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“Why do you have the divine radiance of the different Star God Temple?”

Korjan’s giant beast used Spirit to ask a strange question.

For a moment, Fang Yuan guessed what it was asking.

Should be “divine bait”.

The only thing that can cause doubts and interest in this cosmic giant beast should be the divine bait.

Kejan’s giant beast asked a question.

However, to Fang Yuan’s ears, it contains a huge amount of information.

The divine radiance of the different Star God temple was mentioned in the question of the giant beast of Kogaen.

If it refers to the divine radiance of the different Star God temple as “divine bait”, that means that the “divine radiance” of the different Star God temple is very similar to the divine radiance of the different Star God temple, so that it can have such doubts.

But, what is the relationship between “Divine Bait” and the different Star God Temple?

If you have to say anything about it.

“Divine Bait” comes from Bashe.

However, this ability is not native to Bashe, but what Rahu smuggled in the spaceship when he smuggled Bashe.

Bashe got the “divine bait” from Star Core on the smuggled spaceship.

If you go back in this way.

The “divine bait” should come from the Palestine civilization and there is no problem.

The Temple of Alien Star God is a kind of temple of the Palestine civilization that specializes in cultivating alien warriors.

Said it is to cultivate alien warrior. To put it bluntly, it is the place where the Palestine civilization raised the war giant beast.

The Palestine civilization does have the habit of raising giant beasts in the universe as a weapon of war.

The reason for this habit is also very simple.

Because the main organism of Palestine civilization is energy life.

There are many aspects of energy life. Life force is tenacious and can survive on a planet in a very harsh environment.

However, energy life also has disadvantages.

The biggest disadvantage is that it is too light.

This puts the Palestine fighters at an absolute disadvantage in terms of kinetic attacks.

Moreover, this disadvantage is at the level of Universe Rule and is determined by quality and speed.

The biggest feature of energy life is its light weight, so this weakness cannot be changed.

Therefore, in order to make up for the disadvantages of energy life in the battle, the most direct and effective way for the Palestine civilization is to captive the universe giant beast and other alien warriors.

The alien warrior is not limited to the giant beast in the universe, but can also be creatures of other civilizations.

However, for civilization, most of the gregarious civilization creatures are not suitable for training as war weapons.

Because the gregarious and civilized creatures are prone to problems after they leave the gregarious society.

Therefore, the alien warrior that the Palestine civilization holds the most is actually a beast, and the universe giant beast is the most suitable type.

Fang Yuan thought of so much for an instant, and suddenly a guess arose in his heart.

However, if the guess is not verified, it will always be a guess.

Now that I have this opportunity, I can’t let it go.

Fang Yuan hit the giant beast with a punch, instead of killing it, but stopped suddenly, raised his right hand and copied the “divine bait”, condense a divine light group in the palm of his hand. .

The moment when Kogain giant beast saw the appearance of this divine light group, the carapace all over his body opened up, as if he had seen the most sacred thing in the world.

“Do you mean this?” Fang Yuan asked this question, but in fact, seeing the reaction of this cosmic giant beast, he did not need it to answer, he already had the answer.

“Why do you have the divine radiance of the different Star God Temple?!” Kogaen giant beast asked this question again, and Spirit’s tone became more excited.

Fang Yuan’s guess has been confirmed, but he still wants to confirm some: “Are you sure this is the divine radiance of the different Star God temple you said? And it’s exactly the same?”

Although Kejiaen’s giant beast wanted to escape because of the injury, at this time, he still stared at the light ball in Fang Yuan’s hand, and the longing in his eyes was unmistakable.

After a while, it woke up abruptly, and said with anger: “No! This is not, this must be an illusion made by you. I swallowed the divine radiance you threw just now, and the brilliance is only the appearance of divine radiance. , But there is no real divine radiance. Damn whispering creature, you are deceiving me!”

Fang Yuan originally thought that he had confirmed the guess in his mind, didn’t expect this universe giant beast suddenly broke free from the attraction of the “divine bait” and began to roar.

Isn’t the “divine bait” the divine radiance of the different Star God temple?

If not, why did it mistakenly identify the divine radiance of the different Star God temple before?

There must be something wrong with it.

Fang Yuan thought quickly in his mind, and quickly came up with some definite inferences.

The first point that can be determined first.

Even if the “divine bait” is not the divine radiance of the different Star God temple, it must be very similar in terms of breath and so on.

Otherwise, this cosmic giant beast will not admit it wrong.

Moreover, the cosmic giant beast with Stellar Rank Lv.7 has a very terrifying battle strength.

If Fang Yuan weren’t here, this raised hand could wipe out a stellar civilization, and a human fleet would definitely not be enough to stuff its teeth.

Moreover, the cosmic giant beast of Stellar Rank Lv.7, although it is a beast, is not low in intelligence.

This kind of cosmic giant beast can recognize the “divine bait”, which means that the “divine bait” is not only very similar to the divine radiance of the different Star God temple, it should be said that it is almost the same.

The difference between the two was discovered after being swallowed by the giant beast of Kogaen.

And the difference between the two also revealed by the giant beast of Kogaen.

That is on the “divine bait”, there is no divine radiance.

However, it is not yet certain what Kogain’s “divinity” refers to by giant beast.

This is the information Fang Yuan can be sure of for the time being.

If you want to clarify the relationship between “Divine Bait” and the different Star God temple, you may really need to see the different Star God temple before you know it.

However, the different Star God temple of the Palestine civilization is on the Palestine home planet in the Andromeda galaxy.

If you want to see the different Star God temple, it is basically impossible.

It is estimated that the easiest way to see a different Star God temple is to become an alien warrior of the Palestine civilization.

Korgan giant beast felt deceived and roared in anger, but because he was hit hard, he knew that the strongest warrior in front of him was too terrifying.

It snarled angrily, stared at the “divine bait” in Fang Yuan’s hand, and retreated to escape.

The escape of such a cosmic giant beast is not a good thing for humans.

Let it escape back to the Palestine civilization, and it will still become a war giant beast of the hostile civilization in the future.

It’s okay to have oneself here now. If the human fleet performing other tasks encounters this giant beast in the future, it might be in danger of destruction.

So Fang Yuan clenched a fist and was not ready to let it go.

The look in the eyes of Kogaen’s giant beast staring at the “divine bait” is very familiar.

Most beasts, including big bellies, have this look when they stare at the “divine bait”.


Fang Yuan raised his brows, quickly copied the “Divine Evolution”, released the divine energy, and asked: “This is the divine nature you wouldn’t be referring to, right?”

Kejan’s giant beast saw the energy of “divine evolution”, and his divine nature froze immediately.

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