One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 107:

The two groups of people sent by Caesar were originally intended to delay time. Even so, in the new world, the strength of this group of people was not too bad, at least not at the level of shrimp.

They saw that there was only Simon, and all they wanted was to complete the task given by Caesar.

In the not spacious passage, dozens of people wearing protective clothing and holding weapons rushed towards Simon angrily.

In the face of these dozens of trash fish, Simon raised his foot and waved a huge lantern foot, which swept across the chests of the dozens of people like thunder.

People in this world generally have high physical strength, and it is difficult to cut off limbs, but if the attack method is higher than this strength, it is not difficult to cut off limbs.

Simon killed everyone in the passage with just one slap.

With this wave of his feet, Simon didn't stop, ignoring the dozens of people who were screaming and screaming, and stepped on the moon step and volleyed over them.

The blood flowed into a river in the passage, which was like a hellish scene, but it couldn't arouse even a little wave in Simon's heart.

The heart has long been as cold as ice and as hard as a rock.

After killing the blocking person, Simon moved forward for a few minutes, and found the location of the control room, but there was no half person in it.

Entering the control room, after seeing the huge red number that counted down on the screen, Simon's heart skipped a beat, and he instantly understood the meaning of the number.

"A self-destruction program..."

Simon, who had been in the Vegapunk laboratory for a while, knew that Caesar had started the self-destruction program of the experimental base.

Immediately, Simon couldn't care about chasing Caesar, because there were still Dusky and Smog in the base, and they had to be notified as soon as possible.

While thinking about it, Simon walked to the console, the countdown 27 minutes on the screen was bright red and dazzling.

The dazzling array of buttons caught Simon's eyes, but no matter how stupid people were, they would know the function of the microphone. It took less than a minute for Simon to figure out how to use the microphone.

"Smog, Dasqi, can you hear my voice? The base will explode in 25 minutes, leave as soon as possible!"

After repeating it three times, Simon stopped.

At this moment, a loud noise reached Simon's ears.

Simon raised his eyebrows and took heart to the loud noise.

Through the microphone, Simon's voice sounded from all corners of the base, and everyone heard Simon's voice, including the Straw Hats on the R2 floor, and Luo and Vergo in R3.

"Explosion? It's Simon's voice..."

Dusky's pretty face, who followed the Straw Hat gang, paled slightly.

"This is trouble." Sanji moved his leg that was bandaged by Chopper and frowned: "If Chabeard's guess is correct, then there is still time to save Momanosuke, and what needs to be solved is R1 layer of poisonous gas."

At this time, Robin played the role of pouring cold water again, and said calmly: "Generally, the explosion of the experimental base will have a large impact. The purpose of the explosion of that nature is to destroy all traces."

Hearing Robin's words, Nami thought for a while, and felt that she could not delay any longer, and said decisively: "It is divided into two ways, take the child out all the way, and go all the way to the bottom garbage dump, I hope Momonosuke will be there. ."

Jin'emon's eyes were already full of tears at this moment. He didn't want to trouble the Straw Hats any more. When he heard what Chabeard said, he planned to go to the bottom of the garbage dump to seek the last hope, even if the poison gas eroded his whole body. .

However, the Straw Hats took this matter for granted, which prevented Kinemon from refusing at all.

After making the decision, Nami looked like a commander and included herself among the people who escorted the child out.


Seeing Nami so calm, Usopp couldn't sit still.

"What, do you have an opinion?"

Nami glanced at him, and Usopp shrank his neck and fell silent.

"Brook and Robin go to the bottom with Kinemon. Brook uses his ability to first search for the density of poisonous gas. According to Teabeard, the bottom of the garbage dump is very deep, and Robin's ability can be used as a rope. Zoro will join us. Together, we are responsible for opening the way."

Naturally, Nami included herself among those who escorted the child out not because of selfishness, but out of the most reasonable considerations.

After speaking, Nami did not allow any delay and began to command.

It has to be said that the role of tea beard is fully reflected at this moment, and it has become the best navigation to lead the way.

Sanji wanted to protest, saying that he could easily go to the bottom garbage dump and then come up easily, but seeing Nami's decisive decision, he kept his mouth shut.

After all, he is still a wounded number at the moment.

Dasqi naturally has no objection to such an arrangement, and the top priority is to leave the base with his subordinates.

Tea Beard said: "If I remember correctly, there are transport vehicles on the R3 floor that go directly to the outside."

Nami made a decision: "Okay, then go there directly, Robin, we will leave marks along the way and wait for you there."

"No problem." Robin nodded.

Jin'emon wiped away his tears and said solemnly, "Thank you for your kindness."

Time is running out, so the two of them split up and put them indoors.

At this moment, Virgo was in a state of embarrassment. His right arm and left leg were cut off by Luo's ability, and he had already lost his ability to resist. He did not expect that Luo would be a lurking wolf. When he showed his sharp teeth, he was even matched. No.


Virgo's lips twitched, not knowing what to say. He wanted to ask what changes Lilo had undergone in the past two years, but he swallowed the words as soon as they reached his throat.

"Explosion? Are you satisfied with such a funeral?"

Luo smiled coldly, and didn't care about the complicated expression on Vergo's face at the moment. When he raised the knife in his hand, he slashed Vergo's body into pieces.

Rao's head was chopped in half, and his life did not disappear. Just like Vergo didn't crush Luo's heart immediately, Luo just used his ability to chop Vergo into pieces.

"Luo, I underestimated you."

The head was hung on the iron rod, and Vergo stared coldly at Luo standing in front of SAD.

"I said three years ago that I will not remain the same, and now I will tell you that even now I will not remain the same."

"Ambition or desire, no matter what, can become the driving force to move forward, and I... have been moving forward and never stopped!"

Vergo's expression changed, "What is your purpose?"

Luo raised his head and laughed softly, the laughter was light, but a little wild.

If it wasn't for his back, then Virgo would definitely see Luo's expression at the moment, an expression that was about to turn the world upside down.

"What is the purpose of the clown?" Luo asked back as the laughter stopped. Without waiting, he said coldly again: "What is the purpose of the clown, my purpose is more daring than him!"

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