After the “photon transition” test was successful, the fleet officially used the “photon transition” as its sailing skill to increase the average sailing speed from 10 times the speed of light to 15 times the speed of light.

The reason why it did not rise to the limit of 20 times the speed of light is because the “photon transition” cannot be maintained for a long time and requires rest time, so the average speed is 15 times the speed of light.

As the flagship of the fleet, Counterattack is always in touch with Earth.

Zhao Anya everyday all will report to the Supreme Council of Earth, and also remind the possible Ulysses attack.

“Is there any news from the Carbon-based Alliance? Has Ulysses been caught?”

This evening, Fang Yuan ended today’s “Photon Jump” boost Work, come to the cafeteria to eat.

Zhao Anya, Han Youwei, Eve, Niu Dazhi, Ye Zheyu, they are already sitting together chatting and talking.

Fang Yuan took the heated lunch box, sat next to a few people, and asked casually.

“I didn’t catch it. Listening to the meaning of the Carbon-based Alliance, Ulysses should have broken through.” Zhao Anya shrugged and expressed helplessness.

Lang Xiaonian used a tablet to display a 3D star map, and added: “Ulysses should be running from this route, from the Sagittarius arm to the direction of the silver plate.

“The Carbon-Based Alliance came here from the Perseus spiral arm. Judging from the fact that Ulysses’ data can reach 100 times the speed of light, it is really difficult for the Carbon-based Alliance to catch him. “

The Milky Way is viewed from above, like a vortex made up of 100 billion stars.

The center of the Milky Way is called the Galactic Center, and the Star River is composed of four stars around it. The galactic center rotates and spreads outwards. These four Star Rivers are called spiral arms.

The sun is in one of the smaller Orion spiral arms.

Eve moves over and takes a look at the stars. Picture, asked: “Is it possible for Ulysses to fight Earth? “

This question is very crucial.

Ulysses’ Stellar Rank strength is capable of destroying human civilization in one blow.

Don’t say anything. Lisis, Fang Yuan can now reproduce the disaster of the extinction of the dinosaurs with one punch. Ulysses can also do it, and the formidable power will only be greater.

So, if Ulysses If Si relies on the advantage of sailing speed to bypass the carbon-based alliance and enter the solar system, it is possible to destroy human civilization.

During this period, everyone is very worried about this.

Lang Xiaonian shook his head and said: “From the star chart, it should be impossible. If Ulysses’ extreme speed is 100 times the speed of light, there is no hidden faster speed.

“He set off from Qilin v838, and the Carbon-based Alliance encircled from the Perseus spiral arm.

“Then, he does have a chance to arrive before the Carbon-based Alliance is encircled Solar system, destroy Earth.

“This can indeed be done, but in that case, before Earth is destroyed, there will definitely be a chance to spread the news.

“The Carbon-based Alliance will turn its arms towards Orion. Enclosed, then Ulysses’ photon transition, no matter how fast, will probably not escape.

“In other words, if he wants to destroy mankind, he has to bet his own life.

“For Ulysses, we are actually just a bunch of insects. I Think he is impossible to bet his life in order to kill a group of insects. “

“This is indeed the case. Earth should be safe. Don’t worry too much. “Fang Yuan agreed with Lang Xiaonian’s analysis.

Everyone continued to eat.

Fang Yuan remembered something, and asked: “Is there any news from the professor?” “

It has been almost a month since the fleet left the Qilin seat V838.

In other words, the Human Academy of Sciences obtained the experimental data of carbon-based life soul energyization a month ago.

If this technology can save Yang Yuping, there should be news.

If this technology can’t save Yang Yuping, then wait until the expeditionary fleet returns to Earth, maybe I will never see the old man who ran out of life for the sake of civilization and technology.

Therefore, Fang Yuan wanted to ask several times during this month, but he did not dare to ask, worrying about hearing bad things. News.

According to the calculation of the voyage, there will be at least two months before returning to Earth.

If it is unsuccessful, it is indeed not seen.

Zhao Anya reached out and patted Fang Yuan’s shoulder, and said, “Don’t worry, although there is no news of the success of the experiment, the news I get is all my preference. The Academy of Military Sciences is already embarking on experiments to reproduce the soul energy of carbon-based life, and the progress is very smooth. I believe that there will be good news soon. “

Fang Yuan kept a calm smile on his face and said, “I don’t know what it will be like when we meet again.” “

At this time.

Zhao Anya got up and walked aside, talked a few words, and then with a surprised expression on her face, she walked to Fang Yuan, depressed. Excitedly said: “Is the good news here? “

Fang Yuan opened his eyes suddenly and asked: “Success? “

“Go to the bridge yourself. The Supreme Council says that someone wants to talk to you. “Zhao Anya said with a smile.

Fang Yuan doesn’t care that many, he jumps up and ran towards the bridge.

Han Youwei, Eve, Ye Zheyu, several, He also reacted immediately and ran with him.

Niu Dazhi hesitated, looked at the lunchbox in front of him, and at the teammates who ran away, and finally picked up the lunchbox and ran.

Fang Yuan rushed to the bridge.

On the control screen of the bridge, the communication request confirmation button was lit.

Fang Yuan took a deep breath. On the communication confirmation button, press Go on.

The communication is connected, and the big screen flashes, and there is a figure from the back of a robot.

There are some pipes and lines plugged into the robot, which is a laboratory. Products.

Fang Yuan looked at this back nervously.

After a while, the robot turned around and said hello: “I thought I would never see it again. “

The moment Fang Yuan saw the front of the robot clearly, Fang Yuan’s heart suddenly surged with excitement, guilt, and rejoicing, and his mood was extremely complicated.

On the head of this robot, It is a spherical glass cabin. There is a group of energy in the glass cabin. This group of energy condense a person’s face. It is Yang Yuping.

“I don’t have other methods, so I can only go to Qilin seat v838. . “Fang Yuan is not sure if the old professor will resent this result.

As a person, losing a body means losing a lot of things that a person should have.

“Actually During the last period of work, I already knew that my time was up. Don’t think it’s hurting me. I’m very satisfied with my current self. Energetic consciousness, mechanized limbs…”

Yang Yuping lowered his head and moved his robotic arm, because it was a laboratory product. It is still in the debugging stage, and the shell circuit is a little messy: “This kind of body will not be tired, do not need to rest, and will not get sick, but it will cost some electricity. “

The power consumption of the machine shell is not worth mentioning.

This is obviously cracking a joke.

“Look, I still Can cracking a joke. “Yang Yuping’s energy face showed a smile, and the wrinkles could be seen unfolding along with it.


(I made a star map of the Milky Way and marked a few The important position of the arm is in the easter egg chapter at the end of this chapter. The picture needs to be reviewed and can be seen tomorrow morning. Or the reader group 203920481 album also has it.)

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