Now on the main battlefield, Kaido's men are rarely seen.

Since there is a lot of cannon fodder, why bother consuming those elite Pirates.

After Will came to the battlefield of the'Country of Won', Akagami's subordinates looked at Will with fear.

The two-month contact has made Akagami's subordinates fully aware of it. How terrifying is this great swordsman.

"Thunderbolt Jianhao is here, go and call the boss."

Akagami's subconsciously yelled out a subconsciously. Ben Beckman's eyes twitched on the side, and he could also Will fought, and the two have fought a few times. Will is slightly better than Ben Beckman, but it can't help Ben Beckman.

"Come on, I can't always let Shanks take the shot."

As Akagami's "right hand", Ben Beckman usually calls directly when there are no outsiders. Akagami's name.

But in front of outsiders, he will call Akagami the boss, because that is his captain, and he can't let the captain's face be damaged in the slightest.

"Come on, this guy is my old opponent."

Akagami walked from the back, Haki was the same, but his face was a bit bad, and he seemed to be pierced by Will That sword has not yet fully recovered.

Not everyone has S.3 potions made by Tusky.

Will and Akagami stand at each other, and there is hatred and friendship between the two.

Hostility appears because of war, and friendship is the friendship of dozens of fights.

Although there is friendship, this kind of friendship can also be said to be respect between opponents. Now both sides, once they have the opportunity, will still kill each other without the slightest hesitation.

"Will, this war hits here, it has no meaning, the'country of peace' has been destroyed."

Akagami didn't do it directly, but spoke astonishingly.

Will was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't understand what Akagami was talking about. The warriors who resisted in front of him didn't look like the country of extinction.

"Shanks, what do you mean by this, the warriors who resist, aren't they from the'country of harmony'."

Akagami sighed, said;

"Famine broke out in the'Country of Harmony', and now there are no more than 10% of the surviving civilians, and hunger has knocked down this country."

Will know that they are vigorously preventing material Entering the'Country of Harmony', many people have been sacrificed for this, and the effect has now been highlighted.

"Kozuki Oden asked me to send a message to you, he is willing to use his head in exchange for the lives of those warriors and civilians."

Akagami said here, no longer speak, with Akagami For the knowledge of Will, I feel that Will let go of the warriors of the'Kuni of Won', the probability is not great, he is just helping Kozuki Oden to spread the word.

"Shanks, give you the last chance to quit the'Country of Harmony'. I think Grace is in the face and I don't want to kill you."

Akagami eyes slightly narrowed At the same time, I feel that Will may have some unused means.

"Will, what are you going to do again, is the situation in'Hano Country' not miserable enough? How far are you going?"

Will just smiled and didn't answer Akagami.

"Now the armistice, five hours, let's negotiate what to do."

Akagami's words made Will's eyes light up.

He is not very interested in negotiations, but this is an opportunity to wipe out the'country of peace' in one fell swoop.

The two-month war has bored Will.

"Yes, but I have a request."

"You said." Akagami without the slightest hesitation replied.

"I want all the remaining living people of the'Kunokuni' to participate in this negotiation."

Akagami's face changed, I feel that there may be something wrong with Will Intend.

"Will, your request, I..."

Will interrupted Akagami's words with a wave.

"You can consider whether you agree or not. Five hours is enough. If you disagree, I will start the general attack. I am a little tired of this boring war."

Akagami pondered for a while, and finally did not make a decision. After all, it was about the life and death of the'Kuni of Harmony'. Although he is now the main force against the Will camp, Akagami will not overpower the guests, Kozuki Oden is' The monarch of Harmony.

Strong, but not arrogant, Haki, but not authoritarian, this is what Akagami is.

"Five hours later, I am here to give you an answer. If Mr. Oden agrees, I will bring someone there. If you don’t agree, then I will meet here."

Will and Akagami's opinion is generally agreed, that is, a temporary armistice for five hours, five hours later, it may be negotiated here.

The two sides quickly ceased the war and each returned to their own camp.

After Will returns to the rear base camp, he finds Tillman, Kaido and the others.

"That’s how it is. If Kozuki Oden agrees, the war will end soon."

Kaido is still drinking, without agreeing or opposing, it seems to be handed over to Tillman decided.

"You have the final say, after all, in this war, you will spend most of it, whether it is manpower or money."

Tillman and Jack and the others said agree.

"I object."

A charming voice came, and Quinn looked at Will with a smile.

"Tell the reason for your objection."

Will looked at the main cause speechlessly, this woman might have to make a strange request again.

"Reason for objection? Let me think about it."

Queen put his white fingers on his red lips and made a thinking expression.

"All votes passed, five hours later, all the staff will gather to'negotiate' with Akagami!"

Will made a decision and got up directly.

"Hey, don't go, I haven't thought of a reason to oppose, you ruthless man."

It is obvious that the cause is just adding chaos, this kind of thing This is not the first time it has happened.

But when it comes to the real battle, Quine is very reliable, much more reliable than Kaido.

After five hours, Will decide whether to negotiate or break.


In the first half of the Grand Line, an island.

A tall man with extremely heavy body hair and a hood took to the island in a small boat.

The man's appearance is in a hurry, and the face under the hood is a little gloomy.

Behind the man, there was a tall man who also wears a hood.

"Captain, is this this island? We have killed all the people on the three islands for exposing our identities."

The man behind was shockingly speaking, because he revealed his identity. Killed all the people on the island.

"We must be cautious this time, and we must not reveal a bit of wind. If we are discovered, our plan will fail, the thief hahaha."

This peculiar laughter, immediately Reminiscent of a person, yes, Blackbeard.

Blackbeard actually left New World and returned to the first half of the Grand Line.

"Captain, where is the goal, shall we act now."

Following Blackbeard is the fighting champion Chisas Bashas.

In the current Blackbeard Pirates group, there are only three main players left, namely fighting champion Chishas Bashas, ​​Death God Doc Q, and Blackbeard himself.

As for the evil king, Abarro Pizarro, who has broken his arms, he has been abandoned by Blackbeard and the others.

The Blackbeard Pirates team does not need to waste people.

"Don’t worry, we plan slowly. If we succeed, we can use this opportunity to kill the Thunderbolt swordsman Will."

Blackbeard is not a person who can’t fight back. All his hard work was ruined by Will, and now Blackbeard is ready to retaliate against Will.

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