One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 103:


Chopper, who knows candy best, is undoubtedly the most shocking person, and the one who understands the consequences of swallowing so many candies at once.

Immediately, Chopper was shocked and ran towards Mocha at the fastest speed. Franky, who was blocking the children, was also stunned.

The children who were not blocked passed the three of Franky and surrounded Mocha.

At first, their eyes were filled with real anger, but when they saw Mocha fell to the ground in pain, the anger slowly subsided. They couldn't understand why Mocha became like this after eating candy. Mocha vomited a lot of blood one after another, and they finally sensed something was wrong.

Immediately, they were all stunned.

Nami knelt down beside Mo Cha and looked at Mo Cha, who had a weak breath, and covered her mouth with tears in her eyes.

She blamed herself very much at the moment, and blamed herself for failing to protect the children, which caused Mocha to swallow so much candy.

At this time, Chopper pushed aside the stunned children and rushed to Mocha's side to check.

Tears, but unknowingly flowed out again.

Thinking that two years have passed, that heart has long been strong, but the wetness on his face tells Chopper that he is still far, far away from being strong.

"Brother Chopper, I... didn't let them eat candy, can you heal them?"

Mocha, who had a weak breath, opened his eyes and looked at Chopper with hope.

Facing the hopeful gaze, Chopper's arms trembled slightly and nodded heavily. Mocha smiled happily, then passed out.

The children around watching this scene were at a loss, and one of the children stammered: "It must be that Mocha is too greedy."

Chopper turned back angrily when he heard the words, and shouted loudly: "Don't you understand? The candy for a long time is basically poison, and Mocha ate all the candy in order to save you!"

The children were stunned again, and the friendly picture in their memory collapsed with a bang.

Ignoring the other children, the top priority is to save Mocha.

"You must find a good environment. Before Mocha's body has completely absorbed the candy, it will be cured."

After checking Mocha's physical condition, Chopper said calmly like the attending doctor.

Nami looked up at Franky and said, "Franky, come back to Mocha, there seems to be a medical room on the aisle when you came."

"give it to me!"

Frankie silently carried Mocha on his back.

Brook is holding a knife, watching Simon not far away vigilantly.

The previous threat was Monet, and the current threat was Simon, a bigger threat than before.

Kinemon noticed Brook's vigilance, frowned, his eyes shifted, and he cast his gaze on Simon. As a powerful warrior of Wano Kingdom, he clearly felt the powerful aura of Simon.

"Let me block that man for you, in return for your life-saving grace." Kinemon walked to Brook.

Brook was stunned, shook his head and said, "He is very strong, you will die."

Kinemon smiled slightly, and pulled out the other knife around his waist with his left hand, and when he held the knife in both hands, a chilling aura surged out of Kinemon in vain, and Brook, who was standing behind him, was taken aback. .

Brook couldn't fully appreciate the power of Kinemon when he opened the flame, but at this moment, when he felt that the momentum of Kinemon was not far from Zoro's, he realized the power of Kinemon.

Simon, who was about to kill Monet, felt the targeted momentum, and immediately turned his head slightly to look at Kinemon.

With just one glance, Simon ignored Kinemon, and his domineering fist wrapped around the armed color fell heavily on the back of Monet who couldn't resist.

Kacha, Monet groaned, his forehead covered in cold sweat from the pain, she knew that her spine was broken.

After breaking Monet's spine, Simon lifted Monet with one hand, dragged him on the snow at will, and walked towards the Straw Hats and the others.

Being dragged around like this made Monet's heart full of murderous intent and anger. However, the broken spine and quadriplegia can only be imagined, but this did not prevent her from looking at Simon with hatred in her eyes.

Seeing Simon approaching, Brook couldn't help but take an attacking posture. Such a commotion also caught the attention of Chopper and Nami. Looking back, Simon was walking towards them, and his heart froze.

Nami said decisively: "Chopper, you and Franky quickly go to the medical room, we will block it here."

Franky frowned and said, "No, it's you who are going to go. In this case, it would be better for me to stay."

Nami glared angrily, and Franky was instantly stunned...

Jinweimen said in a deep voice at this time: "Although I don't know why you are so afraid of this person, but here is the next person to block."

"I didn't plan to attack you here."

At this moment, Simon's indifferent words drifted into their ears, making them all stunned.

Dragging Monet's body, Simon passed over the stunned Brook and Kinemon with a blank expression, glanced at Mocha who was lying on the ground, and couldn't help but stop.

Lifting up Monet, Simon looked at those hateful eyes, frowned and said coldly: "Is this also one of your handwritings?"

Monet smiled, she stretched out her tender tongue to add to the corners of her lips, and said, "You don't know there are so many handwritings."

Of course Simon knew what Monet meant, and smiled coldly, "I will know in the future, not only will I know, but I will break your handwriting one by one, for example, now, I will save them, and destroy this place, kill Caesar."

Monet's eyes widened slightly, as if to let Simon see the irony in his eyes.

"You seem to be confident that these children cannot be healed?" Simon said lightly, unmoved.

"This is not self-confidence, but the result of long-term accumulation shows that they are helpless..." Monet said calmly: "If it had been a month earlier, there might have been a chance, but now..."

Monet smiled coldly and said nothing.

Life and death had been left behind by her. In her mind, as long as the young master came to this island, everyone here would have to die.

And her own life and death don't matter at all...

With a loose hand, Simon threw Monet on the snow like discarding garbage.

"After I came to this island, I realized that Duflamingo's ambitions were not that simple."

Simon said coldly, walking towards Mocha, who fell to the ground and vomited blood, while Nami and Chopper looked at Simon vigilantly. Although they heard Simon said that they could save Mocha, they still had doubts.

I'm not worried that Simon will take action against them as pirates, but I just think that Simon's identity is a navy, and that will definitely help these children.

For the first time, Chopper didn't have the slightest fear of Simon. He raised his head and looked at Simon seriously, his thoughts changed, and he returned to the time in front of the Palace of Desert Earth.

"Can you save them?"

Simon glanced indifferently at Chopper, who was full of anticipation. He didn't answer. He walked to Mocha and squatted down. He stretched out his hand to cover Mocha's abdomen.

"For Duflamingo, the lives of these children are nothing at all, at best, the way to obtain research data."

Simon's hand glowed with a dazzling white light. Through the white light, Simon turned to look at Chopper and asked, "Do you think their research is successful?"

In the white light, Chopper opened his mouth and was stunned.

On the other hand, Monet, who was lying on the snow, unable to move, changed his expression. She was surprised to see the white light glowing in Simon's hand, and she had a bad premonition.

"Could it be..."

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