After learning that he could obtain loans from the photosynthetic civilization, Fang Yuan immediately convened a military research team and the ship’s staff to discuss the matter.

“Pigs is helping us to get the loan plan from the PSG Far Star Bank, and we should be able to get the loan plan soon. What we need to discuss now is how to improve our strength after the loan.” Fang Yuan Probably help the meeting to determine the direction of discussion.

When Zhao Anya heard this, she felt a little surging in her heart: “How much can I borrow?”

“I don’t know yet. According to Piggs, we need to use our shield The 30% share of the γ670 resource star is used as collateral, so the loan number It shouldn’t be is too small. However, this can only be confirmed when Piggs transmits the loan application result.” Fang Yuan replied.

The efficiency of the photosynthetic civilization is very fast.

I didn’t wait long.

Pigs’ communications intervened in the Conference Hall of the Divine Boat.

“Dear Admiral Fang Yuan, I’m very happy to tell you that Photosynthetic Galaxy Far Star Bank has agreed to your loan. The loan plan and the preliminary agreement have been passed on. You can see Take a look, and then we continue to communicate.” Piggs finished speaking without cutting off the communication, waiting for Fang Yuan’s reply.

Fang Yuan moved his fingers to let people cast the preliminary loan agreement on the big screen.

The preliminary agreement is released.

Fang Yuan’s focus is mainly on the number of the agreement. The most important number is the loan amount.

“Is the 300 million alliance currency at most so much?”

Pigs opened his hand and explained: “This is using your resources in the Scutum 670 The three-year income of the star is calculated, and a little more is given, which is enough to make up the amount of 300 million alliance currency.”

“But the most valuable Zro star source of the γ670 Scuti resource star can be mined. Shouldn’t it be calculated based on the 50-year mortgage?” Fang Yuan wants to fight for more.

“I think you may not have an accurate understanding of the value of the alliance currency. According to the estimation of the Photosynthetic Galaxy Far Star Bank, 300 million alliance currency can buy 100 Earth.” .

Fang Yuan is not surprised by this value comparison.

Because, Earth is of little value to higher civilizations.

For higher civilizations, the valuable resources must be the Zro star source, various rare crystals, and the Becerian source stone mine.

Earth doesn’t have these things.

Earth is a planet with scarce resources in the eyes of advanced civilizations.

And human beings are still only a planetary civilization at this stage. Whether it is technology or the level of civilization, it is also of no value to higher civilizations.

Therefore, Earth, the blue planet on which humans depend for survival, is really worthless.

So much so that a random loan of 300 million photosynthetic civilization can buy 100 Earth.

“Is there any way to increase the loan limit?” Fang Yuan asked.

Zhao Anya pulled Fang Yuan’s arm, pointed at another number, and said, “Look at the interest rate.”

Fang Yuan has actually seen it, that number is indeed A bit too much.

The annual interest rate is 127.31%, which is no different from grabbing.

However, Fang Yuan was not angry at all when he saw this loan interest rate.

In the current human situation, interest rates are not the point at all. First get the loan to enhance the strength of civilization, and then talk about the later things slowly.

For a civilization that may perish at any time, interest rates are just a number.

Of course, if you can try to lower interest rates, you still have to try.

Fang Yuan clicked on the interest rate value and asked: “Is this interest rate a bit too much?”

Pigs spread his hands and said, “This is the Photosynthetic Galaxy Far Star Bank. The calculated result, and I can reveal some information to you, this interest rate is not an exaggeration, it is just a normal war loan interest rate.”

“More than 100% interest rate, not much?” Fang Yuan kept his face straight.

“This is directly proportional to the risk, and this loan is in the form of a war loan. In fact, in the risk assessment given by the Photosynthetic Galaxy Far Star Bank, it is estimated that you can repay the loan. The probability is less than 20%. In a sense, this money can be seen as supporting you.” Piggs spread his hands and expressed helplessness.

“Support? This is too much.” Eve vomited.

Fang Yuan felt that Piggs’ explanation was not a problem.

At least, in the eyes of photosynthetic civilization, it is true.

Humanity is just a planetary civilization, and the loan can buy 100 parent stars.

The value of this loan is not a general exaggeration.

Moreover, human civilization has always been attacked by the Palestine civilization. In the eyes of higher civilizations, humanity may perish at any time.

In this case, the risk assessment of the Photosynthetic Galaxy Far Star Bank believes that the probability of human beings repaying loans is indeed not high.

For a loan with a high probability of bad debts, it is said to be support, but there is no problem.

“I do want to help you, but some things are just there and there is nothing I can do. If it weren’t for the 30% share of the resource star of γ670 Scutum as collateral, this loan would be impossible. In addition. , This interest rate is actually the home planet year of our photosynthetic civilization, which is 1.6 Earth years, so it’s not that exaggerated in fact.” Piggs spread his hand.

Fang Yuan didn’t worry about the interest rate value after thinking about it, and continued to fight for the quota: “I won’t talk about the interest rate. I hope to increase the loan quota.”

“300 million Is the alliance currency not enough? How much do you want?” Piggs asked in surprise.

“The more the better.” Fang Yuan doesn’t care about the numbers at all. Anyway, the more the better.

“This is a bit difficult. The figure of 300 million is something I have already won for you.” Piggs spread his hands.

At this time.

The staff on board the ship handed a note to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan took a look and said to Piggs: “Let’s do it. After we get the loan, we will spend most of the loan within the photosynthetic civilization, so we should be able to increase the amount. “

Pigs heard this plan, nodded, said: “If this is the case, you can indeed apply for an increase. I will apply for you. You can give me an approximate figure. What do you want to be? ?”

“The more the better, I will eat it if I double it tenfold.”

When Fang Yuan opened his mouth, he wanted to make tenfold, so the surrounding teammates couldn’t help it. Swallow saliva.

Ten times the loan, plus the interest rate of 127.31%, these figures together, it is a bit terrifying.

“Tenfold should be impossible, or whether it is possible or not.” Piggs shook his head.

“No, I’m going to double it ten times. If it doesn’t, I will use myself to settle the bill.” Fang Yuan stretched out his hand and pressed it on the table, his eyes firm.

“If this is the case, then there is no problem. I will help you apply.” Piggs agreed immediately.

In the military scientific research class, many people surprisedly said: “This is promised? I just said no.”

“No surprise, human civilization is not worth money, and neither does Earth It’s valuable, but Fang Yuan is valuable, and the universe is so cruel.” Zhao Anya spread out and sighed.

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