inside, a bit like a three-sided Star Core, but the details are different.

Ning Lu held up the three-sided container while instructed: “Let him lie flat.”

Lance of God members dragged Colonel Grant on the ground to make him lie flat on the ground.

Ning Lu carefully placed the three-sided container on Colonel Grant’s chest, and then said: “The matter is more urgent, and there is no time to bring people back.”

Three An energy body that resembled the tentacles of a jellyfish protruded from the prismatic container, shuttled between the real space and the high-dimensional space, and finally plunged into Colonel Grant’s brain.

This British admiral was pinched by the liquid man, unable to move even a little bit, and could only shout: “What are you going to do? What are you going to do to Grant?”

About thirty minutes later, the energy body in the shape of jellyfish tentacles was completely fuse into Colonel Grant’s body.

A few more minutes passed.

” Colonel Grant” moved, and stood up with his forehead, his body rickets because he was not used to it: “This body is much worse than before!”

Ning Lu bowed and said: “Master, this is the most suitable identity that can touch the heart. When you were in China, you met a youngster who took the’Superpower Mimicry’. That person’s body should be more suitable.”

“Then why didn’t you find it?”

“Colonel Grant” asked in a slightly angry voice.

“That person is a student of Luo De, and he is in China, so there is no way to get it.” Ning Lu replied.

“Did my last soul die in his hands?”

“You and that person entered the space rift together, and finally that person came out, but you did not come out.” Ning Lu replied.

The British admiral heard this in a daze, suddenly widened his eyes, and shouted hysterically: “You…you are Demon King Rahu! My son…my son Grant, you What’s wrong with him?!”

Now this “Colon Grant” is already Bashe Demon King Rahu.

Rahu gradually got used to this new body. After standing straight, he turned his head and looked towards the “father” of the body, with an indifferent look in his eyes.

Slowly raised his hand, pinched the British Admiral’s neck in the air, and slowly clenched it.

“Master, wait a minute to kill him, and I need to ask for the secret order of the Imperial Family Naval Base.” Ning Lu said quickly.

“Then ask.” Rahu said indifferently.

Ning Lu stepped forward and stared into the eyes of the British Admiral, and asked: “What is the secret order for the secret storage room of the Imperial Family Naval Base?”

“You…you are Come steal Demon King Heart!” The British Admiral panicked.

“That was originally our stuff, is this called stealing?” Ning Lu sneered.

“I won’t tell you.” The British Admiral insisted.

“Then you die.” Ning Lu’s eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and it rushed into the eyes of the British Admiral.

The British Admiral screamed and his body trembled violently.

“What is the secret order for the secret storage room of the Imperial Family Naval Base?” Ning Lu asked again.

“8……2……3……5……” The British Admiral said a series of numbers.

Ning Lu regained the ability and turned around and said: “Master, you can go and retrieve your heart.”


British Imperial Family Naval Base.

The young “Colon Grant” took a female secretary to the naval base.

After checking the documents, the guard soldiers at the gate let them go.

After entering the Imperial Family Naval Base, walk to the building where the secret storage room is located.

Outside the building, there are two more security checks.

Fingerprints and pupils and irises passed smoothly.

Because this person is “Colon Grant”, any inspection will not be a problem.

After entering the last security check, there is an ability detection to check whether the entrant is controlled by the ability.

The result is no problem.

” Colonel Grant” entered the secret storage room of the Imperial Family Naval Base unimpeded all the way, absorbed the Star Core energy stored in the Demon King Heart, and then left the same way, leaving the container in place.

Three days later.

The secret incident broke out in Britain. An admiral died at home and his son Grant disappeared.

The British Imperial Family Navy went all-out to investigate, but did not find any clues. It only knew that Colonel Grant had entered the Imperial Family Naval Base before disappearing, and then disappeared.

In the Imperial Family naval base, nothing was lost.

The whole incident is very strange.

Imperial Family Admiral’s method of death was obviously killed by a powerful Spirit ability.

This was done by the powerful Spirit Awakener, but after killing people, he didn’t take anything.

If you have to say that something was taken away, it is to take away the Admiral’s son Grant.

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