The war entered the white-hot stage, both

sides had the backbone

of the battle force killed, Oz, the captain of the Whitebeard Fourth Team, with his huge body to open the way, was

set on fire by the navy, Doflamingo cut off one of his legs,

and Moonlight Moria mended the knife.

Vice Admiral of the Navy's giant was alone and single-cut off his white beard and was killed in anger.



, "That's a warship



Meowth pointed to a low altitude in the distance.

"Air support?" said

the Golden Lion laughed as he looked at the pirate ship.

"It's really ghostly. Toka saw the silly straw hat at a glance.

Straw Hat Luffy

, Sand Crocodile Crockdahl

, Bucky the Clown

, Shemale King Ivan

, and the former Seven Martial Artists Jinhei,

they took the prisoners who ran out of the Advance City and intercepted a warship and went straight to Marin Fando,

Due to the impact of the Whitebeard tsunami, their warship was too fast, and

then rushed to the top of the iceberg frozen by the pheasant.

This position was just above the Marinfando Square

, several people worked together to cut the ice, the entire warship and hundreds of prisoners fell at the same time, several people

on the Eternity could hear their voices shouting for help,

the golden lion laughed: "Didn't you think about how to land before doing things? If you hit the

ice at this height, you will die

, right?" Toka pointed to the frozen gap in the bay, where the ice had been taken by the pirates to attack

, so it was seawater,

facing the spot where the group had fallen.

The golden lion looked over: "Really? The

prisoner who fell into the sea crawled out, and Straw Hat Luffy jumped onto the high platform and shouted in the direction of

the execution table: "Ace !!!!!!

" Ace on the execution table responded:

"Luffy !!!!!!!"

This scene made the golden lion laugh even more exaggerated,

Shika was also amused by this stupid boy, who was so eye-catching as soon as he came, was she afraid that the navy would not greet him enough?

Her idea was right, from the marshal of the navy, the three admirals of the navy, to the bottom of the navy, all of them focused their eyes on him.

Of course, not only the navy, but also the eyes of the pirates were also attracted by the straw hat Luffy, and it seemed that there were many acquaintances.

Seven Martial Seas are naturally not vulgar, and they are also very concerned about the straw hat boy Luffy, after all, he has defeated two Seven Martial Seas.

"Straw Hat Kid is also going to save the man on the execution table?" Meowth said curiously.

"Probably, let's talk about it first, I won't help, and you are not allowed to go. "

Shika is worried that Meow Meow will go to help Luffy and get a preventive shot in advance, and

every time she goes to the location of the treasure hunt pointer,

Meow Meow will always be beaten inexplicably.

And although this kid's strength is not strong, but the evil luck is soaring

, and he is the protagonist, he will definitely not die, and it is very likely to block his growth process if he makes a rash move, and

the protagonist has always been born after death!

At this moment, the sand crocodile Klockdahl flew behind Whitebeard with the intention of sneaking attack,

was punched away by the straw hat kid Luffy.

Then he had a big fight with Whitebeard, and once again angrily brushed his sense of existence.

"I'm going to be the man of One Piece!!!"

The Straw Hat Boy's voice echoed through the plaza of Marin Vando.

Hearing this, both the pirates and the navy were stunned.

"What a dead boy. The golden lion stopped smiling this time, his face was gloomy, and he looked quite terrifying.

Joelly Bonnie knew that she was a weak, pitiful and helpless little fan

, she didn't dare to answer anything,

silently lowering her sense of existence.

"How did he say such a shameful thing with such a serious expression?" Meow Meow looked admiring.

"Xiao Fan, why don't you speak?" Shi Xiang said curiously when she saw Xiao Fan who was sitting still.

"Look, the Straw Hat Kid rushed over alone!" Xiao Fan hurriedly responded.

"Rubber, rubber!" Sure

enough, Luffy yelled and rushed over, and the

pirates' morale rose and

they launched a new round of attacks.

"Wow! that golden glitter man is so cool!, who is he?" Meow Meow looked at enviously.

"That's Admiral, codenamed Yellow Ape. Joellie Bonnie was on the side to help Meow Meow.

"This pink-haired female navy is a capable person!, but how can it be so simple to let the straw hat pass?"

The Straw Hat Boy went on a rampage all the way to the execution table, and the navy that stood in the way was either crossed or sent flying.

Seven Martial Sea Moonlight Moria summoned a group of zombie soldiers to attack Luffy

, coupled with a group of naval colonels besieged, temporarily putting Luffy in a predicament,

and it was difficult to take a step forward.

Sengoku said with a phone bug:

"That guy is the son of the world's most vicious criminal revolutionary Dragon, don't let him go!"

"Huh, that fool is the son of the revolutionary Dragon?" said

Joelle Bonnie in surprise, still resentful of the Straw Hats who had provoked the Admiral to the Chambord Islands.

"Who is the revolutionary dragon?" Meow Meow asked from the side.

"He is the greatest enemy of the world government, the leader of the revolutionary army, and is known as the most vicious criminal in the world. ......"

Joelly Bonnie gave an overview of the dragon's glorious deeds.

Shika also quietly learned the information of this most ferocious criminal, and

labeled him a revolutionary pioneer in his heart.

The navy was ordered to increase support again to besiege

the Straw Hat Boy, the Seven Martial Seas did not contribute

to the work, and the navy's top brass watched from the wall, and

now the entire battlefield seemed to have become the home of the Straw Hat Boy,

watching him pass all the way and

take the limelight.

On the other side, Bucky the Clown is killed by Whitebeard and has to lead the prisoners who have escaped from Advance City into battle.

"The navy seems to have been disrupted in formation, but in fact, both the strength and high-end combat power are above the Whitebeard Legion. The Golden Lion commented.

"Then why hasn't the navy defeated those pirates?" Meow Meow felt that the golden lion was talking nonsense, which was obviously different from what he saw.

"I guess I want to wipe them all out. "

A large number of navies moved to the periphery, and the field gradually became a brawl of masters.

A group of people gathered around Luffy in straw hats and went straight to the execution table.

Every time a difficult navy or the Seven Martial Seas appear

, there will be a pirate to stop him,

and Straw Hat Luffy continues to move forward.

"Sister, look! Seven Martial Seas are backwater!" "

Shika couldn't complain about why Meow Meow could find blind spots every time, because this straw hat boy was really weird.

The gray-haired Navy Smoker with two cigars in his mouth restrained Luffy,

but was kicked away by the Seven Martial Seas of the Navy camp.

Just when the rebellion of this Seven Martial Seas attracted attention.


There was a loud bang, accompanied by the ground shaking and the mountains shook

, and the naval headquarters behind the battlefield exploded!

"What!" "What's going


For a while, both the navy and the

pirates put the battle

on hold I looked at the Navy's headquarters building, which was half collapsed and smoky.

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