One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 7 Chapter 41:

General Shell led the way. Although the fear in his heart did not increase but decrease, he still felt a needle on his back when he walked in front of Simon. The **** scene of the abandoned block kept circling in his mind. That rumored reputation is not up to the level of seeing it with your own eyes.

Seeing that the lives of the hundreds of pirates in the abandoned block were all told there for a while, General Shell understood that, with the reputation, Rong had to believe it.

After walking for a while, General Shell, who did not dare to let out the air, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart when he saw the luxurious palace looming in the distance, and the person finally brought it.

Seeing that the palace was not far away, General Shell turned around and introduced to Simon, who had a blank face, and said softly, "This is the Dragon Palace of Fishman Island."

Following the words of General Shell, Simon raised his head slightly and looked at the luxurious Dragon Palace. A strange color flashed in his eyes. It was not that he had never seen such a magnificent building, but he was the first to see such a luxurious and magnificent palace. When I saw it once, when it comes to palaces, there are two differences between the ancient palace in Alabasta and the dreamy Dragon Palace in front of us.

As if feeling the shock in Simon's heart, General Shell straightened his chest and said proudly: "There is no more magnificent palace in this world than the Dragon Palace."

As soon as the words came out, General Shell immediately secretly said that it was bad, looked at Simon carefully, and found that the latter was in deep thought, he couldn't help but let go of his heart, and he quietly led the way without thinking about what Simon would think at the moment.

When he saw the Dragon Palace, Simon thought of history. The existence of a palace is a proof, a proof that history has existed.

After hearing what Long Zaizhisen said before, Simon also began to pay attention to history for the first time, because this so-called history can subvert the present and change the future.

At that time, the passing of light became the past tense. According to Long, the past can actually affect the present, and even the future, which is enough to show how much this world attaches importance to history.

When Simon woke up from his contemplation, he was brought to the gate of the Dragon Palace by General Keke. He didn't care about what Neptune's summons meant. He would follow General Keke this time, and he just wanted to Leave Fishman Island as soon as possible.

After handing over the task of leading the way to the officials who were on standby in front of the gate, General Keke could not wait to have a few more legs, and fled here in a flash.

The official who received Simon looked at General Keke's hurried departure and frowned, secretly saying that General Keke was not a great weapon, and immediately pointed the way to Simon with an indifferent expression: "Please come with me."

Simon nodded expressionlessly and followed behind the official. The Dragon Palace occupies a large area. According to the slow speed of the official, I am afraid it will take some time.

In the discussion hall of the Dragon Palace, Neptune sat on the throne, and his tall and sturdy body stood out even more.

Beneath the throne, Prime Minister Turtle looked anxious and felt absurd about Neptune's actions to summon Red Eye, but it was done, and it was useless to say anything else, so he could only pray in his heart that nothing major would happen.

Neptune silently looked at the gate of the conference hall. When Red Eye came to the gate of the Dragon Palace, the soldier passed the news. Therefore, he sat on the throne and waited quietly for the arrival of Red Eye. The appearance made the anxious Prime Minister Turtle more conspicuous.

"Relax." Glancing at Prime Minister Turtle, who was standing uneasy, Nepton felt helpless in his heart. The reputation of Red Eye's ferocity is truly amazing, and it is surrounded by the fish-man island under the sea of ​​10,000 meters. No one knows about this. No one knows.

The Turtle Prime Minister was stunned when he heard the words, and his expression couldn't help but turn bitter. He, who has only been worrying about Fishman Island all his life, came here with a heart and red eyes, and suddenly he sighed towards Neptune: "Your Majesty, that person has red eyes, His reputation is widely spread, and he is so cruel that even a child knows it. From the point of view of the old minister, it is reasonable to mobilize the elite soldiers of the Dragon Palace to arrest him, and even if His Majesty wants to know something from him, at least he must ensure that he is incapable of moving."

Nipton sighed and said solemnly: "Since you know what I want to know from Red Eye, you shouldn't make such a suggestion. Could it be that you forgot what happened half a year ago?"

