After it was determined that the Qilin Fleet of the Palestine civilization had assigned six battleships and returned to defense, the situation changed significantly.

Of course, this change, on the surface, seems to be just the difference between Earth’s ability to last a few more seconds.

The Supreme Council of Human Civilization, the Space Fleet Command, the Staff Headquarters, the Academy of Military Sciences, and the military scientific research team held a planetary defense conference to discuss new defense strategies.

The proton observer counter mechanism was activated at the meeting to prevent the prying eyes of the Palestine civilization.

“Palace civilization’s Qilin fleet has divided six battleships back to Qilin seat v838, the number of battleships we will face will be six…”

An elderly military staff officer, first analyze the battle situation:

“Among them, four are three-row cruisers, which are a kind of heavy firepower of the Palestine civilization. The firepower is far more powerful than the counterattack. The Persistent is more violent.

“Apart from this, there are two triangular destroyers. This is a high-speed ship type responsible for the function of the breakthrough defense circle.

“The focus of today’s meeting is to find the best defense strategy to deal with the Qilin fleet’s attack.”

Ye Zheyu took the topic and spoke on behalf of the military research team: The closest hyperspace channel node to us is in the orbit of the asteroid belt, which is too close to Earth.

“Therefore, I think the defense strategy should not be limited to planetary defense, but should be more active. Yes, arming in the asteroid belt. “

Ye Zheyu first discovered the wormhole in the asteroid belt during the first hyperspace voyage.

It was the hyperspace node of the solar system in the hyperspace channel. .

This super Space Node is too close to the Earth orbit, which is a very dangerous signal.

The views put forward by Ye Zheyu were also discussed during the lunch time of the military scientific research team. View.

Humans have been emphasizing planetary defense and planetary defense.

The focus is on the defense of Earth, but now it’s not just defense of Earth.

The times have changed.

During the Star Beast Civilization War, as long as you can defend Earth well, you can stabilize the battle.

Now it’s different. It’s a high class. Civilization must place the defensive focus outside Earth.

“We have already begun to deploy the defense matrix of the asteroid belt two months ago, and the related asteroid belt defense weapons have already undergone military engineering. Production has begun to be installed in batches on the defense matrix of the asteroid belt. “Chief-In-Charge Li Guihua from the Academy of Arms Research of the Academy of Military Sciences responded to the issue of the deployment of the asteroid belt.

As early as two months ago, humans had already noticed the Qilin fleet in Palestine. Trends.

Therefore, the defensive measures have not started now, but have already started two months ago.

Since the solar system’s hyperspace channel node is in the asteroid belt, the The defense of the asteroid belt has been incorporated into the overall planning very early.

“What is the main defense weapon? “Admiral Luo De asked in depth.

“Mainly kinetic energy weapons, supplemented by missile weapons, and a small amount of energy weapons. “Li Guihua glanced at the document in his hand and gave an answer.

At the current stage of humanity, kinetic energy weapons are indeed the best choice.

The biggest advantage of kinetic energy weapons is cost performance. High.

Compared with missile weapons, the cost of missiles is too high.

Because missiles need thrusters, equivalent to each missile, you need to install a thruster Engine, and this propulsion engine is disposable.

The launch turret of kinetic energy weapons can be reused.

Apart from this, energy weapons are not suitable for humans at this stage.

Because energy weapons need to consume a lot of energy, although humans have mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology, it is still difficult to provide large-scale use of energy weapons.

Therefore, The defense matrix of the asteroid belt is still dominated by kinetic energy weapons, supplemented by missile weapons and energy weapons.

When the defense strategy of the asteroid belt is about to be discussed.

Chu Xingyun of the Ministry stood up and punched the report and made a speech: “I have a point to add on the defense strategy.

“The defense strategy of the asteroid belt is indispensable, but I think that besides the asteroid belt, there is another defensive focus, and it may be the most important place.”

When the participants heard this, they were more or less puzzled, and some of them started talking in a low voice.

Chu Xingyun went on to explain: “The planetary defense strategy does not meet the current situation and should be upgraded to the star system defense strategy.

“In the star system defense strategy, I think the focus of defense should be on stars.

“Yes, I think the sun is the most in need of protection.”

The sun is the most in need of protection.

In the history of human civilization, this view is the first to appear.

After all, human beings are still a planetary civilization so far. Counting the technological advancement after the technological explosion, it can be regarded as a 1.Level 5 planetary civilization.

However, the current level of human civilization is a bit chaotic, especially after the curvature-driven technology is overcome.

Because curvature drives technology in theory, it should be 2.Level 5 or even 3.0 technology, which shouldn’t have appeared in a planetary civilization originally.

“Protect the sun.”

Chu Xingyun continued to talk about his point of view: “I think everyone is very confused about this point of view. But from the perspective of energy-based theory, the sun is only It is the focus of defense.

“When we reduce the complexity of the war to a simple energy competition, the battle will be very clear.

“Qilin Fleet wants to destroy Earth, no matter what method they use, they can’t escape a little bit. They need energy, and it’s huge energy.

“In the solar system, The place with the most majestic energy is the sun.

“Just like the situation where the washer wants to destroy Earth, the washer spaceship is to park on the surface of the sun, absorb the energy of the sun, and launch a gamma star destroyer to attack Earth.

“Therefore, if the Qilin fleet wants to destroy Earth, it also needs a lot of energy, so the sun should be their magazine.

“And it’s the only magazine, because the closest star to the sun is 4.2 light-years away.

” Therefore, the Qilin fleet is impossible to absorb energy from other stars. Destroying Earth, their primary goal will only be the sun. “

After listening to Chu Xingyun’s analysis, everyone couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

War is a very complicated thing, but it’s like taking complicated things with the simplest theory By analyzing it, you can see the essence of things.

In the universe, everything cannot be separated from energy.

The sun is the largest source of energy in the entire star system.

After analyzing, Chu Xingyun made a final summary: “Therefore, I think the importance of stellar defense should be mentioned at the same height as the defense of the asteroid belt. “



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