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The hunting time runs until the 3rd day night.

The Divine Boat has searched from λ387 Sagittarius to λ780 Sagittarius. It has surpassed 14 star systems and the last three.

The search has come to an end, but there is still no trace of the Earl of Tallinndal’s fleet.

This also means that it may have been lost.

Although the astronomy team led by Lang Xiaonian, at first calculated that the probability of catching the Earl of Tallinndal is 60%, but this is only a rough probability, and no one knows whether it will be caught in the end.

Moreover, a success rate of 60% means that a probability of 40% is unattainable.

This is a close half-open chance, and it’s not surprising if you can’t catch it.

It just makes people feel unwilling to that’s all.

The closer to the end of the hunting voyage, the less reconciled the crowd, and the more dull atmosphere.

It’s just that, in the vast and empty universe, it is too difficult to find a fleet that has lost its traces.

Ye Zheyu has been working continuously for three days and two nights, and is still using the ability, with the battleship’s detection equipment, observing every detail in the star system.

“Why don’t you take a break. I’m very tired for such a long period of continuous concentration attention completely. I’ll be fine with a short break. I’ll take two hours for you and take a rest before continuing.” Zhao Anya sees Ye Zheyu’s dignified work Now, a word of reminder.

“I’m not tired, thank Sister Ya. I want to catch him.” Ye Zheyu’s experiment, Spirit is divided into hundreds of branches, controlling hundreds of high-dimensional vision eyes, and observing every aspect in the universe. A movement.

Awakener can insist on fighting for three consecutive days, but it is definitely false to say that he is not tired.

Especially like Ye Zheyu, who can’t relax reconnaissance work every second, it is more tiring.

However, he took a sigh of relief in his heart, worried that when he was resting, if the traces of the Earl of Tallinndal’s fleet flashed past and were not found, then all the efforts of everyone would be wiped out.

So, he took a deep breath and refused to relax for a second.

Zhao Anya didn’t say anything when he saw his insistence. He took out his tea collection and asked him to give him a cup of strong tea.

“Thank you…”

Ye Zheyu took a sip of tea and felt the familiar taste of Earth’s hometown. He grinned and revealed a smiling face. With such a flash of divine skill, one of his eyes swept to a light spot that seemed like nothing.

“At ten o’clock on the left, there are two points that can’t be seen clearly, can it be approached?” he said in the communication channel.


Eve swipes the control screen boredly to change the course of the Divine Boat and turn to the left at ten o’clock.

Her excitement has passed, and she hasn’t slept for three days and two nights, and she looks like she’s about to fall asleep.

However, the job of driving the spaceship is still completed without compromise.

This is not the first time that it is necessary to change direction and observe closely.

Many times, Ye Zheyu just perceives an uncertain light spot, and needs to be close to confirm to see what it is.

However, in this case, most of it is the light reflected by an asteroid.

This has been the case at least one hundred and thirteen times before.

As the Divine Boat approached the unknown light spot at ten o’clock, Ye Zheyu focused on Spirit to observe carefully, the light spot gradually became clear, and the outline became more and more like the trail of an engine.

His Spirit suddenly vibrated, loudly shouted in the communication channel: “25 million kilometers ahead, an engine trail was found.”

He didn’t say that he found the fleet of the Earl of Tallinndal, because this is still uncertain.

The light spot I saw was like the trail of an engine, indicating that it should be a spaceship.

But in the vast universe, seeing a spaceship is not necessarily the fleet of the Earl of Tallinndal.

It may also be other transport ships, or mining ships.

Even so, everyone aboard the Divine Boat woke up like they had been asleep for a long time when they heard the trail of the engine, each Spirit shaking.

“Are you sure?” Fang Yuan walked into the bridge and asked aloud.

“It has been confirmed that it is the wake of the spaceship, but we still need to get closer.” Ye Zheyu replied and continued to focus on Spirit observation.

As the distance gets closer and closer, Ye Zheyu’s eyes gradually shine, and the pressure is suppressed, and he said: “There is a second engine wake, two ships, two ships…”

Three seconds later, his voice sharply increased: “The third point is the engine trail, the fourth point, the fifth point…”

At the end, he almost shouted out.

His heart was beating wildly, because the engine trail he saw made him almost certain that it was the fleet of the Earl of Tallinndal.

The familiarity of the wake, he saw it once three days ago, but was tricked by the other party. He will never forget the engine wake.

“That’s right, it’s him!” Ye Zheyu suppressed his excitement and looked back towards Fang Yuan, his eyes hot.

Fang Yuan immediately presses the intercom and uses the broadcast authority: “All the Divine Boat has, the target appears, all enters the wartime state, the engine runs at full power, the photon jumps to full load, catches up, and shreds them!”


All the people on the ship responded in unison, like a lion awakened from a dream, and began to hunt down its prey.

The Divine Boat moved forward at full speed, rushed towards the engine trail of that lap, and rushed towards the fleet of the Earl of Tallinndal.

It’s just that when viewed from the third perspective, the picture is a bit strange.

Because this is a battleship, the charge for a fleet is strange, like a self-destruct ship launching a suicide attack.

There is a lonely determination.

“Communication invasion, I want to see the face of Count Tallinndal.”

Fang Yuan waved his hand to give the order, and after a while, the communication of the flagship of the Tallinndal was connected.

The energy image of Count Tallinndal appeared on the screen, and the expression was filled with surprise.

“Meet again, how do you plan to dock your tail to survive this time?” Fang Yuan looked at him quietly, his eyes like a sharp sword out of its sheath, vowing to slay the enemy.

“You can catch up…”

The Count of Tallinndal was a little surprised at first, but soon received information from the fleet reconnaissance ship, his expression changed, said with a malicious smile: “You only came here with a malicious smile, are you here to die? What do you think?”

“It’s enough to catch you. If you need to gather the fleet, I can stare at you out of range and wait for the fleet to converge before attacking.” Fang Yuan’s expression remained unchanged, his eyes still sharp.

“Are you not afraid that I will turn around and kill you first?!” Count Tallinndal threatened loudly.

“You can give it a try. If you dare to look back, I can still look at you high, if you just run away blindly, you will be at this level.” Fang Yuan is not afraid of threats, but the gaze in his eyes is somewhat different. look forward to.

The Earl of Tallinndal was very angry, coldly snorted, cut off the communication, and went to discuss the countermeasures with the staff of the fleet.

After the communication is cut off.

Zhao Anya walked closer and whispered: “I have notified the fleet to come and rendezvous. It is estimated that it will take four days. We can bite them first and wait for the fleet to rendezvous before launching an attack.”

“No, I was nothing serious just now. Charge up and knock them over!” Fang Yuan raised his hand and ordered a charge.

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