One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 72: Luo's plan

At that time, on the Chambord Islands, Simon's thunder method is still vivid in his eyes, and it also gives the supernovas a chance to grind. As long as this grind, the supernovas will grow faster, which is also what Simon did not expect. .

Hawkins is undoubtedly one of the fastest growing.

At that time, he entered the new world alone, and the situation he faced was accompanied by death, but Hawkins walked all the way with difficulty, and gathered a group of elite subordinates, all thanks to Simon, who supported Hawkins in the process of growing up The idea of ​​staying on is that one day he will stand in front of Simon and look down at Simon.

However, Hawkins also clearly understands that this is not a simple matter, not only hearing about the battle over the top, or the news that has come out recently, all of which have been recorded by Hawkins in his heart, but will not raise any fearful thought.

"It was a good opportunity, so here I am."

On the bow of the boat, Hawkins's face with water chestnuts was still calm, standing against the wind, and the snowflakes could not get close.

"Indeed, such a good opportunity can only be created by that man."

Drake's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at Hawkins calmly, and said, "I wanted to shoot Kaido a long time ago, how, how about we join forces?"

Hawkins lowered his head with an expressionless expression, but instead of immediately rejecting it, he actually considered it.

Seeing Hawkins thinking about it, Drake couldn't help feeling overjoyed, as if he saw that the situation as strong as a fortress had revealed slight cracks.

"Presumably they are also eyeing this opportunity."

When Hawkins spoke again, he did not agree to Drake's proposal, but pointed out 'them'.

Drake was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, but quickly reflected who Hawkins said they were.

"What can be called a supernova must have the same idea."

The snow stopped suddenly, and there was no sign of it.

The thick clouds had not dissipated, and the sun could not penetrate a single trace, but the snow had stopped.

On the bow, Hawkins slowly stretched out his hand, and a star card jumped between his fingers out of thin air.

The star card was engraved on a dark golden disc. Each of the octagons of the disc had several distorted letters. In the middle of the disc was a pointer that was broken in half.

"The wheel of fate."

Looking at the star card at his fingertips, Hawkins' calm face finally swayed a little.

In the wheel of fortune, Hawkins has only drawn twice, once in the Chambord Islands and once now.

This time, the main purpose of divination is to find out the origin of this action and everything it touches.

However, it turned out to be the wheel of fortune again, and in an instant, Simon's appearance appeared in front of Hawkins' eyes.

"I agree, before pulling Kaido down, make an alliance."

Before figuring out the wonders of the wheel of fortune, Hawkins resolutely agreed to Drake's request.

He understands that if he calms down and sorts out all these unknown situations, then the wheel of fortune will not favor him in the end.

What is destiny, is to let nature take its course, how it should be, how it should be!

A smile appeared on the corner of Drake's mouth, his eyes shifted, and he looked at a Winter Island ahead. That island was one of Kaido's sites, and it was also one of the few islands that Kaido was more concerned about.

A few months into the new world, Drake and Hawkins in Supernova formed an alliance and began an attack on an island owned by Kaido.

On the same day, Haiming Apu and the Kidd Pirates also targeted Kaido's forces to launch an attack at this moment.

The difference is that Apu and Kid are not going to capture the island, but to attack the pirate group under Kaido!

On the other hand, Urki, who is also a supernova, is facing a difficult decision.


The deafening thunder kept coming from his ears, and Urki looked at the boat below with embarrassment on his face.

On that boat, stood several old women in hooded cloaks.

"Little brother, how are you thinking?"

An old woman in the lead showed a gloomy face and a strange and sinister smile in the thunder.

"That... Can this umbrella really block the thunder on the island?" Urki touched his head and said hesitantly.


Several people on the boat let out gloomy laughter together, which made the hair stand up.

"Buy it and try it, don't you know?"

The head old woman spoke indifferently, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with this statement.

"That's right."

Urki nodded in agreement, and again, an embarrassed look appeared on his face.

"Well, can it be cheaper?"

Looking at the island where countless thunders fell in one second, Wuerji's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a heartache.


In the roar of thunder, the infiltrating laughter of the old woman was accurately transmitted to the ears of Wuerji and others, and there was a sentence that could not be refuted.

"Five percent off the price of a human life, if you want."


It seems like an island that doesn't exist, an island dominated by ice and fire.

Luo, who came to the new world, came to this island alone.

Among the snowflakes in the sky, Luo held the long knife and walked with his head lowered slightly. The footprints that spread out from behind him were instantly submerged in the white snow, and a faint arc was outlined on the corner of his mouth.

"Snold Simon... You will be my greatest help in destroying the gear."

In the whistling cold wind, cold words echoed, no one could hear it, no one knew it.

At this moment, the gears have started to rust, and without anyone noticing, one day, the whole rotation will stop!

Caesar's research base.

"Yo, look, who is this."

Caesar, who was floating in mid-air, had an extremely surprised and exaggerated expression. He carefully observed Luo while floating left and right, as if to find out any signs that he did not resemble Luo.

Monet, wearing glasses and holding a quill pen, was seriously recording something. When he heard Caesar's words, he stopped his movements and stretched out his hand to hold the glasses. She said lightly, "Trafalgar. Luo, don't you know him?"

Caesar, who was floating in the air, fell to the ground with black lines all over his head. He felt Ignoring Monet's spit, he got up, touched his chin, and his eyes were curved like a clown's weird. Same expression.

"Then, what's the purpose of your coming here? Actually, I'm more curious about how you know this place."

Luo, who had always lowered his head slightly, finally raised his head slowly at this moment, his indifferent expression showed a hint of chill, the corners of his lips moved slightly, and his voice sounded like iron, "I'm here for cooperation."


Caesar was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, "I'm the most powerful scientist in the world, who do I need to work with?"

In this regard, Luo was silent.

Caesar laughed for a while, looking at the silent Luo, thinking in vain of Luo's ability and Luo's categorical refusal before.


The laughter stopped, Caesar showed an interesting look, and finally understood what Luo's proposed cooperation meant.

"Apart from cooperation, how did you know about this place, this non-existent island should not be known to you."

"Why do you think I know this place?"

Luo, whose face has always been extremely cold, at this moment, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched, and he sneered: "Because I am the former subordinate of the 'Clown'!"


Caesar snorted and said coldly, "This is not enough."

Luo nodded calmly and said, "It's really not enough for me to know about this place, but what if Mr. Vergo is added?"

"That's even more impossible." Caesar's expression slowly cooled down.


Luo's eyelids drooped slightly, and he said indifferently, "What if my heart is in that man's hand?"

Suddenly, Caesar's face changed slightly, and he took a deep look at Luo.

"Happy cooperation~!"

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