One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 69: The arrival of redheads

The broken body showing the bones recovered in a few breaths, not only surprised Kaido, but also Simon himself, looking down at his hand, feeling quite dazed.

Kaido didn't know what was going on in that space. The previous shock was well concealed. At this moment, he was stabbed in the chest with a sword. The wound was huge and the blood flowed non-stop.

Originally, even if he suffered such an injury, as long as Simon died, it would be worthwhile, but now Simon is not injured at all. Instead, he was seriously injured. Looking at it clearly, it can be said that he is at a disadvantage.

"Maybe I have to take this fight more seriously."

The bleeding from his chest slowed down, Kaido said coldly.

The previous two or three shocks made him restrain his mind and start to get serious.

In fact, Kaido had many chances to kill Simon, but he didn't because he was convinced that he was a cat and Simon was a mouse.

Even if he seems to be at a disadvantage at the moment, Kaido is unmoved, because the final result will only be that he wins.

After the initial daze, Simon knew that the speed of the reply and the immunity to pain were all given by the voice in the epee.

He didn't know if this speed still existed after the injury recovered, but the frustration disappeared at this moment.

Looking away from his hands, Simon turned to look at Kaido, and said coldly, "This time, I am confident to defeat you."

Kaido's eyes turned cold when he heard the words, he didn't sneer at Simon's remarks, and he didn't pay attention to Simon's remarks, as if Simon's words were neither salty nor bland. However, at this moment, his mechanical arm was raised again to face Simon, his expression extremely cold, and the air distorted again in an instant.

At the same time as Kaido raised his mechanical arm, Simon moved, and in the next second, he crossed a distance of 100 meters and came to Kaido.


As soon as he approached Kaido, the inexplicable force began to corrode Simon's smooth body again, and the air around Kaido became distorted and hazy, expanding from the initial one-meter range to a one-mile range.

In the middle of Fuergo Island, the soil and rocks are barren, and there is occasionally a touch of emerald green between the rocks. At this moment, it is shrouded in the range of Kaido's ability. , melted in seconds with green smoke and turned into a liquid.

Not even a hard stone can resist this power, let alone a human body.


In the green smoke, the flesh and blood seemed to have been doused with sulfuric acid, which was horrible to see. Simon was always calm, and the epee he swung turned into a black shadow, and he slashed towards Kaido without the slightest pause.

The terrifying pain seems to be gone...

Kaido was slightly startled and raised his axe to face the shadow.


Accompanied by the violent collision of iron objects, a majestic wind burst out from the axe and sword, and subsided in an instant, as if it was corroded by the distorted air.

Simon clearly felt the pain, and also felt that the recovery ability could not keep up with the speed of corrosion, but somehow, Simon was very calm and calm, and his consciousness told him, just attack like this, just slash at the enemy like this, don't worry too much .

So Simon did this, as if his power had increased greatly at the moment, he was not pushed back by Kaido with an axe, but was evenly matched.

Kaido also discovered this, and immediately frowned, thinking it was because of the injury, but in the confrontation, Simon will always be corroded by his ability, as long as Simon is not allowed to break through, winning is only a matter of time sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Kaido's mouth swayed with a hint of coldness, but soon, the coldness in the corner of his mouth solidified, because a huge force came from the giant axe, which made him take a half step back, and suddenly, surprised eyes swept across Axe sword, looking at Simon with a calm face.

Under the erosion of ability, the strength and speed of the body will decrease due to the pain, but at this moment Simon's expression is calm, as if he is not troubled by the pain.

Kaido was stunned for a moment, and then he didn't think too much, his arms suddenly exerted strength.

At this moment, if one retreats and delays, then the advantages will gradually become obvious, but the pride of belonging to the four emperors makes Kaido unwilling to retreat. Unconsciously, Kaido realizes that he has regarded Simon as an equal existence, and in this Get serious in battle.

Given time, how far will this little devil grow up in front of him!

The way to not allow random thoughts in battles has been etched in Kaido's instincts, but this idea keeps popping up as the battle progresses, and it's an idea that comes from the gradual recognition of Simon.

The two sides are at a stalemate, and Simon's body has been in a state of being corroded. Although it has the support of recovery ability, it only slows down the speed of corrosion. If a breakthrough is not opened, it will be himself who will eventually die.

In this weapon confrontation, Kaido only saw Simon's **** eyes at this time, his heart skipped a beat, and he asked without thinking, "Are you 'red eyes'?"

When Simon heard the words, his expression did not waver at all, but he did not deny it, or disdain to deny it.

It is true that the Tianlong people were killed by him. Even if it is seen that it will lead to the safety of his own situation, Simon will not deny it, because it is a fact.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing that Simon didn't deny it, Kaido suddenly laughed out loud. As long as he didn't deny it, Kaido immediately decided that Simon was red-eyed.

The news spread around the world shows that the person who caused the **** feast incident is a person with red eyes, but in fact, that person is a person with black It's just that its particularity will turn into a red eye. What makes Kaido even more interesting is that this person is still a navy.

"Doing such a thing on its own territory, but the government is not aware of it, and the person with the red eye turned out to be a navy, interesting, really interesting."

Kaido laughed wantonly, the laughter contained deep disdain.

"No." The laughter stopped, Kaido thought of a possibility, his face darkened, "Could it be that this incident itself was directed by the government?"

Thinking of this possibility, Kaido's face became more and more serious.

The government has started such a big deal, and it seems that it will be more authoritarian in the future, which is not good news for the pirates.

But no matter what, what needs to be dealt with now is the navy in front of the world that is known as the red-eyed demon.

"If this news is spread, what do you think will be the consequences?" Kaido said coldly.

"So what?" Simon sneered: "I don't care if the world believes a pirate's words, even if it does, that kind of thing doesn't matter to me at all."

Kaido took a deep look at Simon, for no reason, he believed that what Simon said was true, how could he be afraid of the consequences if he dared to do such a thing.

"Yo, Kaido, you look pretty miserable."

At this moment, a rather smiling voice came over.

Hearing this familiar voice, Kaido's face changed, this voice is red-haired Shanks!

The air in the surrounding area was still distorted, the red-haired hand placed on the hilt of the knife at his waist, and he walked over with a flat face, but he was not corroded by the inexplicable ability.

Looking at the wound on Kaido's chest and Simon's calm face in the corrosion, his red-haired eyes were a little solemn.

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