Prime Minister Turtle's face was startled, and then he frowned in doubt. Although he knew that what Neptune mentioned half a year ago was the usurpation incident, he didn't understand what Nepton meant.

Neptune glanced at Prime Minister Turtle, took a deep breath, and said: "The generals and soldiers of the Dragon Palace are not weak, but they are vulnerable in front of the strong. If it wasn't for the red eye and the dragon being alone in the forest of the sea, or I would not I would like to provoke a red eye, and I only hope that, as the dragon said, the bloodthirsty of the red eye is only for the wicked."

The Turtle Prime Minister was shocked and suspicious. If he knew about the reports of Red Eye and the Four Emperor Shanks some time ago, I am afraid that he would not have mobilized the elite soldiers of the Dragon Palace to arrest Simon. In fact, the news that has spread throughout the New World has not yet reached Fishman Island.

Nepton's eyes were a little deep at the moment, "Maybe, compared to Luffy, he is only stronger or weaker."

Speaking of Luffy, Prime Minister Turtle was agitated. The battle between ten people and 100,000 people half a year ago was still vivid in his mind, especially Luffy's ability to make 50,000 people lose consciousness just by his aura alone made him even more so. I take this deeply in my heart, and I am glad that Luffy is the helper of Fishman Island, not the enemy. Now, Neptune bluntly said that Red Eye is only stronger than Luffy, and Prime Minister Turtle realized how stupid the suggestion he made because of his worries before. If Red Eye is really stronger than Luffy, then this kind of behavior can only be Bring destruction to Fishman Island.

"Your Majesty..." Gui Cheng was terrified immediately, trembling and unable to say a complete sentence. At that moment, he thought of a variety of serious consequences. Facing a powerful man with a ferocious reputation and terrifying strength, he recruited him. It is a very dangerous thing to see the Dragon Palace.

Nipton also knew what Prime Minister Turtle was worried about. His eyes were shaking, and he believed that the dragon would not make false statements, so he dared to ask the soldiers to bring the red eyes over. He even thought that the red eyes would rudely refuse, but After learning the news from the soldiers, Neptune breathed a sigh of relief, but the first thing he felt was a faint fear that came out of his heart.

Even the big event half a year ago would not make him feel scared when he was sitting on the throne, but when he thought that the red-eyed who killed all the Heavenly Dragon people was about to step into the Dragon Palace, fear flooded his heart for no reason.

"No matter what, I have to know what he and the dragon negotiated in the Forest of the Sea to make sure that the white star will not be endangered." Nipton thought to himself, his majestic face showed firmness.

At this moment the voice of soldiers came from outside the meeting hall.

"Weapons are not allowed in the discussion hall."

When Nipton heard this sentence, his face couldn't help changing, and he felt annoyed immediately. He had forgotten to instruct the soldiers outside the hall before. If it was someone else, it would be fine, but if it was a red eye, it would be another matter. On the other hand, Prime Minister Turtle, At this moment, it is the spirit of the dead.

Outside the main hall, the officials who led Simon came with an indifferent expression, and did not stop the guard soldiers from moving at all. This rule of Gein was indeed insurmountable.

The two soldiers stood indifferently, holding their spears and crossing the gate, blocking the gate.

Simon looked at this scene lightly, asking him to put down the heavy sword in his hand was not a forced thing, but the attitude of the officials and soldiers made him unhappy. Interest in entering this gate is also poor.

Leaving the fishman island may require the murloc who is on the throne, but there are many pirate ships in the abandoned district, and it is not difficult to find a coated ship among them.

This side, even if you don't see it, even if you want to see it, it's not that important.

Thinking of this, Simon smiled coldly, and wanted to turn around and leave. He didn't have to provoke Fishman Island. Even when the soldiers of Fishman Island attacked him, he wouldn't hurt his life, but it didn't mean he had to to accommodate.

At this moment, a hurried voice in the hall stopped him.

"Let him in."


For the young of us, in the past three or five years, looking back, it seems that nothing has changed. It’s just that we have grown up, maybe a little more mature, but for the elders, we can only use the word “old”… ...people really need to know how to cherish the present.

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