One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 4 Chapter 21: leave

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The dust all over his body, the huge wound on his chest gurgling blood, and the high and swollen cheeks all gave a great shock to Kebi and the others who came here.

When did Duflamingo, one of the Seven Wuhais, be so embarrassed.

Karp laughed heartlessly, and Qingzhi, who was beside him, covered his face and sighed in a low voice.

"What a pity, it seems that the Warring States attaches more importance to this kid than just a letter."

Even if he was seriously injured, Duflamingo's body was still straight, and his heavy golden eyes stared coldly at Garp who was laughing, full of haze.

The arrival of Karp and Qingzhi made him understand that taking Simon's life is no longer realistic. If Simon grows up in the future, it will not be a fun thing, but there is no way to do it. The opportunity has been missed and the opportunity will not come again.

Cap laughed, looking at the wound on Duflaming's chest, and asked curiously, "Is that wound on your chest cut by Simon?"

Duflaming's mouth twitched coldly, without any reluctance, he just nodded lightly and admitted: "It was indeed caused by him, but it's a pity that you are here, otherwise he must die today."

After listening to Duflamingo's words, Qingzhi unexpectedly glanced at Simon who was helped by Kirby. He was really not a simple person.

The navy behind him was stunned when he heard the heavy news.

"That won't work." Garp scratched his head, "I'm sorry, I'll save this kid."

"Hey." Duflamingo ripped off the pink velvet jacket on his shoulders with one hand, and threw it to the ground, and said with regret: "It seems that today this incident will become a thorn in my heart." Duflaming Gao Yi pointedly said: "I don't like having a thorn in my heart, it will always be pulled out."

"Huh?" Garp's pale eyebrows sank, and then he raised his head and laughed again, "That's not an easy task."

Duflaming sat high on a piece of rock, with Erlang's legs crossed. Hearing Karp say this, he couldn't help but show the signature dangerous smile on his face, and said nothing.

"Lieutenant General Garp, we found the body of former Admiral Serak of the Admiralty." A navy came behind Garp and whispered.

"Serak? That kid?" Garp was slightly startled, and the memory fragment in his mind slowly unfolded. The high-spirited kid died here.

"Major General Yuan?" As if hearing the voice of the navy's report, Duflamingo Furfur laughed: "One ring after another, blocking again and again, only shows that this kid is not destined to die here."

"So that's it..." Recalling all of Simon's information, Karp became a little worried, no matter what, let's close the team first, I saw Karp said with a heavy face: "It seems that you have found a great man for yourself. trouble."

"Close the team!"

Karp snorted coldly and led the crowd away.

Qingzhi didn't leave immediately, but stood there, staring at Duflamingo, and a cold air unknowingly appeared on his right hand.

The environment of this island is enough for Qingzhi to exert his strength beyond 100%, and Duflamingo is now seriously injured. It is not difficult to keep Duflamingo.

Although Qingzhi's murderous intention was very secret, Duflamingo had noticed it long ago, but even if he noticed it, Duflamingo was confident that Qingzhi would not do it, and he was not afraid at the moment.

The blood flowed out of the deserted streets for a long time, and the damage caused by the battle was suddenly desolate. Two people who were enough to shake one side of the sea looked at each other for a while in such an environment.

"Ah, it's a pity that I'm on vacation..." The cold air slowly subsided from his right hand, Qingzhi simply turned around and walked towards Karp, while walking, his right hand swayed vigorously, as if saying goodbye to Duflamingo.

"Cut, today is really a disaster." Watching Qingzhi leave, Duflamingo's face completely sank, thinking about the little devil named Simon, and a wave of anger accumulated in his heart.

Whether it was the fact that he saw with his own eyes, or the arrival of Garp dispatched by the Warring States period, it all showed that the old fox must be planning something.

Duflamingo wanted to spread the news and cause the Warring States to suffer many obstacles, but this approach was unrealistic. This time Karp withdraws the team, and it is estimated that the kid will stay at the Navy Headquarters.

Thinking of what Karp said, Duflamingo couldn't help but whisper to himself: "It's really a big trouble, we can only wait for an opportunity, enough to kill that kid in the cradle." Duflamingo's tone was in vain. Turn, like a cold wind, "Before this, we need to solve a few small bugs."

The pirates who were watching the battle on the rooftop in the distance couldn't help but tremble with fear when they saw Garp and Qingzhi's arrival, but if they could stay here and watch for so long, why would they escape because of this? stayed.

It was just beyond their expectations that after Karp wounded Duflamingo with a punch, he left shortly after, which surprised them, and at the same time, they all had a surge of desire.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The head of one of the Seven Martial Seas is enough to make us famous for the great waterway!" One of the pirates said excitedly with eyes full of light.

On the other hand, the rest of the pirates were all heartbroken.

The seriously injured Qiwuhai, such an opportunity is indeed a rare opportunity, seize this opportunity, then soaring into the sky is a fact that cannot be changed.

At the moment, the eyes of these pirates were covered by desire. Only one pirate with pigtails did not express his position. He just quietly watched these pirates whose hearts were occupied by desire, with imperceptible contempt in his eyes.

"It's really stupid, even a seriously injured tiger can easily kill a cat." The Braided Pirate sneered in his heart, but he had a calm look on his face, only to hear him say: "The show is over~www. Then I'm leaving too, you can do it for yourself."

After saying that, the Braided Pirate stomped and jumped towards the north area.

"Dareless rat." One of the pirates looked at the leaving braided pirate, spat out a mouthful of water, and slandered with disdain. After the pirate finished speaking, he walked towards Dovlamingo excitedly. Besides, he laughed wildly.

"Haha, Duflamingo, I didn't expect you to have today!"

The wild laughter came, which made Duflamingo's smile even more dangerous.

"You guys are really lucky, as long as you take off the head of Qiwuhai, then our reputation will be the first half of the great waterway."

When several pirates thought of this, they couldn't help laughing excitedly, completely ignoring Duflamingo's increasingly dangerous smile.

As if not seeing the funny performances of the pirates in front of him, Duflamingo stood up as if nothing had happened, causing these pirates to subconsciously take a few steps back.

He simply turned around and walked towards the Supreme Paradise. Duflamingo didn't even look at these pirates, but the subtle shaking of his five fingers showed that Duflamingo did not ignore these delusional pirates.

"Duflamingo, do you think you can escape?" The pirate who made the suggestion raised his head and smiled proudly.

Duflamingo's walking steps stopped abruptly, he turned his head slowly, stared at the pirates coldly, and said lightly, "It's just miscellaneous insects."

Before he finished speaking, these pirates seemed to have been slashed by countless blades. Before they could even let out the screams, they were tragically dismembered. With gushing blood, the stumps and arms were scattered on the street in a mess. bloody.

The street, with these **** stumps and broken arms, became even more tragic.

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