One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 4 Chapter 6: entrust

Seeing that Simon seemed to be recovering, Serak smiled and said, "If you can still move, go help that bounty hunter."

Simon heard the words and stood up slowly, took a deep breath, his emotions gradually calmed down, his eyes opened and closed, and there was no trace of loss.

"it is good."

Simon nodded in response. Except for the middle-aged man holding a famous knife, all the bounty hunters on the deck turned into a corpse, while the blond young man standing on the crossbar had a long knife stuck in his abdomen and fell into In a coma, if measures are not taken in time, death is not far away.

The bounty hunters were almost wiped out, but the pirates were not good enough. There were only four or five pirates left on the deck. The makeup pirate who seemed to be very powerful was fighting against the watchman Yado, and the two sides were deadlocked. Each has contacts.


The only remaining middle-aged man used all his strength to fend off the direct attack, gritted his teeth, and he was the only accomplice who died, and Behari, who could have put a cold gun on the crossbar, was targeted by the pirates. One knife knows no life or death, and the current pressure has suddenly increased, let alone an attack, under the siege of these pirates, it is not easy to defend.

If it goes on like this, you will surely die.

There was a hint of madness in the middle-aged man's eyes, and the knife he was waving stopped slightly, revealing a small flaw.

One of the pirates in the attack couldn't help but be overjoyed, pinpointed the flaw, and slashed it fiercely.

Seeing that the knife was about to fall on him, the middle-aged man did not retreat but advanced under the slightly surprised gaze of the pirates.


A **** arrow spewed out, and the surprise in the pirate's eyes instantly turned into disbelief. At the same time as the middle-aged man slashed, the knife in his hand was like a fatal letter, turning into a sharp knife-point piercing that had not yet fully reacted. Pirate heart.

The light in the eyes gradually dimmed, the vitality turned into a bubble, and slowly disappeared, and the pirate fell softly on the deck.

After the death of a pirate, the originally intensive offensive suddenly revealed a gap.

The middle-aged man pulled the knife out of the pirate's heart without any hesitation. After blocking the attack from the rear with a backhand knife, he rushed forward a few steps and escaped the siege.


Taking a breath, the tip of the knife pressed against the deck, the middle-aged man frowned and looked at his injury, then looked at the remaining four pirates with fierce faces, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I underestimated the strength of that pirate, the injury is too serious, and death is only a matter of time, but...

The middle-aged man slowly raised the tip of his knife, his eyes were cold, and he always had to pull one or two before he died.

After the remaining four pirates looked at each other, they all became slightly wary and attacked the middle-aged man, whose madness was quietly brewing in the eyes of the latter.

"Do you really think my knife is so slow?"

The middle-aged man swung the knife very quickly, and under the indifferent gaze of a pirate, he stabbed the knife straight to the throat, and the indifferent gaze suddenly solidified.

Despite the precautions, the pirate whose throat was cut was accustomed to the speed of the middle-aged man's knife. Suddenly, the speed of the knife increased by three points. In a hurry, he fell to the ground unwillingly and died.

At the same time, a knife light fiercely slashed at the middle-aged man's shoulder, the middle-aged man howled miserably, the arm holding the knife was cut off by a knife, and the knife and hand fell on the deck, the middle-aged man walked out. A few steps, his face is full of ashes.

The pirate who cut off the middle-aged man's arm sneered, stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips, took a few steps forward, and slashed from top to bottom with one slash, about to slash the middle-aged man with one slash. into two sections.

That's how it ends...

The middle-aged man raised his head and silently greeted the blade, and a young and beautiful figure suddenly flashed in his mind.

A touch of regret gradually appeared on his face...

I'm sorry, daughter, if there is still a chance, I will definitely... definitely not stubbornly go to sea again.

As the sword light approached, the middle-aged man slowly closed his eyes.


A crisp iron collision sounded in his ears, but the expected pain did not come. The middle-aged man opened his eyes abruptly, only to see a frontless epee blocking the life-threatening knife.

"It's you…"

The middle-aged man looked at Simon in amazement, and sat down on the deck helplessly, a feeling of the rest of his life deeply filling his heart.

It's good to be alive...

Simon turned his head to look at the middle-aged man, and said lightly: "Protect yourself."

Before he took action to block the pirate's attack, Simon saw the warmth in the middle-aged man's eyes and the regret on his face.

Since there is something to worry about, why go to sea...

Simon didn't understand, and more importantly, he just felt that this middle-aged man couldn't die.

Glancing coldly at the stunned pirate, Simon's arm pushed the pirate back a good distance, and then the figure took the initiative to crash into the three pirates. attack.

For a time, swords and swords shadowed.

After fighting back and forth for a while, Simon found that the styles of the remaining three pirates tended to be more defensive than offensive.

A pirate who can survive the **** storm is really not easy... However, it is me who you encountered.

Simon's eyes burst into dazzling light, and with one sword, the three pirates' knives were smashed away. His eyes accurately captured the trajectory of the three knives that went back and forth, sneered, and moved his body slightly, avoiding the key to bear the three knives firmly. .

After a long stalemate, the three pirates did not expect that they would succeed so easily all of a sudden. They were all a little surprised at the moment, that is, this short stun a smear of black light became their most the view seen.

A sword slashed the throats of the three pirates, and under the eyes of the middle-aged man, Simon pulled out the three knives inserted in his back, abdomen, and shoulders.

"Are you OK?"

Too cruel, the middle-aged man exclaimed in his heart.

Simon rolled his eyes at the middle-aged man's **** arm and warned, "You should be concerned about yourself. If you stop bleeding, you are not far from death." After that, Simon silently used his ability to recover from the injury. The wound healed in a short while, but immediately, the limbs became weak and weak.

This is the disadvantage of restoring the fruit, the energy is exhausted, and there is no energy at all without eating.

"Thanks." The middle-aged man suddenly thanked him.

Simon was silent, turning his head to look at the battle between Serak and Booger.

The middle-aged man smiled lightly, stood up struggling, covered his shoulder with his left hand, walked towards the broken arm that fell on the deck, and bent over to pick up his beloved knife.

Looking at the love knife carefully, the middle-aged man slowly closed his eyes, and after a while, the opened eyes were as calm as water.

"Young man, are you a swordsman?"

Simon raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and replied lightly: "No."

The middle-aged man sighed in disappointment: "It's a pity..."

He has lost his qualifications as a swordsman, but he still finds it difficult to give up his beloved sword. While abandoning his qualifications as a swordsman, the middle-aged man does not want his beloved sword to be buried, so he immediately wants to entrust his beloved sword to Simon, but it is a pity …

"However, I know a swordsman, if you don't mind..."

As if seeing the middle-aged man's thoughts, Simon was silent for a while, then suddenly said.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was suddenly overjoyed.

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