Hezhi Country, five hours later.

As soon as the time came, Will had already led people to the battlefield to the previously agreed position.

In the distance, Akagami and Kozuki Oden also came with a large group of people.

In this group, there are members of the Red Hair Pirates group, the warrior of the'Country of Peace', and the civilians of the'Country of Peace'.

What is even more surprising is that Kozuki Oden actually brought his family members, and Momanosuke, a little demon, has already been there by Kozuki Oden’s wife.

The most eye-catching thing on the field is not Akagami or Kozuki Oden and the others, but the civilians of the'Kuni of Harmony'.

These civilians are in ragged clothes, sallow faces, and skinny and almost skinny, as if a pair of skeletons are walking towards them.

A pair of desperate eyes, because the body is too thin and thin, they are obviously divided into prominence.

These civilians of the'Country of Harmony', in the gaze looking towards Will, there is no hatred, only fear.

The two-month war has turned Will into their nightmare.

"Thunderbolt Jianhao, I agreed to negotiate and brought all my citizens. Now there is no one in the rear of the'Country of Harmony'. If you don’t believe it, you can send someone to investigate. ."

The reason why Kozuki Oden agreed with the malicious request was also because the current'Country of Harmony' was about to perish.

This negotiation is not only Will's opportunity to destroy them, but also a glimmer of survival of the'Koku no Kuni'.

The two parties have no sincerity in this negotiation, which can be described as their respective harbor ulterior motives.

"Shanks, you made the negotiation, so just talk about your suggestion."

Will spoke first, because he didn't know what to say about the so-called negotiation.

Akagami's eyes have been scanning all around, maybe looking for a breakthrough point.

Now the city wall of the'Koku no Kuni', the front is cut open by Will, and the remaining three sides become a natural prison.

The only exit is blocked by the Will camp, so the Red Hair Pirates group is so embarrassed.

Akagami is not unable to cut off the city wall of the'Country of Peace', but it is too risky to do so. Once the city wall is cut open, and the opposite direction fails to break through, the'Country of Peace' will You will suffer from the enemy back and forth, and your country will be subjugated faster.

"Will, the'Country of Harmony' is considered subjugated. Your revenge has been successful. Let go of the remaining people and let the civilians of the Country of Harmony leave this island. From then on, in this In the world, there is no country called'Koku no Kuni', if."

Akagami's proposal can be regarded as reasonable and reasonable. It is not a pity that the object of his negotiation is Will.

It's a pity that Akagami is now Will's enemy. For the enemy, Will can use any means.

"Hey, are you ready for the breakthrough point, Akagami."

Will did not answer Akagami's question, but directly pointed out the other party's intentions.

"There is no result yet. This is the formation set up by Tillman. It is really tight."

Akagami also smiled, and the two played against each other dozens of times. Very understanding.

It's just Akagami's smile now, a bit bitter.

"As for the old man of Gaban, if the old man can recover, I hope to fight him again."

'Yixue' slowly appeared, since the double reverse has been picked Ming, the so-called negotiation directly turned into the final battle.

The reason why Kozuki Oden brought everyone on is that he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to break through. Even if he refused this negotiation, the civilians of the'country of peace' would also die soon, and all the food would have been eaten. Even Kozuki Oden himself has not eaten for two days.

There are no hungry people now, only Akagami and the others, or the warrior of'Kuni of Won'.

The reason these people want to eat is not because they are greedy. How can they fight if they don’t eat? Once the defense is forced, the final fate is also death.

This is also the reason why Akagami did not choose to go to war with Will directly today, but proposed negotiations.

Both sides don't want to trust anymore. Since they have to divide the victory and defeat, then today is a good day.

"Mr. Gaban~, has passed away, Mr. Gaban could not survive your sword."

Akagami is a bit sad, but he has been adventuring at sea for so many years, birth, aging, sickness and death have been seen through.

"Really, it turns out that Gaban's old man is dead. It's a pity. His speed is what I want very much. Unfortunately, that's the Devil Fruit ability, and I don't like Devil Fruit very much."

Will is a little disappointed, Gaban’s Devil Fruit, although he is a little eager, he can’t eat Devil Fruit, because he is not sure whether Devil Fruit can be “devil” or not. The core of the'conflict.

He has formed a stable combat system. In Will's view, the'Thunder Core' is far more important than Devil Fruit.

"Can't you really make a way, thunderbolt swordsman, the old man is willing to pay off with his life."

Kozuki Oden walked out of the crowd with his arms broken and stood with his head raised. At the forefront.

"It's okay to let you go, but you have to answer some of my questions."

Kaido spoke suddenly, but Will just glanced at the other person and did not speak.

He has already thought about what Kaido wants to ask, but Kaido’s promise is different from Will. Kaido is a Pirate. How can Pirate keep the promise.

"Excuse me." Kozuki Oden looked directly at Kaido, and only believed half of Kaido's words.

"Where is the'road sign Poneglyph' in Wano Country, what did Roger see at Raftel back then, and what is there."

Three consecutive questions, let Kozuki Oden is speechless.

Kozuki Oden knows all of these three questions, but he can't say.

Just when Kozuki Oden was about to reject Kaido, Akagami suddenly grabbed Kozuki Oden and said a few words in a low voice.

Kozuki Oden's complexion changed one after another, but after seeing Momanosuke and the civilians with several corpses, Kozuki Oden made up his mind.

"I won’t tell you about Roger, but I can tell you where the Poneglyph is, but I have two requirements."

Kaido A hint of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he burst into laughter.

"Yes, tell Lao Tzu where that piece of'road sign Poneglyph' is."

Kozuki Oden breathes deeply, vomiting heavily.

"First, you have to let all of us sit away, and second, I don’t need your promise, I need the promise of Thunderbolt Jianhao·Will."

Kozuki Oden's first request was reasonable, but the second request made Kaido, Tilman, and the others complexion slightly changed, and looked towards Will at the same time.

"Look at what I am doing? You can ask what is your ability. I will not promise anything."

Will never promises things that cannot be done, because they are impossible to do. The people of "Hanoguo" are not allowed to leave, at least in his place.

"Little demon, what can you do with a promise once and again."

"I have said it, it is your own ability to ask, don't find the difference."

Will's words made Kaido furious, and the ka ka held by the wolf fang club in his hand rang.

"You say it again." Kaido's gaze has begun to turn bad.

Will holds'Yi Xie' in his hand and dances out one after another sword flower, looking towards Kaido with cold eyes.

The two sides actually fought at the last minute, which made Akagami and Kozuki Oden happy.

"You don't think that Kaido and I will fight at this time."

Will looked towards Akagami and the others. The smile on his face made Akagami and the others want to smoke him very much.

"Since you can't ask, then choose to torture, little demon, I have heard of your torture technique."

The anger in Kaido's eyes has disappeared without a trace , Wiggling his neck from side to side, ka ka makes a sound, as if he needs to do it at any time.

Although Kaido can easily lose control of his emotions, he is not stupid. It is extremely stupid to break with Will now.

The break with Will means losing the man-made Devil Fruit, losing a large amount of income from weapons, and also offending a strong lunatic,

This lunatic may be at any time Take revenge on Beasts Pirates.

Kaido was not afraid of Will, but broke with Will and suffered too much.

But from the very beginning Will knows that he and Beasts Pirates are collaborators, not partners.

(Please **recommendation vote, give more recommendation votes, now the mosquitoes have nothing to ask for)

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